Chapter 1116

"Oh, she gave it to you!" Summer understand come over, then think of a thing, then casually asked, "by the way, sister Yunman, Liuqi that monkey has not come back?"

"Three uncles?" Liu Yunman"s face suddenly appeared a kind of puzzled expression, "it"s really strange to say that Sanshu hasn"t come back since he went abroad, and he doesn"t know what he wants to do. It seems that Aunt Mei Sanshu could contact Sanshu before, but now it seems that she can"t contact him at all."

"I think the dead monkey must have died abroad." Summer said lazily.

Liu Yunman smiled helplessly and said nothing. Her three uncles were very unpopular. Even she didn"t like them, but she wouldn"t curse them to die. After all, it was her three uncles.

Start the car, Liu Yunman is ready to drive, just at this time, but heard a burst of crying sound.

She subconsciously turned her head and looked, only to find a man in a hat carrying a child who looked only one or two years old running into the hospital, and the child was crying at the moment.

Seeing this scene, Liu didn"t care. After all, this is the hospital. The child may be sick and being sent to the hospital. In fact, many children cry when they see the hospital. It"s not surprising that the child cries so loudly.

Just as she was about to turn around and continue driving, she suddenly found that the man in the hat had put the child directly on the ground, and then turned around and ran away.

"Stop him, he"s throwing the baby here!" Someone shouted, obviously the man"s action was not only seen by Liu Yunman.

Liu Yunman quickly opened the door and wanted to get out of the car to catch up with her. However, before she got out of the car, she found that someone was faster than her. The man in the hat just ran to the gate and was suddenly kicked back.

To Liu Yunman"s surprise, it was summer!

The man in the hat fell to the ground with a groan, and even his hat fell off. Liu Yunman could see it clearly. In fact, he was a relatively young man. He looked a little haggard when he was less than 30 years old.

"Hey, why did you idiot throw the baby away?" Summer came to the man wearing a hat, very dissatisfied asked.

"I, I......" The man hesitated to speak.

"What am I? Come on, do you want to throw away your daughter Summer is very unhappy to kick the man again, "I hate you this kind of littering adults!"

"That"s right. What a beautiful girl! Why did you throw it away?" A nurse had brought the child in and accused the man.

"People these days still prefer men over women..." Someone was shaking his head and sighing.

A lot of people also came around, and the man who was lying on the ground and couldn"t get up with all kinds of accusations.

The man was said to be red, and the little girl was still crying in the nurse"s arms. Although she was very young, she seemed to know that she had been abandoned by her father, so she cried very hard.

"I, I don"t want to. My daughter was born ill. She spent all her family"s money on treatment and borrowed some foreign debts. But now, she is still ill. We really have no way. I can"t support her at all..." The man lowered his head and explained in a low voice.

"Why don"t you die if you can"t even raise a daughter?" Summer wants to kick this man again, but is pulled by Liu Yunman.

"Come on, don"t hit him. He"s pathetic, too." Liu Yunman gently advised summer.

"What"s wrong with pity? I hate this kind of bullying adults. Don"t let me see you, or I"ll beat you when I see you! " Summer face angry look.

"I, I know it"s wrong. I won"t throw my daughter away." Seeing that he couldn"t get away, the man got up, took the child from the nurse, and then wanted to leave.

"Stop!" Summer cried again.

"You, what else do you want?" The man looked at summer, and there was a little fear in his eyes. There is no doubt that this is a little weak man. He had just been beaten by summer, and now he naturally felt a little scared when he saw summer.

"You run so fast, do you want to change places and throw your daughter away?" Don"t think I don"t know what you"re thinking

"No, no, really not..." The man holding his daughter hastily explained.

"You said your daughter was ill?" Summer asked again.

"Yes, yes, she was born prematurely. She"s very weak. She"s almost two years old. She"s very ill and has never been broken..." The man nodded busily.

In the summer, I grabbed the little girl"s pink hand, explored her physical condition, and then took out the silver needle and stabbed her violently.

A few minutes later, the crying girl suddenly quieted down, and then she went to sleep.

"Well, I"ve cured your daughter. Now you can take her home. I"m warning you, I"ll let someone stare at you. If you dare to throw her away, I"ll break your hands and feet and throw you on the street!" Summer takes back silver needle, discontented say.

"Yes, yes, I know." The man nodded busily.

Summer but no longer say anything, just pull Liu Yunman back to the car: "sister Yunman, drive!"

Liu Yunman finally started the car again, and saw BMW driving away from the hospital, the man holding his sleeping daughter, for a while, he was at a loss.

"Hey, what are you still doing? Take your daughter home! " A nurse couldn"t help but remind the man, "I tell you, you are lucky today, just that famous doctor Xia, he said to help your daughter cure her illness, then your daughter must be OK. If you still want to throw away your daughter, then you are not a man!"

"Is that doctor Xia?" Someone asked next to me.

"Of course, who else can follow Dr. Liu if it"s not Dr. Xia?" The nurse replied.

At last, the nurse looked envious: "Dr. Liu is blessed. He has such a good boyfriend as Dr. Xia. He is not only skilled in medicine, but also rich. He has a good heart."


along the way, Liu Yunman just drove slowly and didn"t speak, because she could see that she was in a bad mood in summer.

In fact, Liu Yunman was puzzled by what she had just done in summer, because she knew that she didn"t like to be nosy and seldom took the initiative to treat a little girl who had nothing to do with him. It can be said that her performance just in summer was totally different from his usual situation.

In fact, Liu would like to ask what happened in summer, but he was worried that it would make him unhappy, so he didn"t ask.

"Sister Yunman, why do you think someone always throws away their children?" In summer, I took the initiative to speak.

"In fact, there are many reasons for this. Some of them have real difficulties, can"t afford to raise children, or have no money to treat their children when they are sick. If they leave them in the hospital, they may save their children"s lives. Some of them prefer boys over girls, so they throw their daughters away. Some of them may be unmarried children, or some of them don"t plan to have children at all In a word, there are many reasons and many abandoned children every year. " Liu said with a sigh at the end, "although there is a crime of abandonment, there are few people who are really investigated. A few days ago, there was a child, because when he was abandoned, he was not found, and he was frozen to death."

Liu added: "I haven"t studied this number in detail, but I"ve been working in the hospital for several years, and there are many children who have been thrown into the hospital. I heard that the main reason for abandonment is that the children are ill or have some defects."

"When I was three, my mother didn"t want me either, because I was ill." Said the summer.

Hearing this, Liu Yunman immediately stayed. At this time, she finally understood why she had just behaved abnormally in summer, because he had similar experience.

After a while, Liu asked softly, "do you remember what happened?"

"Yes, sister Yunman, I remember it all recently." Summer nodded, "I have been thinking, if I did not meet fairy sister, I am now dead? In fact, my illness was the same as that of sister Meng. If sister Meng had been abandoned, I would not have met her and many things would not have happened. "

"Well, do you know who your parents are?" Liu asked again.

"Yes, they are looking for me." I didn"t hide it in summer.

When the two returned to Liu Yunman"s home in Mingdian District, Liu Yunman finally knew her life experience in summer. For a while, she also had mixed feelings. She did not expect that when she was a child in summer, she was abandoned by her parents because of illness.

"Maybe some of the children who were abandoned because of illness should have been gifted like summer." Liu Yunman"s mind suddenly came up with such an idea, because of this idea, a plan also came up, a plan that she suddenly wanted to implement.

"In the summer, let"s do something for the abandoned children, shall we?" Liu Yunman can"t resist the impulse in his heart and immediately begins to discuss with summer.

"Sister Yunman, what do you want to do?" Summer asked.

"I want to set up a charity to adopt those abandoned children, so that they can live like normal people, receive the same education, grow up healthily. I don"t have a detailed plan, but I think we can do it, especially = those abandoned due to illness, with your medical skills, it"s not difficult to cure them!" Liu said quickly, "what do you think of summer? If you think it"s good, I"ll quit my job in the hospital and do it specially. As a doctor, there are few people I can save, but if I do it, I"m sure I can help more people, more children! "

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