Finding Stardust

Chapter 70

After all the commotion ended, the cla.s.s finally began. David and Haoran, who entered their new cla.s.s, immediately became the talk of the students in cla.s.s A. At first, the kids were surprised and could not believe that the two troublemakers from cla.s.s F had successfully moved to cla.s.s A.

But then, the shock slowly turned into admiration. Both boys were actually quite likable despite coming from Cla.s.s F. After all, Haoran and David were quite famous in school.

Even though they were known as troublemakers, girls actually liked them. They were the cool kids who were more fun than smart students who tend to be boring.

Emma listened to some of her female friends talk enthusiastically about the two boys in their cla.s.s.

"I didn"t expect Haoran and David were actually really smart. That means the rumor that Haoran intentionally flunked his grades was true. He could actually get here if he wanted... and he finally did!!"

"Wow ... how exciting! Our cla.s.s will definitely become more lively and fun with their presence."

"Yeah ... they are famous for their antics in cla.s.s F. I can"t wait. Our school this year will definitely be exciting!"

Emma could only ma.s.sage her forehead when she heard their conversation. She knew Haoran deliberately entered cla.s.s A because he wanted to be with her, and David worked soooo hard to improve his grades so he could get a car from his father.

"Good morning, Kids..."

In the cla.s.sroom, the uproar suddenly turned quiet when Mr. Young entered the cla.s.sroom with Mrs. Wen, followed by two male students. Both were handsome and looked really cool.

David, with his permanent grin and Haoran, with his killer smile, quickly made the ladies" hearts skipped a beat. The boys were very polite when they stood in front of the cla.s.s and waited patiently for Mr. Young to introduce them.

"Alright. This year, we got a pleasant surprise from cla.s.s F. These are your new friends for the next year, Haoran Lee and David Wijaya." Mr. Young turned to the two boys and smiled. His face looked very proud. "They studied so hard during the summer and retake all their exams from the previous semester when you guys were on vacation and were having a great time. And as it turns out ... their test scores were so good that they shot up in ranking, that now they are eligible to enter the prestigious Cla.s.s A."

Cla.s.s A students looked at each other and involuntarily clapped to show their appreciation. Mr. Young"s words just now confirmed that Haoran and David used honest ways to improve their grades.

"I hope you will make them a good example. If they ... cla.s.s F students could achieve so much ... You must be able to do even more, don"t you think? All of you here are the best students in St. Catherine High School. I"m sure you will be able to make your parents and our school proud." Mr. Albert Young then turned to Haoran and David. "Now, please introduce yourself to your new cla.s.smates and find empty seats for you to sit."

"Hey, everyone," Haoran went first, winking. Instantly there was a m.u.f.fled shriek among the female students who were staring at the handsome young man with beaming faces. "My name is Haoran Lee. It"s nice to be here. Let"s be friends."

David smiled too. He nodded towards his new cla.s.smates. "h.e.l.lo, everyone. I"m David. Nice to meet you."

"Alright, you can find an empty chair to sit." Pak Young pointed at the back row and signal the two new students to look for their seats.

There were two vacant seats because the previous occupants had moved to cla.s.s B. One seat was previously occupied by Mary, and it was located next to Emma, ​​while the other seat that was previously occupied by Leonard, located next to Cedric.

Being self-aware, David immediately walked toward Cedric and plopped himself on the chair next to the boy. Haoran smiled with satisfaction when he saw David understood what to do. With his hands in his pockets, the young man walked over to Emma in nonchalant steps.

Nadya glared as Haoran pa.s.sed her and sat in the chair where Mary used to sit. The girl still felt annoyed because Haoran came to Cla.s.s A was the reason why Mary got kicked out to Cla.s.s B.

Mary really liked Haoran, and at the end of last semester, she really hoped that Haoran could enter cla.s.s A, so they could be together. But now, Haoran did enter cla.s.s A, while Mary was just kicked out. It was not exactly what Mary had wanted.

Haoran sat on his chair happily, next to Emma. He looked at the beautiful girl with a playful look. "Hey, Stardust ... we"re finally in the same cla.s.s!"

The girl nodded. "Congratulations..."

"Thank you!"

From that day on, Haoran, Emma, ​​and David became cla.s.smates, while Eric, Dinh, and Alex moved to Cla.s.s C. Fortunately, the three young men didn"t mind at all. As long as they were still in the same cla.s.s, they could still have fun together.


"I can"t believe this is happening to me ..." Mary was still crying over her misfortune when she and Nadya met in the cafeteria for lunch together. "Why did David get into cla.s.s A too? It should have been only Haoran who enters our cla.s.s."

"Uhm .. from what I heard, David studied so hard because his father promised him a new car if he could prove himself worthy of getting transferred to Cla.s.s A. You can see for yourself, he already got car. It"s in the parking lot," Nadya said. "I think it was enough motivation for him to work his a.s.s off."

"Then ... why can"t Haoran just enter Cla.s.s B, so we can be together? I actually don"t mind being downgraded to Cla.s.s B if he is in there with me. I hate this situation ..." Mary wailed again.

"Mary ... I think you should stop having feelings for Haoran. I told you from the beginning ... He is not a good guy for you."

"Yeah.. you said that because you thought Haoran was a dumb troublemaker and you think he doesn"t deserve. But now you see that I"m right. He is actually really smart." Mary still defended Haoran.

"Well.. yeah, I did say that. But I think now you should stop having feelings for him because he and Emma look like they are quite close." Nadya let out a long sigh. "I don"t know why I could forget to tell you this, but when we were in Paris, the two of them seemed so friendly toward each other. I just realized that from the photos I took there. If you look at the photos posted by our friends who went to Paris. ... you can see that for yourself that they both looked so cozy with each other."

Mary frowned. "Is it true?"

She took out her cellphone and opened social media to check photos posted by her school friends. Haoran did not have social media, so Mary must be satisfied by seeing his photos from his friends" social media accounts. Alex or David sometimes posted their pictures with Haoran on them.

"There aren"t that many photos available on them, but you can see in some of these photos ... and this one, they were chatting together," Nadya pointed to several photos on Mary"s cellphone screen.

Mary narrowed her eyes and furrowed her brows. She did not understand what was happening between Emma and Haoran.

"Wait a minute ... didn"t we learn from Yolisa that Haoran actually wanted to go on a study trip to China? But he eventually canceled at the last moment to come to Paris, right ...?" Mary turned to Nadya and stared at her deeply. "While on her first day in school, Emma said she really wanted to go to Paris, do you remember?"

Nadya nodded. "I do. So, do you think Haoran changed his plans because of Emma?"

Mary let out a long sigh. She looked at the photo on her cellphone again. It was a photo taken by Bianca in one of the gardens of Versailles. In it, they could see Haoran and Emma in the background. They were chatting about something.

"In this photo, they do look quite close..."

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