Chapter 1097

Night has fallen. In the living room of villa No. 18 in Xiangxue lake villa area, Ning Jie"s long and thin white jade legs have started a swaying and colorful dance performance, accompanied by dance and music. Although she is not a singer, she still has beautiful music in her mouth, and the sofa in the living room occasionally makes a sound to accompany her.

Time quickly in this spring filled movement. Unconsciously, it has been several hours. The music has entered the final movement, and gradually becomes quiet, with only a tiny gasp.

Ning Jie lies quietly on her body in summer. She feels the breath of his body from a quiet distance, but her whole body is weak. Even though she has a good const.i.tution, she still can"t resist the attack of this man.

However, she enjoyed the feeling of powerlessness. She found that she liked to lie on her body without any strength, without thinking about anything, and without doing anything. She felt very relaxed. She was even surprised to find that for her, this kind of thing that used to consume physical energy was like a rare rest and exercise.

Unfortunately, she was relaxed, but was quickly broken by a phone call. She picked up her mobile phone and found that the time was almost 10 o"clock, and it was Shi Jinsong who called.

"Team leader Shi, is it done?" Ning Jie asked, but she felt something was wrong. It shouldn"t take so long to do this.

Sure enough, there was a embarra.s.sed voice from Shi Jinsong on the other end of the phone: "I"m sorry, Miss Ning, we are in trouble. We were resisted by the security guards at the Tianw.a.n.g nightclub. We asked for support, but it was Li Si who came to support us. He was obviously leaning to help the Tianw.a.n.g nightclub. He also asked us to remove the people. The director couldn"t help him, he said There"s pressure on it. Miss Ning, do you want doctor song to make another phone call or something... "

Shi Jinsong"s meaning is very clear. The backstage of Tianw.a.n.g nightclub is too hard, and he can"t make sure. He needs to come out in summer to finish the backstage of Tianw.a.n.g nightclub.

"Wait a minute, then. I"ll call you later." Ning Jie is not very happy. On the one hand, she thinks the police are useless. On the other hand, she thinks the gangsters in this place are too powerful. The security guard of the nightclub can also carry the police!

After hanging up the phone, Ning Jie asked in a low voice, "husband, do you want to call someone to solve this problem?"

"Forget it. I"ll go myself. Those policemen are useless." Summer is also a little depressed, it"s up to him to do it in person.

"Then, honey, do you want me to go with you?" Ning Jie doesn"t really want to go, because she is still suffering from the aftermath of happiness, and her whole body is weak.

"No, you can have a rest at home. I"ll get it done and come back." In summer, shaking his head, he can see that Ningjie needs to rest. Besides, there is no need for Ningjie to follow him. He can handle it soon.


this time of ten o"clock is actually the most prosperous time of Tianw.a.n.g nightclub. As the most upscale and deadly nightclub in w.a.n.ggang City, this place is very busy every night. Tonight is no exception, or even more lively tonight.

In the past, there were cheongsam beauties standing at the entrance of the nightclub, but now, at the entrance of the nightclub, there is a confrontation between the security guards with weapons and the police with guns in their hands. Although they were pointed by guns, these security guards are not afraid because they believe that the police dare not shoot.

There is no doubt that there is no reason for the confidence of these security guards. In fact, although these policemen brought by Shi Jinsong didn"t give in, they didn"t dare to shoot. At this moment, he even regretted that he shouldn"t come to this muddy water. However, since the matter has come to this point, he has no way back. He can only gamble wildly and continue to be tough. If he withdraws, his former Tu must be completely destroyed. If he doesn"t return, he can still hope for the mysterious doctor named summer.

"Shi Jinsong, what are you doing? Mayor Lan said, "let your people leave now!" Li Si is very angry, because if he can"t get these policemen away, he can"t give them a job. He is a member of the seventh brotherhood. He has to work for the seventh brotherhood, and he can"t let these policemen in anyway, because there are many people who can"t be exposed in this nightclub, and because of this, the security guards are willing to carry them.

As long as those inside are not exposed, the nightclub may not be closed even if they fight hard with the police. But if those inside are exposed, the nightclub will be closed, and the seven brothers will inevitably be involved.

There is no way back for the king of heaven nightclub, and no way back for lish, but there is no way back for Shi Jinsong, so the situation is so stalemate.

"Lish, when I was a policeman, you were still playing with mud. I don"t need you to teach me a lesson. I didn"t get a call from mayor LAN. I just came here to investigate the case on the order of the director general!" Shi Jinsong doesn"t show weakness. He didn"t receive the call from mayor LAN. The reason is very simple. When mayor LAN called, he didn"t answer it on purpose. As for the reason that he moved out of director Xie Zhengkun, the reason is simpler. Let Xie Zhengkun share some firepower for him.

Of course, Shi Jinsong knows better. Xie Zhengkun has already turned off his mobile phone, pretending to know nothing.

"You"d better think about the consequences!" Lish glared at Shi Jinsong. The star policeman was a little unhappy recently. He was almost killed. Then he went back to the police station and began to find something wrong. Shi Jinsong seemed to be more and more arrogant and less focused on him.

"If I don"t know the consequences, I won"t come here!" Shi Jinsong does not show weakness. He is completely open-minded now. Of course, there is something that makes him more confident, because he has informed Ning Jie. He believes that within a short period of time, he will have the absolute upper hand.

"Xiaowei, it"s not so good, or forget it?" Not far away, Tan Xuewu gently advised Tan Wei, "the backstage of this nightclub is very hard, even the police of the city bureau can"t go in. It"s lucky that you can live. If you keep going, it"s not good for us. Let"s go back to Muyang county early. No one dares to provoke our Tan family there."

"Dad, Zhou Lan is affected by me. I can"t ignore her!" Tan Wei said firmly, "don"t worry, brother-in-law will come to help us. Officer Shi is brother-in-law. If he can"t make sure, he will. I just saw him call."

"Xiaowei, Zhou Lan is here. I"m afraid she will encounter some bad things. You need to be prepared." Tan Xuewu hesitated a little.

"Dad, I know that these days, when I was a beggar, I saw a lot of things. No matter what happened to her, she or my girlfriend. I hurt her like this, and I will be responsible for it." Tan Wei knows that when his girlfriend falls into such a place, nothing good will happen, but he doesn"t mind those now. He just hopes that his girlfriend is still alive.

"That"s what you think." Tan Xuewu nodded.

Over there, however, lish and shijinsong are still quarreling.

"Shijinsong, I"ll say for the last time, you"ll take your people with you and get out of here!" Li Si has begun to get angry.

"Liz, if you want to get out, you can get out!" Shi Jinsong is more and more calm.

"Don"t make me do it!" Liz was so angry that he was drawing his gun.

"You"re not my match!" Shi Jinsong looks scornful.

"Well, then I"ll let you know my strength..." Lish is going crazy. He just wants to do it. But before he can do it, someone has already done it first. Suddenly there is a sharp pain in his stomach. Lish can"t help but cry out, "ah!"

"You idiot again!" Discontent was also heard in LISS.

Lish put his hand to his stomach, raised his head and looked up at the voice with great effort. He was furious: "yes, it"s you!"

"Nonsense, of course it"s me!" It was summer, but he obviously didn"t intend to continue to talk nonsense with LISS. He kicked LISS again. Liston flew out, fell to the ground with his head on the ground, and pa.s.sed out in a coma.


"What do you do?"


At the same time, there were several angry voices, but it was the police that Li Si brought. Some of them were ready to draw their guns. However, their actions were obviously not as fast as in summer. Only the figures flashed by, and these people had fallen to the ground one after another, with no voice.

Shi Jinsong was stunned again, while the onlookers were shocked. This man is so powerful!

"Brother in law!" Tan Wei, however, was very happy and hurried to come.

"Doctor song......" Shi Jinsong also said h.e.l.lo.

"Call me doctor Xia, I"m summer!" Summer discontented stare Shi Jinsong one eye.

"Yes, doctor Xia." Shi Jinsong quickly changed his name. He understood that summer was no longer anonymous.

"You stay at the door. Don"t let anyone out. I"ll take care of it!" Summer with Shi Jinsong said, and then looked at Tan Wei, "go, go to find your girlfriend!"

"Yes, brother-in-law!"

"Yes, doctor Xia!"

Shi Jinsong and Tan Wei answered almost at the same time, and at the same time, in the summer, they had already stepped inside.

The security guards were like enemies, but they still stood in the way, no one retreated, but the next second, Shi Jinsong and the police brought by Shi Jinsong only heard a lot of mixed screams and groans. Then, they found that all the security guards who had confronted them before had fallen on the ground and could not get up again.



Summer into the nightclub, directly is a mess, and then shouted: "Hey, here which idiot is the boss, get out!"

The originally noisy nightclub suddenly quieted down. All the music seemed to be closed in a moment. About a minute later, a group of people came down from the upstairs.

"I"m the boss here, brother. Where are you from?" The first one is a scar man. His tone sounds very kind.

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