Finding Stardust

Chapter 90

Emma was stunned to hear Haoran"s words. She could understand Haoran"s intentions now. Really ... she had been too rash in sending the message to Akkadia.

She was so depressed when she learned that not only was she separated from her parents, but also her sibling, who was still in her mother"s womb. Her longing for them that she had kept for a dozen years finally overflowed her chest, and she became impulsive ... She no longer cared about what would happen. She just wanted to reunite with her family.

But what about Haoran? What would happen to Haoran when Emma went back to Akkadia?

Haoran was right when he said that it would be highly unlikely for him to go with Emma there because not only was he not from Akkadia, he also did not understand the language. Even though Haoran was a young master from a very wealthy and powerful family on Earth, but in Akkadia he was n.o.body. He also didn"t have any power like Emma.

Was Haoran really willing to leave his comfortable life on Earth to go to a foreign place with Emma? And face the unknown?

Emma held her breath for a moment before thinking of how she should respond to Haoran"s love confession and proposal.

"Haoran ... even though Akkadia seems so far away from here ... but with the technology they have, that distance can be covered in six months. I will return to Earth after I meet my family," Emma finally whispered, staring intently at Haoran. "It will take a year of travel to and from home. If you will wait for me, I will return before you achieve your goal to take over Lee Industries. You plan to get rid of your father and overtake the family business by the time you are 25, right? So, we have five years... If you would wait for me, I will come back for you."

Although Emma"s voice sounded calm and confident, Haoran knew the girl very well now. There was no guarantee at all that Emma would be able to return to Earth after they took her to Akkadia.

"I know you are worried about me because I am not from Akkadia dan I don"t understand Akkadian language, Emma. But, I have you, so I"m not worried one bit. When we are there, you can discuss everything with me. I"ll help you a.n.a.lyze the situation and make a decision. Aren"t two heads better than one? So far, we have been a perfect team, and we work well together. We managed to achieve all this with the two of us, "Haoran said firmly. "If I let you go alone, I"m worried they will hurt you, and I"m not there to protect you. I can"t live like that."

Between the two of them, Emma was physically far stronger than Haoran because she had magical powers and he didn"t. Still, during their time together, Emma never felt Haoran was weaker than her.

The young man was very clever and calculating. Haoran was right when he said the two of them were a good team.

"You ... really want to come with me?" Emma asked in a choked voice. "I don"t know what Akkadia is like ... and how they will treat me."

"That"s why I won"t let you go alone," Haoran said firmly. His tone of voice often reminded Emma of her father"s. Kaos.h.i.+n always talked in a gentle but firm tone like this. Haoran squeezed Emma"s hand slowly. "I will always be with you, and we can face whatever happens together."

"Oh, Haoran..."

Haoran"s words touched Emma"s heart completely. Subconsciously, she moved her body closer to Haoran and released her hand from Haoran"s grasp. Then, she gently cupped Haoran"s face and kissed his lips.

Haoran closed his eyes and enjoyed the meeting of their lips. In important moments of their relations.h.i.+p, it was always Emma who took the initiative to kiss him, and this made Haoran very happy.

He responded to her kiss by claiming her lips lovingly. He put his arms around her waist and hugged her. His left hand then moved to Emma"s upper back and held her body, taking control of their kissing from Emma.

Emma closed her eyes and enjoyed the happy feeling as Haoran claimed her lips lovingly. During their one year together, this was the first time she heard Haoran"s love confession.

And what made it more beautiful was that Haoran asked her to marry him so he could go with her to Akkadia, a foreign place for them.. so he could protect her.

Emma felt so loved.

She knew Haoran was very planified and calculating, but she didn"t imagine that Haoran had thought about marrying her and building a family with her someday.

Now, Emma could truly see her future with Haoran. Even though she lost her parents, Emma actually was not all alone. Haoran was the family she had now ...

Slowly, the feeling of joy filled her chest to the brim.

As Haoran"s kiss became even more intense, she involuntarily let out a soft moan. As soon as Haoran heard it, his body froze, and he paused their kiss.

Emma was stunned. She could feel Haoran"s body stiffen and his temperature rose by a few degrees. Instantly her mind returned to the events of last year when they were kissing pa.s.sionately as they watched the meteor shower together.

At that time, Haoran also stopped his kiss. It was already too intense because the young man felt l.u.s.t began to creep into his mind. He even imagined Emma being naked as he pressed her under him and made love pa.s.sionately with her.

Emma didn"t dare to read Haoran"s mind right now ... She could guess Haoran was filled by desire, like back then. Haoran stopped kissing Emma because he didn"t want l.u.s.t to take over and make him do inappropriate things to Emma.

Slowly the young man opened his eyes and released his kiss from her lips. The two then stared at each other lovingly.

"So ... what do you say, Stardust?" Haoran asked with a sultry voice. It was clear that he was trying to stop himself from pouncing on Emma and make love to her. "Will you marry me?"

Emma stared at Haoran and admired the young man"s handsome face and his earnest expression.

"Haoran ... are you really sure you want to go with me wherever I will go?" Emma asked earnestly. "I don"t know what will happen to us."

Haoran nodded firmly. "I"m sure. Everything I want in this world is meaningless without you. If you leave me alone ... I will miss you for the rest of my life. I will suffer because I don"t know where you are or what is happening to you. I don"t want that... "

"Oh, Haoran ..." Emma bit her lip. "Do you think ... they won"t separate us if we get married?"

"I don"t know, but at least we try." The young man smiled faintly. "Besides .. now or later, it makes no difference. After all, we plan to get married in a few years anyway. We only expedite it in antic.i.p.ation of the arrival of the Akkadian people."

Somehow Haoran"s words managed to make Emma"s cheeks turn red from blus.h.i.+ng.

"Alright ..." The girl finally nodded.

"So?" Haoran raised an eyebrow and asked again. "Emma Stardust, does this mean you want to marry me?"

"I do..." Emma said, looking away with a shy expression.

"Oh .. you make me so happy!" said Haoran. He hugged Emma tightly and landed a kiss on her lips again. "My wife ... Emma Stardust."

He kissed Emma intimately and thrust his tongue between her lips to explore her mouth. When he found her tongue, he twisted it and sucked it lovingly. Haoran"s hand caressed her back down to her waist and subconsciously slipped under her s.h.i.+rt.

Emma moaned softly as Haoran"s hand touched the delicate skin on her waist. When he heard her moan, Haoran"s body stiffened again. He stopped the kiss, and hurriedly pulled his hand from Emma"s waist.

Emma opened her eyes and saw Haoran"s eyes look uncomfortable. His beautiful brown eyes were filled with desire.

"Haoran ..." Emma"s voice was soft when she called Haoran"s name. Her hand slowly reached Haoran"s hand, which he pulled away from her waist earlier. Emma gently brought his hand back to her waist.

Haoran stared at Emma with round eyes. He didn"t expect Emma to pull his hand back to touching her waist.

"E-Emma ..." Haoran whispered in a hoa.r.s.e voice. "I ... I want you ..."

Emma moved closer to Haoran and slipped her hand under Haoran"s s.h.i.+rt. For the first time in their relations.h.i.+p, she traced Haoran"s chiseled chest and flat stomach.

It felt so good! She knew he had a great physique, but she never touched him inappropriately before.

"I-want you too ..." Emma whispered.

Last year when they were engulfed by desire to make love, Haoran and Emma held back as hard as they could because they realized that Emma was still too young.

But now ... Emma was almost 18 years old, and they have agreed to get married.

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