Five Way Heaven

Chapter 10: Exemplary Wind Society

Five Way Heaven 10

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Chapter 10: Exemplary Wind Society


Elemental energy was not something rare.

Even back in the cultivation era, there were those that studied it. However, during the cultivation era in which spiritual energy was plentiful, there were more uses for spiritual energy. Because the activeness of spiritual energy was many times higher than elemental energy, and it was easier to use. The abundant spiritual energy also suppressed the rise of elemental energy. As a result, those who researched elemental energy in the cultivation era were mostly little sects.

Only in the Savage Territories, where spiritual energy was scarce, was elemental energy mainstream.

It could not be helped to say that the cultivation world had been blessed by heaven. There was an abundance of spiritual energy that covered a vast expanse of area. It was perhaps an area blessed by the heavens. The cultivation world had always been arrogant. For a long time, almost all who cultivated in spiritual energy believed that their cultivation world was the center of the world.

They had never paid attention to those living in the Savage Territories. However, they never expected that the spiritual energy in the world would actually get thinner by the day. Spiritual energy was the fundamental basis of the cultivation system, but when spiritual energy had dissipated, the glorious and resplendent cultivation world had crumbled.

After a million years, the Savage Territories that the cultivation world had never paid attention to had suddenly become an enemy that they could not defeat.

Elders that were forced to such desperate straits frantically searched for a new power source. Their teachers were actually their enemies, which were the savage beasts and the barbarian tribes. It was exactly in those circ.u.mstances that elemental energy had been discovered and expanded upon. Cultivators who had a million years of acc.u.mulated wisdom quickly started their own five way elemental system.

They unceasingly perfected their theory until the system was well developed. It was then that Five Way Heaven gradually grew in power.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth. The foundation behind the power of the five elemental ways was all living things. The stable power of the five ways was materialistic, and were exactly the five elemental forces. In the current Five Way Theory, there was no difference in the very nature of the five different elements, they just happened to be different in terms of their elemental energy states. The five different forms reciprocally trans.m.u.tes to and reciprocally suppresses one another, forming a perfect cycle. This was also why the power of the five ways were usually never alone, they frequently existed together.

This was also a natural phenomenon, which was the reason why the attributes were so complex.

What Master Dong explained was the most obvious principle, which was worthless and dull in many people’s eyes. But to Ai Hui, it had resolved many of the questions within his heart. He was familiar with sword cultivation conventions. It didn’t matter whether it was the stately great way or the whether it was of heretical sects, there were countless amounts of sword manuals about them. But after they lost spiritual energy, which had been their basic foundation, those things were of no value anymore. He had even wasted time with the sword embryo seed, yet it still had not germinated in three years. He had long since lost hope for it.

Flipping through innumerable amounts of sword manuals had opened Ai Hui’s horizons, which was still helpful. The ancient era’s sword cultivation theory had long since developed to its pinnacle, and was as profound and vast as the sea. His time in the Savage Territories was also the case. He did many things in ways that differed from others, and even those strong elementalists would click their tongues in astonishment.

Him being able to come back alive from the Savage Territories was not a mere fluke.

What he had learned previously were only a few scattered fragments, but now, he had sorted out most of the context. This made me feel a sense of excitement. The previous him had vague ideas of concepts, but now fulfilling what he had in mind was not impossible.

He restrained his restless heart. This was still not the time, he needed to acc.u.mulate more.

Coming to the Induction Ground this time was the correct move. He had actually reaped this many gains from the first lesson which made him pleasantly surprised inexplicably. He was looking forward to his next courses.

Days of going to cla.s.s were dull and substantial, yet to Ai Hui, they were as beautiful as the sunshine. He cherished every day and every lesson to the extreme. To someone with average apt.i.tude, obtaining such an opportunity was not easy. Like a sponge, he greedily absorbed all the nutrients.

Master Dong’s Introductory Course was very short. It only lasted for ten lessons and Ai Hui wished that it would continue. He had many courses lined up, but he discovered that those who would touch upon the side of the elemental cultivation principles was only Master Dong’s Introductory Course. The other teachers all taught applied styles or ways to cultivate. There were very few teachers that would explain the reasoning behind them.

Perhaps in those teacher’s eyes, for students like them that had just entered, knowing how to cultivate was enough.

Nowadays, Ai Hui had already gotten used to student life within Interpine City. He no longer had the fierce reactions he had when he was at the Induction Ground’s gate. Studying within Interpine City was unusually lax, and there were no inflexible rules. For any course, as long as one satisfies their conditions, for example, reaching a certain realm, it would be optional to take them.

But he still had his own His cla.s.smates were the same he saw on the very first day, and the teacher in charge was also that Master Xu.

There was a large disparity in everyone’s respective realms of strength and each had their own respective curriculum so they usually never meet. Only in homeroom, which met once a week, would he see his fellow cla.s.smates.

n.o.body paid any attention to Ai Hui.

A majority of the students had perhaps already forgotten Ai Hui’s name. For him, who wasn’t that strong and wasn’t that lively, he had no sense of existence.

Seeing that everyone was present, Master Xu began to talk: “The reason why I called everyone here this time is in regards to selecting people to enter the Exemplary Wind Society.”

After hearing the three words “Exemplary Wind Society”, it was as if the students from Five Way Heaven had instantly been injected with chicken blood, while students from Old Earth were left completely bewildered.

“The Exemplary Wind Society actually just selects students who are a bit stronger and are a bit more talented. Not only does the society have a specially appointed Master to give them pointers in cultivating, it also has many hands-on practices. For example, they are in charge of some of the school’s operations, run team compet.i.tions with schools from other cities, and so on. They even have the chance to enter the Savage Territories with the Masters and get a feel of the Savage Territories’ atmosphere in advance.”

The thought of being able to enter the Savage Territories immediately excited the students, as they chattered in discussion.

To everyone present, the Savage Territories were mysterious, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with the unknown. With Masters accompanying them, they didn’t need to worry about their safety. Being able to enter the Savage Territories and experience it suddenly became every student’s desire.

Among the excited students, Ai Hui was completely indifferent. He was not interested in this Exemplary Wind Society. While having pointers from a Master was nice, the most important thing for the current him to do is to acc.u.mulate enough elemental energy and open his natal palace.

As for the Savage Territories, when he thought about it, he wanted to vomit.

Seeing the excited students, Master Xu continued with a slight smile: “Of course, the conditions to be selected to enter the Exemplary Wind Society is quite harsh. All of you had just recently entered the Induction Ground. If we go according to what happened in the previous years, the bottomline ought to be opening more than two halls or higher.”

What came next were immediate moans of grief. According to this criteria, there were only three to five people in the cla.s.s who might be able to reach this standard. Those who believed that they were capable of being chosen couldn’t help but reveal faces of excitement.

“This is the lowest criteria, but it is not an uncrossable criteria. Everyone should all go try out.” Master Xu continued: “Once everyone has gone, you’ll all know how you can be chosen. What I want to say at the moment is that every student who is able to be chosen will be rewarded with resources that would greatly benefit you all by our Interpine City. Everyone must work hard. Duanmu Huanghun, distribute these materials.”

Duanmu Huanghun was exactly that luxuriously dressed rich kid Ai Hui had seen by the school’s entrance, who also happened to be the strongest student in the cla.s.s.

Ai Hui was still as calm and indifferent as ever. The reward was probably not bad but when he thought about it again, it was a lot of ha.s.sle, so it naturally wasn’t that attractive. Besides, there was a great discrepancy between his and other people’s strengths.

His train of thought turned to cultivating. Interpine City had a superior cultivating environment, it was simply like paradise. He mapped out his cultivating plan and carefully polished it.

Duanmu Huanghun, who was distributing the papers walked past Ai Hui without stopping. As he pa.s.sed by, he spoke with a voice br.i.m.m.i.n.g with cynicalness: “No need for those who haven’t even finished the Introductory Course to see them.”

Ai Hui was baffled. The other party’s hostility was truly unfathomable, and…

So childish!

Shi Family.

“You’ve only identified six people?”

Shi Xueman’s voice wasn’t that loud, but the entire main hall’s temperature suddenly dropped by ten degrees as the hearts of every servant and bodyguard involuntarily shuddered.

The face of the manager of Interpine City’s branch below her was ashen. His body shivered as his voice quaked: “This subordinate has committed an offense! At that time, we didn’t keep their names, and it just so happens to coincide with the beginning of a new semester, which gave us many problems. We can only use the student’s rumors and information from the nearby businesses to finally identify six people, but we have ruled out these six people.”

At this time, he was currently regretting to the point that his intestines turned green. Why the heck did he randomly set up a blind battle? This was like pushing himself into a pit of fire!

Shi Xueman deeply breathed in, trying with utmost effort to control her emotions. She knew that this was not his fault. At that time, her own reactions were half a slap slow. In reality, if she had not become stupid then, she could’ve easily obtained the necessary information, and that wretched b.a.s.t.a.r.d couldn’t have gotten away.

“You’ve worked hard. You have already done very well, this is not your fault.” Shi Xueman’s voice was still clearly cold.

The tears of the middle aged man below her suddenly flowed down. The pressure that he had to bear recently was huge, far exceeding what any ordinary person could imagine. Moreover, the news he had been scouting for was never really progressing and he quickly nearing the edge of collapse.

The tense atmosphere within the great hall instantly dissipated by quite a bit.

Shi Xueman spoke slowly: “But I still need you to trouble yourself for this matter. Let everyone cooperate with you, do not hesitate to pay any cost to find this person.”

The middle aged man never expected that his lady would be this resolute. This was not the first time he had heard the words “do not hesitate to pay any cost” from his young lady’s mouth. But when he thought about his lady’s unyielding and courageous temperament, he felt that this was actually the norm.

“This subordinate will definitely try his best.” He did not dare to make any more promises. After thinking for a while, he continued: “This subordinate has an idea, but I am not sure if it woud work.”

“What idea?” Shi Xueman asked bluntly.

“If we continue to search like this, it’ll be like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, this subordinate is thinking that since he could even be a threat to my lady, then he ought to be powerful. I believe that this type of person is way above the common people within Interpine City. This subordinate thinks that with this person’s strength, being selected to enter the Exemplary Wind Society would not be an issue. If that is so, then couldn’t we reduce our range, and begin with the Exemplary Wind Society?”

He looked at Shi Xueman. He had not seen that mysterious person in action, and he was not sure about the details of the mysterious person and his young lady’s battle, so the only person who had the right to determine this person’s strength was his young lady.

Following the middle aged man’s words, Shi Xueman’s beautiful eyes became increasingly brilliant. When her subordinate looked at her, she immediately replied without the slightest hesitation: “Watch the Exemplary Wind Society and immediately give me a list of their names.”

“Yes!” The subordinate promptly promised.

Swiftly and decisively, Shi Xueman turned around to leave. She did not want to waste even half a second. Currently, her mind was completely focused on cultivating, her eyes burning with fighting spirit.

Even if he’s stronger than me now, I will never give up!

I, Shi Xueman, will personally return this humiliation!

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