Finding Stardust

Chapter 84

My dear lovely sweet amazing beloved readers!

Thank you so much for investing in this story, especially spending your precious few minutes every day to read this book. We all know that time is your most valuable possession since it"s a portion of your life that you"ll never get back. Your time is your life.

So, I"m humbled that you give a part of your life for this book. I promise that I will keep working hard to write this book until the end and take you on a wonderful journey along the way. I hope when you read it, you will feel the same joy I got when I was writing it.

To tell you a little bit about myself, I have been writing since I was 12. It was a gazillion years ago and I remember when I was in primary school I told myself, I want to be a writer someday. It has been my lifelong dream ever since.

I never published my stories anywhere, because I didn"t have the means back then. I didn"t even have a computer nor a typewriter to put those stories into a decent reading format. I used to handwrite them in my school books between my history, math, and science notes... and my teachers would scold me when they found out.

When I was young, the future seemed bleak for this poor aspiring writer from a third-world country, especially because I wrote fantasy which didn"t sell well compared to contemporary. Anyway... my dream to become a writer had to take a backseat as life happened and I had to focus on making ends meet.

I have a decent job now, working as a freelancer, but I still dream to make it as a professional writer someday. I want to be able to wake up every morning and just decide that I want to write and write, and not having to think about how to put food on the table.

That"s why I am so happy to find a platform like W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l that allows me to publish my works, reach an audience that relates to my stories, and make some money. I am not hoping to get rich from my books, but if it could give me enough to quit my day job and focus on writing, it would mean the world to me.

Thus.. I would like to kindly ask your understanding that this book will go premium soon.


Going premium means the book might be locked today or next week and you can unlock the chapters with coins or fast If you are new to the site, this is how the chapters would be priced.

200 words = 1 coin, and 1 coin is worth $0.02

So, the longer the chapters, the more coins needed to unlock them. For 1200 word-chapters, the price will be 6 coins, 2000 word chapters are worth 10 coins, and so on.

Out of these coins, the author will only get 30%, minus 5% tax. The other 70% was divided between Google/Apple (as app store providers) and Webnovel.


An author got around 25% of what their novels earn. From a chapter that costs 6 coins, only 2 coins will go to the author. It"s not really much, considering 1 chapter takes 1-4 hours to write (depending on the author"s health, inspiration, research, etc). But the more readers unlock the chapters using coins, the more money an author could make. So.. please open the locked chapters with coins if you wish to support me and this novel.

I really hope at least 100 readers could unlock the chapters every day.

If each chapter of this book gets 100 unlocks every day, that means I will get

200 x 2 coins x $0.02 =$4 per day or $120 in one month.

I know it"s not enough to live, so I will have to publish more chapters, and that"s fine. At least, if I knew you are invested and are willing to support this book, I would feel encouraged to write more and more and more. If we can get 500 unlocks every day.. I would even dance the rain dance because of how happy it would make me :).

Plus, if this book sells well, Webnovel will give it special attention and promote the book to the wider audience.

In exchange for your support, I can promise you my dedication and hard work to see this book written until the end. I never drop a book in my life and I will not leave you hanging. I hope this book brings you joy as you read it and get you through the day, feeling happier.


If you cannot afford to unlock the chapters with coins, and can only use fast, don"t feel bad about it. I love you too! I know how it feels to be poor and crave books. I understand. I was there.

I pray that you will be blessed abundantly and someday you can have the luxury to support the content creators that you love. The universe is listening :).

You can also support this book by voting your power stone so it will go up in ranking and noticed by other readers, write your thoughts about the book in the comments or reviews, give me feedback, or anything at all. I"d love to hear from you.

Lastly, I would like to thank the silent readers who are reading this book. Even though you didn"t say anything, I notice your support from your power stone votes and gifts. Thank you!

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