Chapter 1062

"Five, what are you so anxious to find us for?" The eldest brother frowned slightly. "You are not well yet!"

The fifth scar is really hurt now. It"s said that it"s not light, but it"s not too heavy. Because both of them are not fatal parts. He was. .h.i.t by a crazy woman when he wanted to help Chen Siming kidnap yixiaoyin a few days ago.

Scar five always thought that the woman was crazy. He gave him a shot without saying anything. Then, in order to get information from his mouth, he gave him another shot. For a lunatic with a gun, scar five couldn"t think of any countermeasures. So he sold Chen Siming without hesitation.

Originally, scar five wanted to have a rest for a few days, but the news just got made him feel that he could not have a rest. If he had a rest, he might not have been injured, but would have gone straight to the earth to have a rest.

"Boss, we must stop our actions against Song Shi and Ning Jie at once. We can"t go on, or something will happen." Scar old five said a little eagerly.

"How can I do that? Can"t the sixth brother die for nothing? " Before the boss finished speaking, the one eyed second brother immediately objected.

"Yes, that kid killed the sixth. If we just let it go, then how can we get along after that?" Bald old three echoed.

"As I said before, they are not easy to mess with." Tieguai seven obviously still has a lingering fear for Ningjie.

"When did you become so timid? Won"t be to eat two Ma Dou, afraid? " The one eyed second said.

"Second, third, you"d better go to Xiangxue Lake No. 1 in person, and then you will know why I asked you to stop." Scar five is a little angry, "am I timid? I"m sure you"ll be less brave than me after watching it! "

"Come on, don"t argue. What"s the matter with the old five?" The boss spoke again.

"That"s right. Tell me about the fifth. I"d like to know what can scare the fifth like this!" The tone of the one eyed old man was full of sarcasm.

"Second, what"s the matter with you? It"s always weird to talk! " Scar fifth is very angry, "I gra.s.s, nothing serious, that is the boy named Song Shi, now there are half of the special forces to stand guard for him, and this special forces, just have a code name, called the f.u.c.king black leopard!"

Suddenly there was a cold silence in the room. After a long time, someone called down, "I"m gra.s.s!"

"Don"t tell me if you don"t believe it. I don"t want to explain myself if you don"t believe it? Which time did not I run in the front? I"m timid. I don"t want you to die inexplicably. I"m not in the mood to come to you! " Scar five is obviously not happy now. "In a word, the news has told you what else you want to do, but the people below me won"t bother to find that kid again. I don"t want them to die!"

Scar said that, he stood up and limped out of the conference room.

"I"m sure the fifth brother won"t cheat the brothers, so whether you still want to avenge the sixth brother or not, this matter will be put down for a while. Let"s observe it for a while." The boss spoke at this time.

The others nodded, and the one eyed man seemed to disagree, but he didn"t say anything on the spot.

Nowadays, some people are always happy and some are worried. When the seventh brotherhood is worried, Xie Zhengkun of the Bureau is laughing, laughing so hard that Shi Jinsong who is reporting the case to him in the office is inexplicable. The director just received a phone call and he was happy. Did his wife give him a son?

"Good news, it"s really good news. Mayor LAN went to the door of the armed police himself and was called back by the special forces of others. Hahaha, before that, he said that I would be held responsible when someone was arrested. Now I see who he will be held responsible for..." Xie Zhengkun has a happy face. He was really depressed before. He thought that mayor LAN Yibo was much more enlightened than his son-in-law brother. He should be good at talking. But in the end, LAN Yibo asked him to arrest people. But before Ming Dynasty, he received the order from the provincial department that he could not arrest Song Shi and Ning Jie. Isn"t it hard for mayor LAN?

As a result, blue city grew up and thundered, saying that he was incompetent as a director, which depressed Xie Zhengkun. But when mayor LAN directly let the armed police come to arrest people through other ways, he suffered a greater loss, which immediately excited Xie Zhengkun. What about the mayor? People still don"t give you face!

But after Shi Jinsong finally figured out the course of the incident, he was shocked, but also secretly congratulated himself again. He was really lucky. He didn"t fight with song zhiningjie.

On the Qingfeng mountain, the moon in white robes and the night jade in black tights are dying. The white shadows are floating and surrounded by black belts. Their movements are so fast that they can"t see their figures clearly.

"Xiaomei, our skills are still equal. We can"t win or lose in a short time. Do you want to continue?" The sound of the moon rose.

"Win or lose, don"t give up!" Yeyumei only answered the seven words of yueqingya, and then the attack became more fierce.

Yueqingya sighs, but she doesn"t speak any more, and she can"t distract herself. In the face of an opponent like yeyumei, she has to focus on nothing to win.

Although she didn"t want to win, but this time, she can"t lose!

************Building 18, No. 1, Xiangxue lake.

Summer is still sitting in the bedroom with his knees crossed. He is using another way to accompany his beloved fairy sister. When Qingya and yeyumei died in the same month, summer is also using his ice fire aura and Yin Fire from yeyumei"s body.

Of course, Yin fire is not Yin Fire at this time. After taking the super spring medicine made by himself in summer, a lot of Yang Qi is produced in his body. Up to now, these Yang Qi have been completely neutralized with Yin Fire, creating a new kind of genuine Qi, which is far more powerful than the former Yin Fire, so that summer wants to absorb this genuine Qi completely But it"s not that easy.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the former Yinhuo was quite domineering and wanted to devour the spirit of ice and fire at any time. However, this new Qi was generated after the harmony of yin and Yang, so it is relatively mild, because although it is powerful, it does not have the desire to attack.

But the problem is that even if you don"t have the desire to attack, it doesn"t mean that this Qi is willing to be swallowed. So when ice fire aura attacks this Qi and tries to fully absorb them, this Qi is also resisted. So, taking the body in summer as the battlefield, this new Qi and ice fire Aura will come to a dead end.

For summer, it"s also a very hard battle. On the one hand, the new Qi is too strong, which makes him have to spend all his ice fire aura on absorbing Qi. On the other hand, after taking the super aphrodisiac, he still has some sequelae. His desire at the moment seems particularly strong, but he has to suppress it for the sake of G.o.d Sister Xian, in order to defeat song Yumei"s dead woman, he must suppress his desire and complete this time"s real Qi absorption!

"Sister immortal, you must not lose to song Yumei"s dead woman. I will help you when I come back." Summer in the heart silently thinking, whenever he found that his desire is soaring some out of control, he will immediately appear in the sea of mind fairy sister that beautiful figure, the desire will immediately fade.

Time pa.s.sed unconsciously, and summer finally pa.s.sed through the most difficult time. The ice and fire spirit in his body has finally occupied the absolute upper hand. The new spirit seems to have voluntarily surrendered and no longer resisted. In summer, ice and fire spirit can be divided to clear the Yang sequelae and make him no longer suffer from the torment of l.u.s.t.

In the following time, summer is relatively relaxed, and the absorption of Qi has been going on smoothly. I don"t know how long it will be. When all the Qi in summer has turned into the spirit of ice and fire that can be controlled by him, summer will open his eyes. For a while, he is a little excited. There is only one idea in his mind, and he will be able to find the immortal sister immediately!

But at this time, summer suddenly felt something wrong, he suddenly felt countless breath, surging from all directions, these breath surrounded him instantly, he subconsciously wanted to use ice fire aura to resist this sudden breath, but immediately found that he was not strange to this breath, and at the same time, he also found that ice fire aura did not exclude this Some breath, but on the contrary, he took the initiative to meet them. In a moment, countless breath poured into his body.

In the summer, he quickly took back his mind and sat on the ground with his knees crossed again. He had recognized that this breath was the strange breath that appeared when he used the fourth needle against the sky. Although he did not understand why this breath appeared at this time, he knew that if it entered his body, it would only be good for him, and there would be no harm. What he needed to do was Make good use of his ice and fire aura to integrate this breath.

However, summer soon found that this breath was not willing to cooperate with his guidance, but ran freely in his body. However, summer soon decided that this breath would not harm him, so he simply did not try to guide, but just monitor the operation of this breath.

The breath is constantly pouring in, stronger than the breath he encountered every time he used to apply the needle. After entering his body, the breath did not immediately merge with the spirit of ice and fire, but arbitrarily scoured his meridians. In summer, he was surprised to find that the breath was automatically doing something he could not imagine, washing the marrow!

Summer has been washing marrow for his wives, but he can"t wash marrow for himself, but at this time, the breath flowing into his body is automatically cutting hair and washing marrow for him. Even though summer knows everything, at this moment, he doesn"t understand how this wonderful thing can happen.

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