Chapter 1022

The handcuffs were put on smoothly, but Shi Jinsong suddenly felt a cold feeling coming from his wrist. Looking down, he was surprised that the handcuffs were put on his hands!

"There are so many m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.ts!" Summer at this time but sighed, "unexpectedly some people like to take handcuffs to handcuff themselves up, hey, wife, I heard that it"s the dark side, with masochism together for a long time will become masochism, we still stay away from this masochism."

Summer said while walking outside, and at this moment, people found something wrong, how did the police handcuff themselves?

"Team leader, what"s the matter with you?" The young male policeman also found something wrong and asked in a hurry.

And that policewoman is toward summer angry voice Jiao drink: "what did you do to group leader?"

Summer did not pay attention to this policewoman, continue to walk slowly toward the restaurant outside.

"Stop, or I"ll shoot!" The policewoman was coquettish again, and she pulled out the pistol again, and the muzzle of the pistol was aimed at summer again.

Seeing the policewoman pull out the gun again, people in the restaurant are a little uneasy again, but they are thinking, this guy just looks very good, will he not be afraid of the gun now?

At this time, the policewoman who had stood upright suddenly fell to the ground when her legs were soft.

"Er!" The policewoman didn"t fall on the ground directly, but just hit a dining table. Even if she hit the dining table, she just hit her head on the corner of the table. So, after making a scream, the policewoman directly knocked out.

"Wife, you see, I"ll tell you that it"s dark when you are near. This ugly monster is also a self m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t. He b.u.mps his head into the corner of the table." In the summer, I"m talking again.

People were stunned. Isn"t that a coincidence?

"You..." The policewoman also wanted to say it at this time, but he just said a word. In summer, he suddenly turned around and looked at him, "Hey, do you want to hit the corner of the table, too?"

The policewoman seemed to choke for a moment and could not say a word more.

"Come on, I"m not a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t. I don"t want to be too close to a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t." Summer and lazily said a word, and then finally out of the restaurant, a group of people looking at the back of summer, look full of wonder, but no one dare to stop him.

After leaving the restaurant, Ning Jie and she really went out for a while in summer. Of course, they didn"t go far either. They just walked around the Xiangxue Lake area and finally returned to the Xiangxue lake villa area. At this moment, it was almost 10 p.m.

"Good Mr. Song, good miss Ning." When entering the gate, the security guard greeted the two people warmly. However, no matter in summer or Ningjie, they ignored the security guard and went in directly.

The two quickly came to their villa door, but they didn"t open it immediately, because they suddenly found that there was a person standing at the gate of the villa, and it seemed that this person was waiting for them.

This is a girl who looks only 17 or 18 years old. She has a bright face, delicate facial features, tall figure, beautiful curve, and looks very moving. Although she is a little behind Ning Jie, she is definitely one in a million.

"Is that doctor song, please?" The girl stared at summer with eyes like autumn water, her voice was clear and sweet, and her words were polite.

"Yes, my name is song. I"m a miracle doctor." Summer answered a sentence, and then a little confused asked, "who are you? I"d like to make a statement first. It"s very late now, and I"m not in the mood to treat people. So if you want to treat me, come back tomorrow. Eh, no, I don"t need to come tomorrow. I don"t want to treat people in this period of time. "

"Doctor song misunderstood you. I"m not here to ask you for treatment. My miss wants to see you." There was a rather sweet smile on the girl"s face.

"Your lady?" Summer is a bit confused, "do I know her?"

"Doctor song should not know my miss yet, but you will know her later." The girl"s smile is still very sweet, but strangely, from the beginning to the end, she didn"t even look at Ningjie, it seems that she didn"t want to know Ningjie at all.

"I don"t know. It must not be my wife." Summer said to himself, "then let her come to see me. Anyway, she wants to see me, not I want to see her."

"Doctor song, my young lady"s action is not very convenient, so she can"t come here." The girl explained.

"It"s none of my business. She wants to see me anyway." Summer said lazily, the heart is still muttering, dare to be a lame ah, he thought it was a beauty, it is more impossible for him to pa.s.s.

"Doctor song, my young lady said," if you don"t want to go, let me tell you something. " The girl was not angry, still smiling, and her voice was still clear.

"What"s the point?" Summer a little dissatisfied, this wench looks good, how do you like to do so mysterious strange ancient?

"My young lady said that if Dr. song would not go, Dr. Xia would certainly like to see her." Said the young girl without any hurry.

Doctor Xia?

Hearing this, Ning Jie"s face changed a little. Obviously, the girl"s implication was that she knew the real ident.i.ty of summer!

Summer stare at this young girl, a little dissatisfied said: "Hey, believe it or not I beat you?"

"I believe it." The girl smiled, "but I"m sure you"ll see my miss."

Summer was a little depressed for a while. He was too handsome to help. Although he changed his name and tried to keep a low profile, he was recognized by others. He didn"t know who the lady in the girl"s mouth was. He even knew his surname Xia. It seems that he still had to go to see what the lady wanted to do.

"Well, I"ll see your lady first. When I see you, I"ll beat you both!" Summer a little dissatisfied stare at this girl, this girl is obviously threatening him, he does not like to be threatened, more do not like to be threatened by women!

"Honey, I"ll go with you." Ning Jie said softly.

Summer hasn"t spoken, but the young girl said again: "Miss Ning, my young lady only wants to see doctor song alone."

"It"s OK. I"ll go alone. You wait for me at home, and I"ll be right back." In summer, he didn"t worry about his own accident. Song Yumei was the one he really cared about all the time. No matter who he was, he couldn"t be frightened.

"But..." Ning Jie began to worry.

"Miss Ning doesn"t have to worry. My miss doesn"t mean anything to doctor song. Otherwise, she won"t let me come here to invite doctor song." At this time, the beautiful girl began to talk again, but she seemed to talk to Ningjie, but still looked at summer. Obviously, she was not interested in Ningjie, but she should be very interested in summer.

"Cheap wife, go ahead first. If you are sleepy, go to bed first. You can"t wait for me." At this time in summer, I comforted Ning Jie.

"I"ll wait for you to come home." Ning Jie finally stopped insisting on going with her, but said in a low voice. The girl"s words just rea.s.sured her a little bit. No matter who the other party is, it should have nothing to do with song Yumei. Otherwise, song Yumei is the one who appears in front of them now.

"Doctor song, please." The girl smiled at summer. "My car is parked outside."

"Lead the way." Summer lazily said a word, in fact, he also a little want to see the girl in the mouth of the young lady, because he is also a little curious about the other party in the end who is.

At this time, summer also felt that it was not so easy to let people know his real ident.i.ty. He only stayed here for a few days. It seemed that several people recognized him. It was Chi Renfeng before, but now another young lady appeared. Now Chi Renfeng has been killed by him. Is this young lady to be seen also to be killed?

Summer and the beautiful girl walked out of the villa together, and the security guard at the door cursed summer in his heart. This d.a.m.ned rich man, it"s less than ten minutes, and the beauty around him has changed, and the clothes of others are not as fast as he changes the beauty!

After leaving the villa and walking hundreds of meters, the beautiful girl came to a red beetle parked by the side of the road in summer, opened the door and smiled at her: "doctor song, please get in the car!"

Summer is not polite, directly sat up, and the beautiful girl also quickly got on the car, started the car.

"h.e.l.lo, what"s your miss"s name?" Summer can"t help but ask at this time.

"Doctor song, my miss"s name, I"d better wait for her to tell you personally." The beautiful girl said leisurely as she drove.

"What"s your name then?" Summer is a little uncomfortable, I asked.

"My name is a Jiu." This time, the young girl replied with great alacrity.

"Why are you called a Jiu?" Summer a curious look, "in fact, I think your name is a eight or a seven OK, by the way, I have a very nice name for you."

"Is it?" The girl who called herself a Jiu also seemed to be a little curious, "I don"t know what good name the doctor song has for me?"

"I don"t think either a Jiu or a BA Qi is named 38. Look how famous the name is. As soon as you say it, everyone knows it. As long as you change your name to 38, you can become famous." Summer solemnly said.

At first, a Jiu, who had been very calm and calm, suddenly felt the urge to hit a car in front of her by stepping on the accelerator. She finally understood that the man was curving and scolding her as a 38!

"I always thought that doctor song was just fond of beating people, but I didn"t expect that he was good at swearing." Ah Jiu quickly calmed down and said faintly.

"No matter what I do, I"m good at beating people. Especially, I"m good at spanking. Do you want to try?" Summer is still a very serious way to ask, he really want to beat this girl named a Jiu.

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