Finding Stardust

Chapter 25

"What are you doing?" asked Emma, ​​almost laughing. She found it funny to see Haoran standing in front of her with his hand about to knock but the door had been opened, so his hand flew in the air.

"I was about to knock on the door, but you already opened it ... It must be fate," voiced Haoran in a happy tone. "Are you feeling better?"

Emma nodded. "I"m fine. You"re very thoughtful by sending food to my room."

"That"s nothing," Haoran said. He waited for Emma to close the door then walked with her to the elevator. When they arrived in the lobby, Haoran asked if Emma would prefer to take a taxi or walk while enjoying the atmosphere of Paris in the summer. "The weather is perfect."

"Let"s just walk," Emma nodded. Haoran liked Emma"s choice because his face was immediately beaming. He really liked the girl, and walking together in the city of love in such fine weather was a delightful thing.

Soon, the sun will set so that the atmosphere will also be more beautiful and romantic, making the feelings of everyone under the sky filled with warmth and feeling of pleasure.

"What do you think of Paris so far?" Haoran asked as he walked. His hands in his pockets.
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"Very crowded," Emma answered with a shrug. "But the city is charming."

"Do you think you used to live in this city?" Haoran asked again. "You don"t remember anything while walking around the city?"

Emma shook her head. "Unfortunately, no."

They walked towards Mr. Neville"s place without saying much. The scenery around them was too beautiful to miss out by chatting. Twenty minutes later, Haoran and Emma arrived at Pont Neuf and immediately headed to Mr. Neville"s kiosk, which seemed crowded by visitors.

"Good evening, Sir. We have come to get the painting," Haoran greeted kindly as he broke through the crowd that had gathered in front of Mr. Neville"s kiosk. For a moment, he was stunned. He had seen what made the people gather.

Apparently, the painting of Emma"s parents was displayed by Mr. Neville in front of his shop. He was drying it in the sun so that the paint would dry quickly, and the picture of the two beautiful humans on canvas attracted the attention of pa.s.sersby.

Arreya and Kaos.h.i.+n did have unusual appearances.

"What is wrong?" Emma asked in surprise when she saw Haoran pause. She joined the crowd and then stopped right next to Haoran. "Oh ..."

Even though they were her parents, Emma was also fascinated, just like everyone else there. Unconsciously tears fell slowly down her cheeks as she approached the painting and touched her mother"s face.

The paint was already dry and Arreya"s face looked very lively, making Emma feel like she was looking at the reflection of her own face in the mirror. Her hand then turned to Kaos.h.i.+n and felt her father"s cheek.

She really missed them and hoped that one day she could touch them in person.

People who saw a pretty girl with a bun of platinum hair above her head came and touched the painting, immediately noticed Emma. They started to whisper and talked about her. Many were surprised to see Emma"s presence because they had thought the picture in the painting was an imaginary fantasy figure.

But seeing a girl who looked very similar to the woman in the painting, they can immediately guess that Emma was the inspiration for the woman"s face. Then ... what about the man in the painting ... was he a real person too? So they wondered.

Haoran knew that Emma really dislike attracting people"s attention. So, he hurried over to Mr. Neville and spoke to him to quickly wrap up the painting so they could take it home.

"Ah, well, I"ll wrap it up for you," Mr. Neville said with a smile. "Are you satisfied with the results?"

"Very satisfied," Haoran nodded while smiling back. He had seen Emma"s reaction and felt he had found the answer. "Thank you."

"You"re welcome, young man."

After Mr. Neville took the painting to wrap it up, the people in front of the kiosk now turned to Emma and watch her like she was some sort of a circus star. That made her feel annoyed. Fortunately, she didn"t need to endure it for long because five minutes later, Mr. Neville had handed the bag containing the painting to Haoran.

Emma and Haoran thanked him politely and hurried away from there. After Emma and her painting disappeared, the visitors of Mr. Neville"s shop slowly began to disperse and then disappeared. It was a good timing too, because Mr. Neville then closed his shop and went home.

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