Chapter 1067

"Wolf, wait a minute." At this time, the moon is quiet and elegant, but it opens.

Summer stopped his action, but some strange: "fairy sister, what"s the matter?"

Yueqingya didn"t speak, just got up slowly from the bed.

In summer, his breath was a little faster. Although he could barely bear it, he could bear it very hard. If he didn"t care too much about the body of the fairy sister, he would have been able to put the beautiful fairy sister out of bed.

"Why do you have to endure so much pain, you little fool?" Yueqingya gently hugged the summer with her white lotus root arm, "elder sister Jindan has been damaged for 20 years, in fact, there is no need to rush to this moment."

"But, sister immortal, I still want to repair the golden elixir for you first, so I don"t have to worry about your body." Summer also took back the silver needle, but also gently around the elegant waist.

"Little wolf, you are like this now. I can"t let you use the fifth needle against the sky." Yueqingya shakes her head gently, and her voice is extremely gentle. "The eight needles against the sky are marvelous. Before you, no one has ever really learned how to use them. As far as I know, even the fifth needle against the sky has never been used. Therefore, the specific effect of the fifth needle against the sky will not be known to you or me, so this time, no matter how much it is for you It"s a challenge for me. "

"Sister immortal, don"t worry, it will be OK. When I used the fourth anti heaven needle for the first time, I was worried about the problem, but it was OK finally. This time, I am confident that I can repair your golden elixir." Summer is full of confidence.

Yueqingya ", I was also inspired by the desire from my heart.

She is a fairy. In her original world, in her ethereal fairy gate, she is above all others. However, years of cultivation of her mind only makes her more difficult to move. It doesn"t mean that she is not normal. She is actually a normal woman. In front of outsiders, or other men, although she seems gentle, her heart refuses to move for thousands of miles Summer is not an outsider or another man. He is her husband, her only man, and the only man who occupies her heart. Therefore, in front of him, she is no longer the unattainable fairy, but his woman, her heart, her body, can be presented to him without any cover.

"Little wolf, my sister believes in your ability, and also believes that you can successfully use the fifth needle against the sky to repair the golden elixir for my sister. However, whether it"s for you or for me, you are not suitable to use needles for me now." In the elegant voice of the moon, there is a bit of coquettish taste. "We have been together for 16 years. Do you think my sister still doesn"t know you? Although you can"t bear to take advantage of your sister, you still can"t calm down in your heart. However, if you want to use the fifth needle against the sky, you must be able to calm down. Otherwise, we may all be in danger. "

"Sister immortal, I don"t just want to take advantage of you. I just miss you so much." Summer hands temporarily stopped movement, a little uneasy explanation, in his mind, fairy sister is too important, so, he can not let fairy sister angry, also can not let fairy sister unhappy.

"Little wolf, my sister knows." Yue Qingya nodded gently, "my sister also misses you very much, so I understand your mood, and I also know what you want most now. So I understand more. You can"t give me the fifth needle against the sky in this case. My sister thinks that you should repair the golden elixir for my sister after she puts on her clothes."

"Well, sister fairy, I"ll listen to you." Summer thought about it, then nodded his head. He also thought that after sister Shenxian put on her clothes, he should be able to apply needles more calmly. For the sake of sister Shenxian"s safety, he thought it would be better to do so.

However, if he wants to dress the fairy sister like this, he seems to be reluctant to give up. You know, he hasn"t been able to love the beloved fairy sister well.

"Little wolf, my sister will undress you." Once again, the soft voice came into summer"s ears. After staying in summer, it was like a dream.

In the memory of summer, immortal sister took off clothes for him personally. This is the first time. In fact, even when he was three years old, he dressed himself and took off clothes. Although he took off clothes for immortal sister many times later, she was still very reserved even when immortal sister jade body was horizontal, so she never took off clothes for him Clothing.

Yueqingya is obviously not good at undressing for others. Although there are not many clothes on her body in summer, she still takes a lot of time to remove all the clothes for him. In the whole process, summer is in a dreamlike feeling.

It"s not easy for her to do this for the always reserved yueqingya. Next, summer will become the controller again. He sucks the fragrance of yueqingya"s lips gently and greedily.

After a long time, the lips of summer are reluctant to let go of the elegant lips of the moon.

Yueqing"s elegant and white face has already become red, such as blooming Begonia, charming and dripping, and her white and almost transparent skin has also begun to become more pink, beautiful and more heart stirring.

I don"t know for a long time, Yue Qingya has been lying on the bed......

There is no time in the mountains, just a few days in the blink of an eye.

The new year"s bell has sounded, and the new year has been celebrated everywhere under the mountain. However, Qingfeng mountain is very quiet. In fact, there are only a few people in Qingfeng mountain. No matter what time, they will be very quiet.

In fact, there are two wooden houses on the hillside of Qingfeng mountain. One of them is a lot of wooden houses, which is the elegant residence of the moon, while the other is very few. There are five wooden houses in total, three of which should be bedrooms, and the other two should be kitchens and toilets.

Although there are not many rooms in this wooden house, there are a lot of flat ground around it. On the flat ground, there are some strange devices installed in some places, even a shooting range. Of course, these devices are not used now.

"A pair of K!"

"A pair of two!"

"I am four eight, ha ha, ghost doctor, dark emperor, you two will lose this time!"

"I"ve been talking about killing G.o.ds for nearly 20 years. How come you haven"t made any progress in this game?"

"f.u.c.k, why didn"t I grow up? Don"t I win you now? "

"Four nines!"

"You lost!"

"f.u.c.k, why do you have four nines?"

"You never remember who told you to fight the landlord."


On a small field outside the wooden house, there is a table. Beside the table, there are three old men fighting against the landlord.

These three old men all look like they are about sixty years old. One of them is the thinnest, the thinnest and the shortest. His eyes seem turbid, but occasionally he shoots a light. If he throws the old man out on the street, he is no different from the ordinary old man. In fact, he is not ordinary at all, because he is the Third Master in summer LV Ren, the dark emperor, was frightened by foreign agents.

Another old man is almost as thin as dark emperor LV Ren, but he is the tallest of the three. He is tall and thin. He looks like a dried bamboo pole. His hands are very special, like women"s hands, long and thin. This old man is the master of summer. He claims to be a generation of ghost Doctor Zhang mingtuo who is a saint of love.

The rest of the old man, of course, is the G.o.d of killing Alan, who always loses in fighting against the landlord. Although he is almost sixty years old, the G.o.d of killing Alan still gives people a sense of handsome. Obviously, dark emperor LV Ren and ghost Doctor Zhang mingtuo can"t match that.

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