Finding Stardust

Chapter 97


This part is pretty tame, no s.e.x scenes, so I didn"t mark it with R-18. It"s quite romantic actually. The next one though will be R-18. You can skip it if you are uncomfortable with detailed s.e.x scenes.



Haoran kissed Emma lovingly, and she kissed him back. Her chest was pounding hard and followed by a feeling of happiness that filled her heart to the brim. Spontaneously she wrapped her hands around Haoran"s neck while Haoran"s hands hugged her waist.

They kissed intimately for a few minutes. Haoran slipped his tongue through Emma"s slightly open lips and explored the girl"s mouth. Emma responded with the same initiative. Their tongues twisted and sucked lovingly as they were enveloped in a fiery pa.s.sion.

After they officially dated, both Haoran and Emma had gotten used to kissing and making out. Sometimes, they had to hold back if the make-out session became too intense because they did not want to go further by having s.e.x. They were not ready yet.

Haoran also did not want to risk Emma getting pregnant, even though they could use contraception. In his opinion, zero point zero zero zero so something percent was still not zero risks. Emma was still too young, and they had so many plans they had to do and so many goals to achieve.

But now, with them married, they felt that it was time for them to celebrate their union with consummation. Haoran would be part of Emma"s family, and whatever happened, they would not be separated.

For this reason, this time, they no longer felt the need to hold back. As he kissed her lips, Haoran felt that Emma"s lips were sweeter than usual. Oh .. he could never have enough of these beautiful lips.

"Mmm ..."

After several minutes, Haoran let go of his lips from Emma"s and looked at his wife"s face with gleaming eyes.

"I love you," he whispered, then touched his nose to hers.

Emma looked at Haoran"s face and caressed his cheek. She often looked at this young man"s face up close and admired him, but now, somehow, she started to see Haoran differently.

Gosh .. were they really husband and wife now? It"s so hard to believe.

"I love you too," Emma said softly, but firmly. "I am happy we made this decision."

"So do I," Haoran whispered.

Haoran kissed her again. This time only briefly. He then pulled Emma"s waist and held her in his arms, like a princess.

"I already said that we would do it in a place fit for a princess," Haoran whispered to Emma"s ear tenderly. "Does the princess consider this place worthy?"

Emma could only nod with a blus.h.i.+ng face. She spontaneously wrapped her arms around Haoran"s neck and enjoyed her husband carrying her into the bedroom. The young man then sat Emma on the bed and then knelt down to take off her shoes.

Emma wanted to stop him but Haoran was faster. He already took the shoes off her feet. He also took off his shoes and sat next to Emma.

"You said the bath was really nice?" Haoran asked in a playful tone.

Emma raised her eyebrows in surprise. What did Haoran"s question mean?

"Yes, it is was really nice," Emma said.

"Do you want to take a bath together?" Haoran asked again.

Emma immediately remembered her own thoughts yesterday as she was enjoying her bath in the ma.s.sive bathtub. Their bathroom was very s.p.a.cious and fancy. Inside was a beautiful and huge marble bathtub. She remembered how nice it was to immerse herself in warm water with scented soap and Himalayan bath salt.

Emma smiled sheepishly and nodded. Haoran clapped his hands, then rose from the bed.

"Ahh ... then I will run a bath for us so we can enjoy taking a bath together. This will be very pleasant. Ah ... you didn"t know how many times I imagined taking a bath with you ..."

He chuckled and quickly disappeared behind the bathroom door before Emma could protest.

Emma couldn"t blame him, of course. From what she read, men could think about s.e.x every five minutes. As a normal man, of course, Haoran would often imagine s.e.x with his girlfriend... ahem.. now his wife.

Emma was still young and inexperienced in s.e.xual intercourse, but she also had s.e.x education in school, so she was quite aware of how it will happen and what to expect.

But still, her chest was palpitating. She did not want to read Haoran"s thoughts at all. She could see that the young man was as nervous as she was. Haoran was two years older, more mature, and had a very high EQ, so he could always appear calm and confident in all situations.

However, he was also a virgin, just like Emma. He had never had s.e.x with anyone before, so deep inside, he also had a fear if he couldn"t perform well...

While waiting for Haoran to get their bath ready, Emma decided to clean her face from makeup and fas.h.i.+on her long hair into a bun on the top of her head. She didn"t want her hair to get in the way during their bath.

Haoran"s voice came ten minutes later.

"The bath is almost ready. Can you bring us robes from the closet?" asked the young man from the bathroom.

"Got it," Emma took two robes from the closet and entered the bathroom. When she reached the doorway, Emma was stunned and she stood rooted in her spot, looking impressed. "Wow..."

"Why? You don"t like it?" Haoran asked with a teasing smile.

Emma was amazed. She saw the bathtub was half-filled with warm water and flower petals. She could smell a pleasant scent coming from the soap and the flowers. The lights were off, but there were two dozens scented candles were lit to provide lighting all around the bathtub.

"This is ..." She only saw this scene in movies. Emma had never cared about this romantic arrangement before, but when she saw for herself how her husband had prepared such a beautiful bathroom with candles and flowers ... she couldn"t help but feel touched. Her voice sounded hoa.r.s.e when she whispered. "This is great ..."

"I"m glad you like it," Haoran said. He then walked over to Emma and took the robes from her hand. "Thank you."

He placed the robe on the bathroom counter and then unb.u.t.toned his s.h.i.+rt one by one. Emma still stood rooted to the spot. Haoran then called the girl. "Ehmm ... do you want to help me take off my clothes?"

Emma blinked her eyes in surprise. Haoran, aren"t you an adult? He can undress himself, can"t he? thought the girl.

Nevertheless, she walked to Haoran and helped him unfastened his b.u.t.tons one by one. The young man only watched Emma with a smiling face. After the last b.u.t.ton on his s.h.i.+rt was unfastened, he spread his arms, and Emma helped him took off his s.h.i.+rt.

"Mmm .. thank you," said Haoran. "Now it"s my turn."

He kissed Emma while his hands moved to lower down the straps of her dress over her shoulders. Emma felt her body temperature rise as Haoran kissed her affectionately. His hands traced her exposed skin while lowering her dress slowly.

The man"s hands caressed her shoulders, down to her nape, and then her chest. After Emma"s dress fell to the floor, Haoran unclasped her bra and gently help her took it off. His kisses slowly descended into her neck, her shoulders, then finally reached her plump b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

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