Five Way Heaven

Chapter 23: Backless Armor

Chapter 23: Backless Armor

Duanmu Huanghun’s roar was dispersed by the wind, so Ai Hui totally did not hear any of it. If he were to remember anything about what had happened earlier, he’d probably only remember how he reminded himself that this place wasn’t the Savage Territories.

Outside the Metal Suspending PaG.o.da, the custom-made items were scattered on the floor. Ai Hui picked each and every one of them up, then wore it over his body. This was the “armor” he had asked to have custom-made. They were all forged from steel, due to the rush in time, it could only be considered simple and crude on the outside. There were no designs, the helmet looked like an inverted bucket with only two thin slits at the location of the eyes. As for the other parts of the body, there was an iron sheet for the chest, the other parts were all utterly crude, yet were quite flexible at the joints, showing that the blacksmith’s fundamentals were not that bad.

The oddest thing about this set of “armor” was its back. The entire back was not protected at all, this was the backless armor Ai Hui specially prepared in order to cultivate at the Metal Suspending PaG.o.da.

After he finished wearing it, Ai Hui moved a bit, and felt that it was pretty good. Due to Ai Hui continuously reminding the blacksmith that it had to be st.u.r.dy and firm, the armor was also especially thick. The weight of this entire set of backless armor was roughly about one hundred kilograms. Even though Ai Hui was always bearing a weight within the Savage Territories, due to him dragging this armor to the Metal Suspending PaG.o.da, he was unbearable tired.

Luckily, due to Ai Hui’s body being used to doing these kinds of heavy jobs, his upper body strength could be considered strong. However, when he wore the set of armor, he still was able to sense that his movements had been affected.

After properly tying himself to the chains, the completely dressed Ai Hui entered the Metal Suspending PaG.o.da once more.

Clang clang clang!

Ai Hui’s armor collided against the wall. It was a much more spectacular sight than before, every clash would send sparks flying, and it was not known how many times louder the slamming sounds were than before as his brain vibrated with ringing echoes.

After a while, Ai Hui gradually got used to the deafening sound, and began to realize the benefits of the backless armor.

The metal elemental energy within the metal wind could not pa.s.s through the armor Ai Hui wore, and all the needle-like pain collected on his back. Ai Hui roused his spirits, he had used quite a while to conjure up the thought of the backless armor, it was inspired from him seeing that the iron chain had come out unscathed. Since the metal wind was unable to damage the iron chain, then it definitely could not damage iron armor.

Reality proved that his way of thinking was right, and nothing could encourage Ai Hui more than this.

Feeling that the piercing pain in his back had reached his limit, Ai Hui easily grabbed at the iron chain and climbed out. After climbing out, Ai Hui didn’t bother to take off his armor. He directly did the same as he usually did and practiced 【Fish Arching Back】 at the outer wall.


On the first arch, Ai Hui felt that something was different. His back had nearly been shaken apart. He rested for no less than five minutes before he finally recovered his strength. He couldn’t help but reveal a wry smile. The scattering result of the silver strands of metal element was indeed superb, and was even better than before. However, due to the additional weight of the iron armor, the power of Fish Arching Back was many times more powerful than before, making the muscles in his back receive a few minor injuries.

Even though the power of Fish Arching Back was great, this was produced by the iron armor. In terms of successful completion, it had declined by many times. Because the iron armor made a discrepancy appear in the power Ai Hui released. It was fierce, but the power wasn’t concentrated, and was more scattered.

Feeling that he was gradually recovering his strength, Ai Hui pondered for a moment, and began to use another 【Fish Arching Back】.


This time, Ai Hui directly flew out. With a boom, he smashed onto the ground, filling the air with dust.

The dusty smoke dispersed and Ai Hui struggled to crawl up while spitting out the dirt in his mouth. With a heart filled with hate, he took huge strides toward the Metal Suspending PaG.o.da.

Clang clang clang!

An iron plated can untiringly struck against the iron tower.

Night fell and stars climbed up the dome of the sky. The beads of sweat lifted by the night wind seemed to sprinkle out clumps of resplendent stars. The horizon flooded with blue as the clouds were gradually dyed with red. The first rays of the rising sun pa.s.sed through the eaves of the paG.o.da, descending upon the iron plated can sleeping against a wall that glistened with dew drops. The scorching sun hung high in the sky as sweat vaporized inside the iron plated can. Within the clanging sounds, the throat that seemed to have been scorch remained silent.

Time pa.s.sed on day by day.

Consecutive, dull, high intense training was the largest test toward a person’s mental state.

Bang, Ai Hui sat on the ground on his b.u.t.t. He didn’t bother to take off the iron armor on his body and only took off his helmet. This gimmick got a bit boring after a long time. Ever since he had put on the backless armor, he had never taken it off, regardless of whether he was eating or sleeping. He was a bit absentminded, training to his limit was always like that.

After sitting for over twenty minutes, his wooden face finally regained some life as he recovered his senses from within his absentminded state. Ai Hui, who had gradually recovered his energy, was immediately engulfed with an intense hunger. He took out a piece of flat bread from his pouch. Not caring about the dryness and hardness of the flat bread, Ai Hui quickly demolished it in a few bites.

When he extended his hands into the pouch again, he felt nothing.

No more?

He stared blankly for a while before raising his pouch and turning it upside down. There was nothing inside.

How long had he stayed here? He couldn’t remember clearly, but he knew that he had to return. Just as he was intending to head back, he thought for a while, then removed the backless armor and went to find a place to hide it. It’s not like it was worth any money, and it’s not like anyone would fancy it. He was going to return very quickly anyway, not wearing the iron armor would mean that he could bring a bit more rations.

After removing the armor, Ai Hui felt as lithe as a swallow. It was as if he was as light as a feather and had stepped onto a pile of cotton

Ai Hui, whose mood had greatly increased, rushed forward, and was startled at his own speed. Ai Hui’s eyes immediately brightened, looks like there’s even this kind of benefit when wearing a backless armor while training.

Without saying anything further, he broke into a run toward Interpine City.

Li Wei was not tall and he wore a plain blue jacket. He was completely different from Zhou Xiaoxi’s robust build and even looked to be a bit like a weak scholar. His temperament seemed to resemble the school’s Masters. As he strolled in high spirits, very few people would perceive that he had studied in Interpine City fifteen years ago. When he was free, he was fond of revisiting old places.

When he saw the familiar and unfamiliar scenery, he would think back to the beautiful time of his life in his past, and many vague memories would surface.

He idly strolled along as his surroundings changed. He felt that it was somewhat familiar. He was sure that he had been here before, but it took him a while to to decide that. After all, he had not been here for fifteen years.

Only until the erect peak of a paG.o.da entered his vision did he suddenly come to a realization.

So it was the Metal Suspending PaG.o.da!

Li Wei immediately grew excited, and even his footsteps autonomously accelerated. The Metal Suspending PaG.o.da was a place he had frequently visited to train in the past. He remembered that he had previously written about his experience training in the Metal Suspending PaG.o.da.

This place still has so little people!

No different from fifteen years ago, he couldn’t help but sigh in regret.

The Metal Suspending PaG.o.da had never been a popular site for cultivation. The reason why he had selected the Metal Suspending PaG.o.da as his main cultivation site in the past was because this place was quieter than the rest.

After coming here again fifteen years later, the Metal Suspending PaG.o.da was the same as always, nothing had changed. He knew that as long as the metal wind unceasingly blew, this paG.o.da would never fall.

He continued to walk forward. He was incomparably familiar with all the gra.s.s and trees here.

As he continued onward, he gently stroked the paG.o.da wall as countless days and nights revolved in his heart like lanterns. The corner of his mouth wore a fond smile.

Suddenly, his hand stopped.

He was suddenly startled awake. Taking note of what his hand had touched, he couldn’t help but let out a light sound of surprise.

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