Chapter 1111

But some things, such as Xiao Daming"s search for children, are still out of control.

There is no doubt that Xiao Daming is determined to find his so-called abducted son. At the beginning, he just had news on Jianghai"s local portal. However, in recent days, not only Jianghai"s local portal, but also the national major portal has reported on this matter.

Xiao Daming also registered accounts on several famous microblog websites, and the microblog about his search for a son has been forwarded numerous times.

Local newspapers in Jianghai city began to see people-seeking advertis.e.m.e.nts. Even on TV, they began to broadcast people-seeking news. Xiao Daming"s search for children has become more and more noisy.

Even mobile phone text messages are being forwarded. Even summer"s mobile phones are being forwarded. Obviously, summer"s master is right. Even if he wants to hide it, he will know it eventually. So, he might as well tell summer earlier and let summer decide for himself.

However, Leng Bingbing is not so worried now, because these days, whether he saw these things on the Internet or on TV in summer, it seems very calm, as if he has completely ignored this matter.

It"s another night of happiness. The next day, in summer and lengbing still sleep until noon. With the experience of lengbing, every time before he gets up, the husband has to exercise on himself, but today it seems a little unusual. The man actually gets up straight and honestly dressed, and then helps her put on clothes.

"Ice, I"m leaving." Summer finally said to the cold.

"Ah?" I was so cold that I couldn"t help asking, "where are you going?"

In fact, I was thinking about whether I should go to work or not yesterday, because now I have pa.s.sed the holiday, and the police station has been officially working for several days. Although her director is staying at home, no one can do anything about her, but after all, it"s not very good. The most important thing is that she feels that she"s in a good mood in the summer, and she can"t accompany him to go crazy.

It"s just that I didn"t expect that I would take the initiative to leave in summer. You know, no matter which time I used to go, this guy can"t go either!

"Is it true that, as many people say, when a man gets a woman, he will not treasure it again?" I can"t help but start to think about it. I can"t help it. Who made the performance of today"s summer abnormal.

"I"ll go to Xiao Qiao first, and then I should go to the capital." Summer replied, "I don"t want to see the news that they are looking for me all day. I"d better solve this problem."

Cold suddenly understood that summer was still concerned about him.

"Are you going to meet them?" Asked coldly.

"I don"t know yet." Summer shook his head, "at first I was very sad, but now I"m not sad, but these days, I still think of more childhood things, some things, I don"t understand a little, so I want to see them once."

"Well, see you." Coldly nodded, "you go."

"Ice, I"ll go first." Summer leaves soon.

************The Qiao family.

Qiao Xiaoqiao villa, restaurant.

Qiao Fenger had just finished her lunch. She brought the meal to the table, and then went upstairs to call Qiao Xiaoqiao and Qiao huanger to come down for dinner. However, when she called them to come down, she was immediately stupid.

The next second, Qiao feng"er screamed, "summer, you big bucket!"

Qiao Fenger is angry. Is it easy for her to cook a meal? It took her half an hour to prepare a lunch carefully for Miss Qiao to reward herself by the way. However, she went upstairs just now. In a minute"s effort, the food suddenly appeared in summer. In such a moment, she wiped out at least half of the carefully prepared dishes!

It"s really Yuer can"t bear Fenger, she can"t bear it today!

Qiao Fenger ran down quickly and shouted angrily in the summer, "Hey, you"re not allowed to eat. We haven"t eaten yet!"

"Why don"t you let me eat?" Summer is very innocent looking at Qiao Fenger, "you cook out is not let me eat?"

"Who said I cooked for you?" Qiaofenger asked angrily, "I made it for Miss Qiao!"

"What you make for my wife is mine, which is equal to what you make for me. What"s the problem with my eating?" Summer still looks innocent.

"You!" Qiao Fenger is depressed. This guy is just messing around. What"s more, this guy doesn"t stop talking to him at the same time. For a while, there are a lot of dishes on the table.

"I"m too lazy to talk to you. I"m hungry." Summer said, continue to eat and drink.

"If you want to come back for dinner, don"t you know to call back earlier?" Qiao Fenger said angrily.

"I came back to find that I was hungry." Summer replied casually.

Qiao Fenger"s face was red with rage for a moment, and her chest was suddenly undulating. A part of surprising size appeared choppy and spectacular.

What"s more, Qiao Fenger broke down. In summer, he said to Qiao Xiaoqiao, "wife, come to eat, too. It"s just right for us. Let them eat later."

Qiao Fenger wanted to go to the kitchen for a while, and the spatula killed her in summer. She worked hard to make lunch, but she was not allowed to eat it?

"Honey, you can eat first. It doesn"t matter if we eat later." Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled a little, then turned to look at Qiao huanger, "Yuer, you go to the kitchen to prepare something to eat."

"Well." Qiao Huang replied.

"Come on, I"ll go, lest I look at that bucket and get angry!" Qiao Fenger breathed a word, then ran to the kitchen.

Qiao huang"er can"t help shaking her head. Feng"er and summer are just a pair of enemies. Once they meet, they will quarrel. If they don"t get together, they will have ghosts.

"Wife, you really don"t eat now?" Summer at this time asked Qiao Xiaoqiao.

"I"m not hungry, honey, just eat it, leave me alone." Qiao Xiaoqiao replied, but he was a little puzzled. Where did the husband come from? How can I be so hungry?

It"s said that Qiao Xiaoqiao is not hungry now, and he"s not polite in summer. He"ll slap the food on the table in a moment. Although it"s not the first time to see the amazing amount of food in summer, Qiao huanger can"t help but mutter to herself that feng"er is right. This guy is really a big eater.

"Husband, aren"t you in Jianghai these days?" When he finished eating in summer, Qiao couldn"t help asking.

"Yes, I"m with sister Jinghua." Summer also did not hide, this kind of thing he will not hide, he is also eager to spread around, said lengbingbing is his woman.

Qiao Xiaoqiao suddenly understood that it was no wonder that this summer was gone. I dare to be with you all the time.

"Wife, I"m going to the capital in a few days." Said the summer.

"The capital city?" Qiao Xiaoqiao is slightly stunned, "looking for sister Han and them?"

"Well, it"s not just for them. I have another thing. I"ll call the master first and tell you later." Summer quickly said a word, then took out the mobile phone, dialed a number.

"What can I do for you, boy?" As soon as the phone was connected, there came Zhang mingtuo"s voice.

"Do something for me. Tell Xiao Daming to stop looking for someone else. I"m bored." Summer said quickly.

"Boy, I"m no longer in Jianghai city. How can I tell him?" Zhang mingtuo was a little upset.

"Why are you not in the sea?" I"m not happy in summer.

"Boy, you hang out with your wife all day, I can"t come to find my old lover?" Zhang mingtuo said discontentedly, "anyway, I don"t have time to go back to Jianghai now. You can handle it yourself."

Zhang mingtuo hung up the phone directly whether he agreed or not in summer.

"What bad master? I don"t help you with such a small matter. I"m looking for an old lover. He"s old, and he can fart!" Summer mumbles, "can"t come to the river and the sea also can make a phone call, how can I have such a stupid master?"

After thinking about it, he said to himself in summer, "Shifu still has no wife. My wife, you"d better help me with this!"

"Husband, what are you talking about?" Qiao Xiaoqiao can"t help but ask, she has guessed some vaguely, but not very sure.


Hyatt Regency.

Xiao Daming just hung up, but his face was full of worry.

At this time, the sound of knocking was heard. Xiao Daming walked to the door and opened it, only to find a strange young man standing at the door.

"Is that Mr. Xiao Daming?" The man smiled at Xiao Daming. "I"m Qiao Donghai."

"I"m Xiao Daming." Xiao Daming nodded slightly. "Mr. Qiao, what do you want to do with me?"

"Mr. Xiao, let"s go in and say something about your son." Qiao Donghai smiled lightly. "It"s not good to be heard outside."

"Yes, Mr. Joe, please come in." Xiao Daming"s spirit slightly vibrated.

Qiao Donghai went in and closed the door.

"Mr. Xiao, I don"t beat around the bush. To be frank, I hope you don"t continue to look for your son in Jianghai city or anywhere." Qiao Donghai directly said that he came here, naturally entrusted by Qiao Xiaoqiao. Qiao Xiaoqiao doesn"t want to come by himself, but she can"t come by herself, because if she comes in person, it"s easy to remind people of summer, but she can"t find anyone, so Qiao Donghai is the best choice.

Xiao Daming"s face changed slightly, and his tone was slightly angry: "Mr. Qiao, I don"t quite understand what you mean."

"Mr. Xiao, since you abandoned your son, don"t look for him now. He doesn"t want to be found by you." Qiao Donghai said lightly: "besides, you don"t really want to find him. You just want his bone marrow to save your son now. I think that"s enough."

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