Finding Stardust

Chapter 18

[Did you see the announcement for our test scores?]

Emma, who had just arrived in her cla.s.sroom, frowned upon reading the SMS from Haoran. Before his text, she had no idea that last week"s exam result had already been posted.

[Not yet. How is the result?]

Haoran sent a crying emoticon, and her chest suddenly felt heavy.

He failed?

Emma did not know whether Haoran and his friends" failure to get good grades made her sad as it meant she had not been a good tutor ...

Or the fact that she and Haoran would not be going on a date in Paris because he could not match the test scores of those from Cla.s.s 2A.

She stared at her cellphone for a while, trying to think of an appropriate reply.


Before she could write more, a loud scream came from the cla.s.sroom entrance where she saw Mary entering while pulling Nadya"s hand with excitement.

"Oh my G.o.d ... oh my G.o.d ... I"m so happy !! Oh my G.o.d ... I told you, Haoran is actually smart .. You just didn"t want to believe me," she said to Nadya many times. Mary"s face was filled with abundant joy as if she had just swallowed ecstasy.

"Uhm .. what happened?" Emma asked in curiosity.

Nadya turned to her with a look of disbelief. "Emma ... you won"t believe this. A student from Cla.s.s 2F... Haoran"s test scores... is in the top 30 ..."

Emma frowned. "I do not understand..."

Mary approached her and shook her shoulders vigorously. "I told you, right? Haoran is actually smart. Finally, this time he no longer left his answer sheets empty. The test scores just came out, and his total score ranked him 25th!!"

Emma shook her head. She was about to show the SMS from Haoran containing the crying emoticon, but fortunately, she quickly remembered that she didn"t want Mary to know that she was well acquainted with Haoran.

"Oh ..." Emma suspiciously reread the message on her cellphone.

"Oh, by the way, your score is ranked 1st. You"re very smart! We are proud of you," Nadya said. "There have been many surprises this semester."

"Thank you." Emma nodded. For her, the exam questions were very easy. With her IQ, she could easily do college-level test problems.

She finally replied to Haoran"s SMS to get confirmation.

[Your score put your name at number 25. Why did you trick me by sending a crying emoticon?] She scolded him via SMS.

[I didn"t trick you. Those are tears of happiness.] Haoran replied.

Emma was stunned upon reading his reply. Gosh ... His text earlier almost gave her a heart attack.

Her lips slowly curled into a thin smile.

[I want my reward. In Paris.] Haoran sent an SMS again.

This time Emma responded with a crying emoticon too, leaving him to guess what she meant by that.


Sending that SMS was the last thing Emma remembered. The next thing she knew... she was sitting on top of the Eiffel Tower, with no recollection of how she got there.

Was this a dream?

She pinched herself and shook her head in confusion. It hurt.

What did just happen? Why am I here? Wasn"t I in Singapore, replying to Haoran"s text message?
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"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh...." She let out a scream when she realized that this was not a dream.

Oh my G.o.d... Oh my G.o.d...

She could recognize Paris somehow from the Seine river flowing across the city, and some landmarks like the Sacre Coeur Basilica, the revamped Notredame Church, and The Louvre.

"I am in Paris... I"ve always wanted to come back," she whispered to herself. As she remembered how she had longed for Paris for years, waking up in this beautiful city moved her soul.

Slowly... she felt the wind touched her face. It was a strange feeling. The view from the top was amazing, she thought.


How did she get here?

The realization came to her after a while. A normal human shouldn"t be able to climb the Eiffel like this.

Am I not a normal human? Was that why my parents left me in the orphanage?

The thought made her chest feel heavy.

Who am I?

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh...." She screamed at the top of her lungs to vent her frustration. This time, it was powered by her longing that was kept inside her for thirteen years.

Suddenly everything went dark as Paris was engulfed by the worst blackout the city had ever experienced in the 21st century.

She was so shocked by what happened that she lost her balance and fell from the tower.

"Haoraaannn....!!!" As she got ready to face her imminent death, Haoran"s name was the only thing she could remember. It was also the only word that came out of her lips.

But the death she was expecting never came, as her body suddenly rose towards the sky, flying higher.. and higher than the Eiffel Tower.

She just realized that she could fly.

"Mother.. father..." she whispered. "who am I? Why do I have all these abilities...? Why did you leave me?"

Given her intelligent mind, she suddenly put two and two together as memories came rus.h.i.+ng, sweeping her brain like a flood.

Arreya Stardust did read her husband"s mind. Now Emma remembered why her father never really talk much. He didn"t need to.

Emma remembered because... she was now hearing hundreds of thoughts from down there. It was so noisy.

People were complaining about the blackout and cursing the government.

Somehow she knew.. the blackout was her doing.

"I"m sorry..." she whispered. "I was just upset..."

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