Chapter 1119

"No, the steamed bread will be for you. I brought it from the mountain. I picked it myself. Snow lotus seed!" Liu Meng magically took out several crystal clear snow lotus seeds and put them into his mouth in summer, "I think it"s delicious, but it"s not much. I"ve specially left it for you!"

"Sister Meng, this is delicious." Summer is not polite. Of course, he ate these things when he was a child.

"Hee hee, little villain, am I very good to you?" Liu Mengjiao asked.

Summer nodded: "sister dream, of course you are good to me, I will be good to you."

"You are so good today, little villain!" Liu Meng is very satisfied with the answer of summer. The white skirt also leaves her body, "come on, my sister will give you steamed bread..."

In summer, a bite of delicious steamed bread, Liu Meng"s low coquetry, pink face red flow.

"By the way, little villain, I have something else to tell you. Sister Yue said that the original owner of Qingfeng mountain may appear. I saw that man today, wearing a gray robe. If you see that man, you should pay attention to it "Well," said Liu Meng, but he couldn"t help singing.

"Don"t be greedy, little villain. Have you heard what I said? Sister Yue said it"s important... " After a while, Liu Meng said again.

"Sister Meng, I heard that. Let me eat first." Summer looked up and said a word, and then lowered his head, once again gnawed up.

"Little glutton!" Liu Meng mumbled a word and held summer"s head with his hand.


the next day, it"s over 9:00 in the morning. In summer, I"ve been on the flight to the capital. In the summer when I haven"t slept all night, I"ve been sleeping on the plane. When he wakes up, the plane has arrived in the capital.

Just out of the airport waiting hall, I saw a familiar blonde in summer, and this s.e.xy blonde saw him almost at the same time, with a happy smile on her pretty face.

"Husband!" Naturally, this blonde is mu Han. She rushes to summer. She doesn"t know what she"s doing here in summer. Until this morning, she didn"t know that she would come to the capital in summer. But for him, it doesn"t matter what she did in summer. What"s important is that he came.

Last time, when he came to the capital in summer, he knew nothing about the capital. At that time, the only mu Han in the capital who was familiar with him also hid because of being chased. But this time, the situation is different. He not only has some knowledge of the capital, but also has more acquaintances in the capital. Now Mu Han can pick him up in person.

"Wife, take me to Peking University Hospital." Summer gently hugged Mu Han for a while, then said.

"Well." Mu Han nodded and walked to Audi Q7, which stopped not far away, holding her arm in summer. After getting on the bus, she asked softly, "honey, why are you not so happy?"

With Mu Han"s understanding of summer, it"s not a good mood to see it in summer at a glance, so there"s such a question.

"Because I"m going to meet some people who will make me unhappy." Summer replied, then tone a turn, "wife you don"t have to worry, see you, I have a lot of fun."

"Honey, you are happy, and I am happy too." With a charming smile, Mu Han starts the car and drives out of the airport. "Meier knows you"re here, but she says she"s not free today. Maybe she"ll meet you in a few days. Yaoyao doesn"t know you"re coming. When you"re finished, I can take you there. She"ll be more comfortable."

"Well, I should have stayed in the capital for a while this time." Summer replied that since he came to the capital, he would not leave at once. Unless there is something that needs to be solved by him on the other side of the river and the sea or elsewhere, he must live for a long time. There are several wives here who are not very obedient. He has to make them obedient.

Listen to summer, Mu Han is more happy. She knows that she can stay with summer longer this time.

Some people are happy and others are worried.

In a ward of Peking University Hospital, Xiao Daming is looking sad. His son"s condition is getting worse and worse. He can"t see any hope.

"Daming, can you call that Mr. Qiao and ask him where is Xiaotian?" The speaker was a middle-aged woman with the same sad face, and she was Xiao Daming"s wife, w.a.n.g Xiufen.

"I"ve tried. I"m not answered at all." Xiao Daming shook his head and said in a low voice, "it"s useless. We abandoned him at that time. He won"t come to help now."

"Brother Ming, tell me, who is Qiao? I went to find him. I don"t believe it. How can someone in the world not even save his own brother? " There was also a man in the ward, who was also in his forties, said with indignation.

"Yes, this man has no conscience!" There was also a young woman in her thirties, who was attached there.

This man"s name is Xiaoshui. If we go back four or five generations, he and xiaodaming are the same family. That young woman is Xiaoshui"s wife. Her name is Han Qiaoqiao. She looks right. She is really pretty.

Compared with ordinary people, Xiaoshui had a good life. He took root in the capital city. He had a house and a car. At that time, Xiaoshui looked down on Xiao Daming, who was very poor in his family. But now xiaodaming has made a lot of money on the coast. Xiaoshui immediately behaved differently.

As for this time, Xiao Xiaojian was ill, so Xiao called Xiao Daming on his own initiative, saying that there was the best leukemia treatment hospital in the capital city. When Xiao Daming arrived with Xiao Xiaojian, Xiao helped to make an appointment with experts and arrange their accommodation. It can be said that he took good care of them. Therefore, although Xiao Daming was not used to Xiao"s sn.o.bbishness, he still felt that Stir the water.

"Aquatic, forget it, it"s our fault. The child is angry, and it"s normal." Xiao Daming shook his head. "Maybe this is retribution."

"Brother Ming, that"s not the way to say it. Even if there is a mistake, it"s your fault, not Xiaojian"s fault. Since that kid is still alive, even if he doesn"t recognize you, how can this brother be saved?" Xiao Shui is still a little uneven, "back ten thousand steps, it"s OK to donate some bone marrow to an ordinary person you don"t know!"

Just then a nurse came in.

"Patient"s family, please come to the doctor"s office." The nurse opened her mouth and went out at once.

"I"ll see what"s up." Xiao Daming was a little uneasy, but he got up and went out.

"Brother Ming, I will accompany you!" Xiao Shui also got up quickly and followed up.

In the ward, there were only two women left at once, and the young man lying on the bed.

"Sister Xiufen, don"t worry too much. There"s no way out. Xiaojian will be OK." Han Qiao comforts w.a.n.g Xiufen.

"It"s all my fault..." w.a.n.g Xiufen murmured, his face full of sorrow and regret.

At this time, a man and a woman entered the ward, the man looked very ordinary, but the woman was mature and s.e.xy, blonde, amazing.

"You are..." Han Qiaoqiao just asked a few words, and then he suddenly pa.s.sed out in a weird coma. w.a.n.g Xiufen just raised her head over there, and suddenly fell into a coma beside the hospital bed.

"You..." Xiao Xiaojian was very weak and tried to say something. The man who had just entered the room, however, took a silver needle and stabbed him in the body. Then Xiao Xiaojian pa.s.sed out completely.

"Honey, this is..." The blonde is a little surprised. Naturally, she is mu Han. The man with her is the summer just arrived from the airport.

"Wife, help me watch at the door. Don"t let anyone in." Summer did not explain, just ordered a sentence.

"Good." Although Mu Han is a little confused, he still stands at the door according to the words and keeps it away from the house.

In summer, he picked up the silver needle and began to inject it into Xiao Xiaojian. He had already made a decision to cure Xiao Xiaojian"s illness. Then, when it didn"t happen, he was still that summer. He had nothing to do with the Xiao family.

************When Xiao Daming walked out of the doctor"s office, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Xiao Shuishui held him fast.

Xiao Shuishui sighed. He knew why Xiao Daming had this reaction. Just now the doctor in charge told Xiao Daming a lot, including many professional terms. In fact, Xiao Daming and Xiao Shuishui didn"t understand each other, but in the end, they all understood the doctor"s conclusion. That"s to say, Xiao Xiaojian"s condition is deteriorating rapidly. Now even if he has a bone marrow transplant right away, I"m afraid It"s too late.

In other words, Xiao Xiaojian is no longer saved. How can Xiao Daming bear the blow?

"Brother Daming, don"t be too sad. Up to now, it"s better to listen to heaven"s orders." Xiao Shuishui said helplessly that up to now, he also sympathizes with Xiao Daming. Xiao Daming is rich now, but his two sons will be gone. It seems that wealth is not necessarily a good thing!

Xiao Daming went into the ward without a clue. He was worried about how to tell his wife about it, but the next second he was shocked: "Xiufen, what"s wrong with you? You wake up? "

"Pretty, pretty!" Xiao Shui also cried out in some panic, "doctor, come to the doctor, someone is in a coma here!"

"What"s the matter? What"s the matter? " A nurse ran in.

"Well What happened to me? " Han Qiao opens her eyes at this time, "what"s going on? Did I suddenly fall asleep? Ah, someone just came in... "

"I also seem to be asleep..." w.a.n.g Xiufen also opened her eyes at this time.

"Are you ok? Pay attention to rest! " The nurse saw that both were awake, said a word, and left again.

"Why did you both fall asleep so coincidentally?" Xiaoshui is a little puzzled.

"It"s a little strange. I remember that two people just came in. One woman is very beautiful..." Han Qiao tries hard to remember.

"Dad, mom." A little weak voice came into people"s ears at this time, four people turned around together, and then found Xiao Xiaojian actually sat up from the bed.

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