Finding Stardust

Chapter 3

Emma hit the young man"s shoulder until he groaned in pain.

"You pervert! I know cla.s.s F students are the dumbest students on campus. I need your help finding out who among your friends are rich enough and willing to pay for private tutors who can help them do their homework and get good test scores." Emma glared while telling Haoran her plan to make money. She suddenly got the idea to ask for Haoran"s help as soon as she realized the young man was from cla.s.s F.

Of course, no students in cla.s.s F liked to be placed in there. Among them, there must be some who were quite wealthy and could afford to pay expensive private tutors to help them get better grades. Emma only needed to get ten students to tutor, and she would be able to pay the cost of a study trip to Paris.

"Oh ..." Haoran looked at Emma attentively. "Why do you need that much money?"

"I want to go to Paris," the girl answered curtly. Haoran seemed to ponder for a moment before he finally understood what Emma meant.

"The rich kids" study trip?" he asked again. "What do you want to go to Paris for? Shopping like them?"

"Do you want to help me or not?" Emma began to feel annoyed.

"Uhm... okay. It can be arranged. I will help you find students to tutor." Haoran took out his cellphone and handed it to Emma. "I need your email address and phone number."

Emma typed in her contact details in Haoran"s cellphone and made a call to her own phone. "Please ask your friends as soon as possible. I need the money immediately."

"Okay." Haoran brandished his cellphone and smiled broadly. "I"m your go-to guy because I am efficient. You will get students by the end of the day."

"Thank you." Emma nodded and then turned back to her cla.s.s, leaving Haoran grinning at his cellphone as if he had just won the lottery.

Emma hurried back to her cla.s.s. She wanted to ask for more details about the study trip to Nadya.

When Emma pa.s.sed through the crowd in front cla.s.s F on the way to her cla.s.s, they cheered again. The girl just smiled thinly at them, ignoring their cheers. She walked calmly to her cla.s.sroom.

"Nadya, I need information about this study trip." She immediately approached Nadya, who was working on something in her book.

The girl with frowned in surprise. She initially a.s.sumed that Emma wasn"t interested after hearing about the costs. It turned out now it seemed like the girl had changed her mind.

"Very well. You can register with our French teacher, Mrs. Delaval. We have French lessons in two days."

"Do we have to pay the registration fee immediately?"

"No, you still have one month to make the full payment. The important thing is that you register first and pay a deposit."

"Hmm ..." Emma nodded. She sat back down on her desk and was deep in thought. She must look for other alternatives if she couldn"t get enough money from tutoring.


Her cellphone vibrated, and Emma saw an incoming SMS from an unknown number. Ah, she just remembered that she gave her number to Haoran. Had the young man managed to get students for her to tutor? That"s fast.

Wahaha .. he is indeed efficient, Emma praised Haoran inwardly. She read Haoran"s SMS and examined its contents.

[I found you five students in cla.s.s F who are interested in becoming your tutoring students, but they want to see your teaching quality. You can prove your abilities by teaching the first student. His name is Max. He"s the worst student in cla.s.s F. He flunked two years in a row. Very stupid. The address is in Lotus Garden, Villa No. 8. He will be waiting for you at his house at 5 pm. If you could teach him well, the others will follow suit.]

Emma frowned at the thought of having the dumbest kid from cla.s.s F as her first student. Hmm ... alright. She was the one who offered the service of tutoring cla.s.s F students. She must be ready to face anything.

[Thank you.]

She replied to Haoran"s text and then put away her cellphone. The Biology teacher had entered their cla.s.sroom.


Emma only had half an hour after she arrived at Grandma Lin"s apartment to change clothes and have lunch. Following that, she immediately headed towards Bukit Timah, where Max"s house was located.

"You can get off at this stop and walk 800 meters to reach this Lotus Garden," the bus driver said as he pulled over and gave a signal to Emma to get off. The girl had asked him for directions earlier.

"Thank you." Emma got off the bus and looked around. There was a road sign that informed her of the direction to Lotus Garden. With long strides, she immediately walked toward the direction.

Ugh ... this must be where rich people live, Emma thought. There were no buses that pa.s.s the area. The nearest bus stop was almost one kilometer away. She did not want to use a taxi because she wanted to save her allowance. So, she was forced to walk.

"Villa number 8 ..." Emma reread the address on her cellphone and looked around. She had arrived at the residential complex, which looked somewhat intimidating. There were around 20 houses here ... ah, no, not houses, but mansions or villas. All properties in the Lotus Garden were ma.s.sive and luxurious.

Inwardly, Emma felt happy because Haoran did find him a wealthy student. They certainly would not mind paying dearly if Emma could help improve Max"s grades.

"Villa number 8 is located at the end of this road, you just have to keep walking," said a friendly security guard when Emma asked for directions.

"Thank you, Sir." Emma bowed slightly and then walked in the direction pointed by the guard.

After walking for another hundred meters, she finally saw a white mansion that was arguably the largest and most luxurious compared to other villas in the vicinity. The gate was very tall, and from behind the wall, she could see various shady trees, which indicated a very s.p.a.cious garden on the inside.

Emma rang the bell at the gate and waited.

"Welcome. Are you, Miss Emma?" A middle-aged woman opened the gate with a friendly smile and invited Emma in. "Young master is waiting for you."

"Thank you." Emma walked along with the maid. They walked through a beautiful garden and large swimming pool before entering the villa through a side door into a comfortable sitting room.
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"Please sit down. Young Master will come down soon."

Emma sat on a leather couch that was very comfortable and looked expensive while observing her surroundings. This was the most luxurious residence she had ever seen in her life. Even the homes of wealthy people and celebrities in magazines couldn"t be compared to this villa, she thought. Too bad, such a wealthy family would have a son so stupid that he flunked his grades twice.

She took out several books out of her bag and waited for her student to come.

"Hey! Stardust! You came on time ..."

Emma turned her head in surprise to find the owner of that familiar annoying voice.

"What are you doing here?" Emma asked Haoran, who was seen walking down the marble stairs with light steps. "Where is Max?"

The young man grinned and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I"m Max."

"Eh ..? What do you mean?" Emma was confused. "Your name is Haoran Lee."

"My name is Haoran Maximillian Lee." Haoran seemed very satisfied to see Emma getting confused. "My parents already gave up on me because I never wanted to study that I even failed my grade twice. But if you tutor me, I"m sure I will find motivation for learning."

Emma hadn"t expected this at all. Haoran is Max? So he was the dumbest student in cla.s.s 2F? This was not possible! The young man looked very smart. Emma was surprised to even find out that Haoran was in cla.s.s 2F, but now, not only was he from cla.s.s F, he also failed his grade twice??

How was this possible?

"Stop fooling around, Haoran," Emma grumbled. "I don"t have time for this."

"Do you want to go to Paris or not?" Haoran asked, smiling mischievously. "I can pay the tuition for a year in advance. You will have enough money to go to Paris and shop or whatever."

Emma glanced around the room in confusion. Haoran turned out to be this rich! He didn"t look the part since he was so carefree and relax. Emma thought rich brats usually would be arrogant and overbearing. Haoran was far from that persona.

She looked at Haoran for a few minutes before finally making the decision to accept his offer.


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