Finding Stardust

Chapter 55

Emma was delighted to see the progress of her students. The midterm summer test they took showed a significant improvement in their test scores.

She was almost certain that they would be able to transfer to Cla.s.s B. Even though they had not succeeded to enter Cla.s.s A, as planned, upgrading from Cla.s.s F to Cla.s.s B would already be quite an accomplishment that their parents would be proud of.

At least, their parents and teachers could see that they were working hard and were now enjoying the results. What"s more, their efforts would inspire other students, that even though they had been labeled as rowdy and dumb, they could still change and improve themselves.

Time went by so fast, and it was already the end of July. Emma was very busy both with her own courses, tutoring her students, and finding the right gift for Haoran"s birthday.

She knew Haoran had everything, except his mother. However, his mother was far away in China. The distance was too far for Emma to fly there and bring Haoran and his mother together.

For the past few days, she was actually curious to know if she might have the power of teleportation.

After casually trying to exert all her mind to teleport and imagine herself being in another place to no avail, finally, the girl was convinced that she really didn"t have such power and could only laugh at her own foolishness.

She was too ambitious to bring Haoran and his mother together that she was thinking of nonsense. She should have known, she already had six powers, all of which she inherited from her parents. Like Arreya, she could control lightning, water, fire, wind, and mind. While from her father, Kaos.h.i.+n, she inherited the power to control plants.

She suddenly felt greedy and embarra.s.sed for wanting another power. What she had now was far beyond normal for Akkadian standards. From the talk between her father and mother in the past, Emma learned that Arreya was once thought of as the princess that was promised from an old Akkadian legend because she had so many powers.

Only a few people in Akkadia were born with magical abilities, and these people mostly only had one power, just like Kaos.h.i.+n. Arreya was really special because not only was she a princess, she also had several dominant powers from birth.

Sometimes, it was hard to believe that Arreya had so many offensive powers when Emma pictured her beautiful and elegant mother. She had realized how strong her mother actually was after she learned to control her powers as days go by.

It had been more than a month after Emma got her powers back. She had gotten so used to using them without much effort to practice. Everything just felt so natural to Emma. She was grateful for her powers, but sometimes she did wish she could teleport. Emma laughed to herself, every time she was thinking about it.

Hmm ... alright. She must be creative and look for another birthday gift for the 19-year-old man who had everything, as she knew she couldn"t give Haoran his mother. She must be creative and think of other gifts.


[Happy birthday Haoran]

Haoran smiled when he woke up to find an SMS from Emma.

What a caring girlfriend, thought the young man to himself. He felt so lucky! Emma became the first person to congratulate him.

Actually, he went to sleep the night before with a hint of resentment because he was thinking about how he would have to have lunch with his father on his birthday and pretend to be nice to him. The resentment instantly disappeared when he read Emma"s message.

His lips smiled, and his mood became very good. He immediately reminded himself again that he had to endure it for his sake and Emma"s. They had so many plans together. Now, his intention to control his father"s property and business was no longer just to get rid of his father and get revenge, but also for Emma.

If Haoran had the Lee family"s power and wealth in his hands, he would be able to do anything to help Emma find for her father and mother. He would even be able to control s.p.a.ceLab and try any means to bring Emma to the moon and trace her parents.

[Thank you. I"ll pick you up after my lunch appointment with my father, okay.]

He quickly wrote a reply to Emma. He had promised to invite her out on a date, and it felt like his birthday was the best moment to do it.

[Will you pick me up at home or NTU? I have a course until 3:00 pm.] Emma replied.

[I will come to NTU. We are going for a picnic.]

[Ah, okay. Sounds nice!]

[See you later!]

Haoran put away his cellphone with a radiant face and immediately took a shower to go to school. His summer semester cla.s.s would start at 8 am.


Emma"s mood had been really nice all day, just like Haoran"s. Finally, she found the best birthday present for Haoran. She could not wait to finish her cla.s.s and wait for Haoran to pick her up.

At exactly 3 pm, as soon as the Programming cla.s.s ended, an SMS came from Haoran, which made Emma"s face beamed with a smile.

[I"m waiting at the gate.]

The girl hurriedly packed all her books and laptop in her bag and ran out the door. If only there were no other people around, the girl would have rushed and fly to get to the gate faster.

As soon as she arrived in front of the gate, Emma saw Haoran"s white Porsche waiting for her. She calmed her breathing and then subconsciously let down her hair. Usually, for practical purposes, she would fas.h.i.+on her hair up into a cute bun, but now she deliberately let her beautiful hair down to her waist.

When Emma walked, her platinum-colored hair swayed lightly and very gracefully, attracting the attention of everyone in the campus gate area. Before, she always tried not to attract attention by looking simple and also come and go very quickly.

However, her action just now, when she let her hair down, unintentionally made her stand out. Some men even stood rooted in their place, with their eyes unblinking, as Emma pa.s.sed.

Haoran immediately got out of his car and opened the pa.s.senger door next to the driver for Emma. His face smiled as he whispered to the girl, "You"re so beautiful today."

Emma sat in her seat with a blus.h.i.+ng face. She involuntarily looked down to hide her blush and smiled to herself. This att.i.tude actually made her look even more adorable.

Haoran was so eager to kiss her on the spot, but he realized that they were still in a public place. With some difficulty, he managed to hold back and quickly sat on the driver"s seat. Finally, he could only cough and turn his attention to the steering wheel in front of him. Soon, the Porsche left the campus area and headed for the harbor.

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