Finding Stardust

Chapter 36

The next day, the students were given free time to buy souvenirs before heading to the airport in the afternoon to fly back to Singapore. Because he had a headache, Haoran refused to go with his friends to shop.

He didn"t have anyone back home to give souvenirs to anyway. While Emma had bought a small present for Grandma Lin the previous day, so she did not feel the need to shop again.

"We can just make plans for our project while waiting for the boys to go back from shopping. What do you think?" said Haoran when they finished breakfast.

For the last two days, Emma had been having breakfast with Haoran and his friends because Nadya had somehow started to keep her distance from Emma.

From that day on, when she was blaming Haoran for Mary falling ill, and Emma disagreeing with her, Nadya suspected Emma actually liked Haoran and that caused their relations.h.i.+p to turn awkward. Emma actually didn"t want to lose a friend, but she couldn"t accept that Nadya mistreated Haoran because of Mary.

She also didn"t have time for drama. At the moment, her priority was to find her parents. She and Haoran had determined what they should do to contact AWA, track her parents, and much more.

She must also prepare to enter s.p.a.ceLab after she graduated from high school. She might need to study particular science in university to path her way of going to or working in s.p.a.ceLab.

And one more thing ... she really wanted to return the favor to Haoran who had done so much for her all this time. She wanted to help Haoran meet his mother. She also had to make plans and think about how she could do it.

She knew that Haoran had not seen his mother in five years. If the young man waited until he was 25 years old, he would have been missing his mother for eleven years. Emma knew how sad it was to experience missing her parents for such a long time.

She realized, Haoran did not need anything else in this world, so Emma would not be able to repay him with money or other material things.

But she had special powers ... There must be something she could do to make Haoran"s wish come true. She would try with all her might.

"I have nothing to do this morning," Emma nodded. "I"m going to your place."

Alex cleared his throat when he saw the interaction between them. "Ahem ... are you two an item now? Should we call Stardust Mrs. Haoran Lee?"

Haoran only grinned widely, while Emma frowned.

"Why do you want to call me Mrs. Haoran Lee? I"m not married to Haoran ..." the girl asked in puzzlement.

"You"re too serious," Alex replied with a laugh. "I am just teasing you."

Emma was stunned to hear Alex"s words and then nodded. Alex was right. Emma was always too serious. Haoran had also said that to her, that Emma was very serious, and she frowned too much.

She became self-aware and subconsciously touched her brows, which were still furrowed. She slowly relaxed the muscles in her forehead and, gradually, her lips curved up a little. Finally, she nodded and smiled at Alex.

"I know you are joking."

Her friends chuckled at Emma"s changing expression. They knew the girl was trying not to look too serious.

"Nah ... I understand. Just try to smile often so you don"t have premature wrinkles," teased Alex. He changed his face expression like a mime that forced his lips to curl upward.

"Don"t listen to them," Haoran said, shaking his head. "Don"t force yourself to smile if you really don"t think there"s anything funny. You don"t have to conform."

After saying that, he drove away his friends to immediately go shopping for souvenirs as they had planned before. He knew Alex and Dinh were often too preoccupied when they were at the store. He was worried they might spend too much time outside and did not have time to pack to go home.

He immediately rose from his chair and walked with both hands in his pockets.

"I want to lie down for a while to ease my headache." He turned to Emma, ​​who stood up and followed him. "Have you finished packing?"

Emma nodded. She immediately walked down next to Haoran while waving to her friends. "I did last night. I won"t add any more items to my suitcase."

"Good. Do you want to go straight to my place? Or later? I only need half an hour to lie down. You can read some references that I collected last night. They have several summer programs for students to learn computer science at the National University of Singapore. You can enroll there. You can learn a lot in two months if you are still keen to learn," said Haoran.

He pressed the open b.u.t.ton of the elevator door.

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