Finding Stardust

Chapter 39

Emma didn"t have time to think about why she could suddenly read Haoran"s mind because a feeling of euphoria slowly filled her head. As they kissed, she felt how soft Haoran"s lips were, and she couldn"t hold back and nibble on his lips.

She did not know that a man"s lips can taste sweet and fresh like this. Ah, Emma really liked it!

Haoran realized Emma was enjoying their kiss, and so he attempted to go a bit further. He pulled her body closer to his and claimed her lips more pa.s.sionately and then slowly thrust his tongue through her slightly open lips and explored her mouth.

Emma quickly learned and responded to his initiative. For a few minutes, the two enjoyed a sweet kiss that lasted quite a while, with Emma"s arms still wrapped around Haoran"s neck, and the young man"s hands hugging her waist.

Minutes went by before they finally let go. Haoran was a good swimmer and could hold his breath underwater for a long time, while Emma... well, she could control the air.

Somehow, their bodies moved in harmony, and when Emma finally broke free, Haoran also did so at the same time. The two then looked at each other, with their faces only inches away.

- You"re so beautiful-- Haoran looked at Emma with admiration.

"Thank you," Emma said softly, her cheeks flushed red. She knew she was beautiful, but only now did she feel happy being complimented for her physical appearance.

"Thank you for what?" Haoran asked in bewilderment.

Suddenly Emma realized that Haoran had uttered nothing. She simply read his mind just now. Emma"s face looked stunned. She tried to find an excuse so that Haoran wouldn"t be suspicious.

"Hmm ... thank you for thinking of me and helping with my problems. You make me feel like I am not alone anymore," Emma said. She finally managed to find the right excuse.

"Oh ..." Haoran nodded and smiled. "Thank you also for ... the kiss. Ahem ... my migraine is gone now."

"Is it really gone?" Emma tilted her head slightly and seemed to try remembering something she read about people kissing. "Maybe it"s gone because when we kissed, the oxytocin hormone flowed into your brain. Oxytocin in large quant.i.ties can relieve pain and reduce stress."

Haoran looked at Emma in amus.e.m.e.nt. He knew Emma was a genius and knew many things. The girl could even talk about chemicals released by the brain when people were kissing right after they did it.

"You must be right," the young man finally said, nodding. He then took his hands off her waist and sat properly on the sofa. Emma also released her arms from the young man"s neck and took the laptop from the table and placed it on her lap.

"I"m glad to hear that your headache is gone," Emma said. She then returned to Haoran"s laptop and examined its contents. "You said you have references for me to read?"

"Oh, that"s right... I took some notes and links on my laptop. Let me show you."

Haoran leaned over and opened a doc.u.ment on the desktop. There were many links and even short notes on various materials that she might need. The girl nodded and smiled happily when she saw the notes.

"It"s very comprehensive. Thank you!" She touched Haoran"s cheek and then focused again on the young man"s laptop.

"Please read it and check. It seems like, this summer holiday, we will all be busy. The boys and I will take summer to improve our total exam scores to get into cla.s.s A, and you go to NUS to take a summer course on computer science, "said Haoran.

"You"ve thought of everything," Emma commented.

"Well, I have. Remember, I"m quite planified. I"ve even made plans for the next six years," Haoran answered. "I"m a very patient person when I really want something."

Emma tilted her head to Haoran and smiled thinly. She admitted Haoran was indeed patient. For nearly four months that they knew each other, Haoran did nothing special to approach Emma. Although they spent much time together, Haoran also did not show openly that he liked Emma.

He kept his distance from Emma at school so that not many people knew that they were close friends. During their study together, they were also always with the boys, and Haoran did not approach Emma romantically. Somehow, slowly but surely, he managed to plant a deep impression on the girl.

Now, on their last day in Paris, he managed to get a kiss from Emma, ​​even without the initiative of his side. Ha!

"You are a patient person," Emma agreed. "I want to have your patience."

"If you want to be patient like me, you have to stay with me often," Haoran said casually. "Remember, you are who you surround yourself with. That"s why people who have lazy friends will become lazy too."

Emma didn"t reply again. She knew Haoran was right.

"Please, make yourself at home, I"ll go pack my suitcase." The young man then excused himself into his bedroom and started packing. Emma buried herself in some of the references Haoran had prepared for her. Occasionally she would make her own notes.

Time went by so fast when people are busy. Suddenly it was already noon, and Haoran ordered lunch in the suite. The two enjoyed their meal while chatting about their summer cla.s.s plans.

"I guess, with your latest test scores, it wouldn"t be difficult for you to enter Cla.s.s A," Emma said, sipping her fruit juice. "But I don"t know about the others. They might have to settle for moving to B and C. Do you think they would not mind?"

"We"ll see about that," said Haoran. "I still want them to try and not give up now."

"I agree."


At 3 pm, St. Catherine"s students had gathered in the hotel lobby and prepared to leave for the airport. Some students took the time to take pictures together and uploaded their experiences to social media.

Emma felt a little sad when she got into the shuttle bus. She had found what she was looking for, information about her parents, and she had also obtained most of her memories, but she was still not willing to leave France.

She still felt that this place was her second home, where she was born and enjoyed the first few years of her life with her parents. A piece of her heart permanently stayed in Paris.

"Come on, Emma. Don"t look back; you"ll be sad if you keep thinking about it now," Haoran said quietly. "We can go to Paris again, but now we must go home."

Emma nodded. She did have to go home. They have so many things to do once they are back in Singapore. She must learn to wait and be patient like Haoran.

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