Finding Stardust

Chapter 52

Emma returned with a tray of hot tea in the pot and placed them on the balcony floor. The blus.h.i.+ng on her face had slowly disappeared. Haoran had also been able to control his att.i.tude, and now he looked at Emma"s arrival with a smile.

Emma smiled back, and a tinge of red came back to her face. From now on, she wouldn"t read Haoran"s mind again, she was determined.

She just remembered an article she read somewhere that men could think about s.e.x every five minutes. Haoran was, after all, a normal man. He was young and like his friends, also full of hormones.

When they kissed, and the mood was heated, Haoran"s mind was filled with a variety of obscene things he wanted to do with Emma. He hurriedly let go of the girl when he realized his mind and body were filled with l.u.s.t.

Emma, who was puzzled, finally read the young man"s mind to find out what really happened. She didn"t understand why Haoran ended their kiss abruptly.

What she read from Haoran"s mind made Emma very embarra.s.sed. Apparently, the young man was imagining her being naked and how they made love pa.s.sionately in bed.

Oh my G.o.d... jeez ...

Emma finally understood why Haoran hurriedly broke free from her. The young man must have been worried that he would get carried away and try to f.u.c.k Emma.

If that happened, then one of these two possibilities would surely happen: either Emma would be swayed by l.u.s.t and accepted Haoran"s advances and they would eventually sleep together, or Emma will beat the c.r.a.p out of Haoran with her power, that the young man would be seriously injured.

The latter would definitely ruin their friends.h.i.+p.

Either way, both possibilities were bad for them.

Emma was very relieved that Haoran managed to control himself, and they didn"t end up doing things they would regret. They both were still too young for such an intense phase in their relations.h.i.+p.

"Would you like to have more tea?" Emma asked in a flat voice. She tried not to sound awkward. Haoran nodded and held out his cup. Emma poured the tea into the cup and then poured some for herself.

Then, they sipped their tea together while gazing at the stars in the sky.

"Uhm .. Stardust ... about that earlier ..." After a long silence, Haoran suddenly let out his voice. "I am sorry."

Emma turned her head to Haoran and frowned. "Sorry for what?"

"I could barely control myself earlier," Haoran confessed. "You are a wonderful girl, and I like you very much."

Emma"s lips curved up, and she smiled faintly. "I like you too."

Haoran looked at Emma with gleaming eyes. "I know."

"So, what now?" Emma asked. She wanted to know what Haoran thought about their relations.h.i.+p. She was still feeling jealous when she learned that she was not the first girl that Haoran liked and kissed. But she could get it out of the way if Haoran provided clarity about their relations.h.i.+p.

"What do you want to know?" Haoran asked back. He could see from Emma"s att.i.tude that something was bothering her mind.

"You said you liked another girl before me. What"s your relations.h.i.+p with her?" Emma asked bluntly.

Haoran seemed to think for a moment. He was considering whether he should be frank with Emma or not.

The young man took a long time to think before he could answer her question and it made Emma a little impatient. She almost read Haoran"s mind again.

"That"s true. Her name is Lily. We went to the same secondary school. It"s been a long time. We lost contact after she moved to America. It"s hard to keep a relations.h.i.+p with a 15-hour time difference," Haoran finally replied. "At first, I didn"t want to tell you about her because I know girls usually don"t like it when their boyfriends mention other women."

"Boyfriend?" Emma raised an eyebrow.

Haoran coughed a little and immediately down the tea in his cup. After his expression returned to normal, he grinned and touched Emma"s hand gently.

"Then what do you call me? I told you that I like you and we kissed a few times too. Do you want to be kissed by just any men who are not your boyfriend?" he asked in a firm voice.

"Ahh ..." Emma nodded. Her lips curved up in a smile again. Finally, she got the answer to what she had wanted to ask. "You are right."

"Then ... from now on, can I call myself your boyfriend?" Haoran asked, staring deeply at Emma.

The girl returned his gaze and then nodded. Haoran was very happy. He pulled her body into his lap and immediately kissed her lips. This time, the kiss was warm but brief. He did not want to risk getting carried away again.

"Uhm ... pfew ... finally, I can get it out of my chest," said Haoran in a relieved voice. "Let"s watch more meteor shower. In half an hour, the meteor shower will be over."

Emma nodded. She descended from Haoran"s lap and returned to observing the sky through the telescope lens. After a few minutes, she then signaled Haoran to switch places with her. Now was the young man"s turn to observe the sky.

He kept tsk-ing while observing the hundreds of falling stars. The spectacle in the sky tonight was indeed amazing.

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