
Chapter 27

"You know!" she exclaimed. "You know what it is!"

"I know," he agreed. "I think you need to get out of that house, Nymph."

"But why?"

"It"s hard to explain."

"I can keep a secret!" she told him.

"Listen, Nymph, I got in trouble once because I did something with a girl. She was a lot older than you, but still too young. I don"t want to get in trouble again."

"I won"t tell! I won"t tell! Tell me, and I won"t tell!"

He shook his head. "You really want to know, don"t you?"

"Yes, I really want to know! Then I could tell George to bug off, and Dad would like me better."

"A secret," he said.

"A big fat secret!" she agreed.

"Okay, I"ll tell you, but that"s all. Your father wants to have s.e.x with you, but doesn"t dare, and your brother wants to, but doesn"t know how."

"What"s s.e.x?"

"That"s when a man and a woman-a grown man and grown woman-get together and do it. Children aren"t supposed to."

She didn"t know what he meant. A look of great perplexity showed on her face. "What do they do?"

"They take off their clothes and lie on a bed and, well, they do it."

"What do they do? I don"t understand!"

"Well, he puts his-I guess you don"t know the words-his thing in her thing."


"Because it"s a h.e.l.l of a lot of fun, kid!"

"You mean like when Daddy plays with me?"

"Yes, only more so. A lot more so."

"I want to do it!" she told him.

"You said that?" the interviewer interjected, startled. She still hadn"t quite managed to swallow her worm.

"Yes. I knew he knew how, so I wanted him to do it with me so I"d know how. Wasn"t that right?"

The interviewer seemed to be having a bit of trouble with her objectivity, but she got hold of herself and finally got the worm all the way down. "It was natural curiosity, perhaps right for you. Please continue. I did not mean to interrupt."

Immediately the child resumed her posing, playing the parts of both Nymph and Mad.

"You can"t do it," he protested. "You"re a child."

She began to cry again. "You promised to tell me!"

"I did tell you, Nymph. But to get any farther, I"d have to show you, and that"s real trouble."

"I won"t tell!" she said. "Show me!"

He shook his head. "d.a.m.n, I can"t believe this. Okay, kid, I"ll show you. Remember, you promised. If you tell, I"ll be in big trouble."

"I won"t tell! Show me, show me!"

"Okay, I"ll show you." Nymph paused as if uncertain how to proceed.

"He showed you?" the interviewer prompted grimly.

"Yes, only I don"t know how to show it. I don"t have pants."

"Just tell what happened."

"Okay. He stood up, and took off his pants and shirt. Then he took off his underpants. He had a thing like Daddy"s. "This is my c.o.c.k. That"s what goes in the woman."

She stared at it. "It goes where she"

"No. She has another place, in front of that."

"Where she pees?"

"No, behind that. Right between the two."

"I don"t think I have a place."

"Yes, you do. You just haven"t found it yet. But when you grow up, you will."

Nymph put her hands to her dress, evidently about to remove it. "You don"t have to do that!" the interviewer said quickly. "Just tell it."

"Okay. I took off my dress and panties so I could feel. "I don"t think there"s a place."

Take my word, Nymph, it"s there."

"Show me."

"Nymph, this is getting hairy. I like you, really I do, but it"s not right to touch you."

Nymph looked at the interviewer. "But I saw that maybe he really wanted to, the way Daddy did even when he said no. "Maybe we can play the game Daddy plays with me, only you can show me what"s supposed to happen when he stops."

"It"s not right for a man to touch a child," he said. "I showed you, but I can"t touch you."

"But then I knew this was a sort of game, because Daddy played like that," Nymph explained to the interviewer. "Let me climb up on you, and you don"t have to touch me, just tell me hot or cold."

"Hot or cold?"

"Hot if I"m right, cold if I"m not."

"Oh." He thought about it. "Okay, Nymph. I won"t touch you at all, so you can stop whenever you want to. But even so, it has to be a secret."

"Sure." Nymph glanced at the interviewer. "I was real pleased, because I knew I"d maybe find out something."

"And did you find out something?" the interviewer inquired softly.

"Gee, yes! But it"s hard to-maybe if you lay like him, I could show you."

The interviewer hesitated, then evidently decided that duty lay with acquiescence. She was obliged to elicit the fullest possible testimony, without alarming the child. She lay on the floor, supine.

"Yes, like that," Nymph agreed. "Only put your arms up behind your head."

The interviewer did so. The child climbed up on her and sat on her legs. "Am I warm?"

"Getting warm," he agreed.

She poked at the interviewer"s groin. "What are you doing?" the interviewer inquired in a controlled voice.

"His thing was there," Nymph explained. "I need it."

"Pretend it is there." The interviewer closed her eyes and clenched her jaws.

"Okay. I saw his thing was up on his belly, and bigger than it was. I scooted up and touched it. It got real hard and hot when I squoze it." she made motions as if handling the pretend member. "Warm?"

"Warm," he said. "That goes into the woman, and when things are right, it helps her make a baby inside her."

"Gee." This seemed to be real news to her. "Like magic!"

"Like magic," he agreed.

She felt it some more, and made an interested face. "What is happening?" the interviewer asked.

"There was a drop of water at the end, real slippery," Nymph explained. "What"s that?"

"It makes it slick so it can go in better," he said. "She gets wet too, so it doesn"t hurt."

The child started fidgeting. The interviewer, evidently uncomfortable in more than one sense, inquired again: "What was happening?"

"I was getting really excited, like when Daddy played with me. I felt my place, and it was sort of slippery. "I want to do it," she told him.

He sort of laughed. "Welcome to try, kid. It won"t fit."

"So I nudged up some more, and sort of sat on his thing, and it felt sort of good there, all hot and round. But it didn"t go in, because it was sidewise. "I can"t do it," she said.

"I told you, it"s too big for you. Grown women have larger places, so they can handle it, but it would hurt a little girl."

"I want to do it," she said again, excited. She glanced up at the interviewer. "This was where Daddy always quit, when I played with him in his lap and his thing was there, and I didn"t want Mad to quit, and I was afraid he would."

"It"s no go," he said. "But anyway, you"re at the wrong angle. It goes in endwise."

"Oh." The girl pantomimed again, incomprehensibly, provoking another query by the interviewer, who evidently wished this would finish in a hurry.

"I lifted up his thing, but then it was up in front of me. I tried to lie down on top of him, so my place was in line, but I couldn"t do anything that way. So I sort of got up, and squatted, like having a p.o.o.p, and held his thing up straight, and sort of sat down on it, just like Daddy wouldn"t let me do." The pantomime made an almost visible p.e.n.i.s, erect and huge, in her hands. "Where"s the place?"

"It"s right there in the middle," he said.

"I held it there and sat down more, but then my body went back and they weren"t in line again. So I moved up again, and tried it again, and again, and then I found the place, sort of leaning forward and holding it right there." Again she suited her action to her words, her body showing exactly how it was, angled at about forty-five degrees while she clutched the big hot thing with both hands and held it between her legs. "Am I warm?"

"You"re hot!" he said. "It"s there!"

"So I pushed against it, and sort of felt where it should go, and it was super big and hot, and it wouldn"t go in. I got my finger there, and sort of spread the slippery stuff around, and it went in a little." She poked under her dress with her finger.

"It"s too big for you, Nymph," he said. "It"s right there, but it would hurt you to get it in."

"I want to get it in," she insisted. "I want to be a real woman so Daddy will like me."

"I think you"ve got it in all you"re going to. At least now you know how, for when you"re big enough."

"I want it in," she said. "I poked the slippery around some more, and pushed harder, and got it in some more. It hurt some, but I was real excited because I knew I was getting real warm." She demonstrated, while the interviewer, involuntarily playing the part of the man, visibly gritted her teeth behind her fixed smile.

"Look, kid, you better stop," he said.

"You promised!" she said. "You promised to show me!"

"What I mean is, I"m coming," he said. "I mean, there"s going to be fluid coming out of it, and if you don"t want it on you, get away."

"Does it hurt?"

"No, it just spurts. If you hold it tight there, it may go right into you. So if you don"t want it, get away quick."

"No, I want it, I want it! I want it in me! I want to be a real woman!"

He gave up the argument, which he had evidently not been too keen on winning anyway. "Then hang on, kid!"

"I hanged on, and kept his thing right at my place with my hand around it, and it swelled up even more, and then it sort of shook, and I felt the stuff coming out of it and into me. I felt it going through where my hand was, like in a garden hose, the water on. I held it real tight, but a little white stuff sort of leaked out. I squoze my bottom real hard, to keep it tight, and I felt real great when I felt that stuff going into me. I was a real woman!" She smiled beatifically. The interviewer"s expression was unreadable.

Then his thing got less hard. "It"s over, Nymph," he said. "I came, and you got it."

But when his thing got softer, she grabbed it with both hands and shoved it into her. "Because it was all wet now and smaller and it didn"t hurt so much. I kept cramming it in, and I got it all in me." She sat down hard on the interviewer"s pelvis, making the lady wince. "I got it! I got it!" she cried. "It"s all in me, the whole thing! See! See!"

"But it"s over," he said. "That"s all there is."

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