Chapter 112

That"s a man in his forties. He"s very honest. Leng Bingbing once met him. He knew his name was ma Ergang. His name was very common. He felt honest and honest at first, but in fact, it"s not so. He can be a full-time driver for such a senior official, and he won the trust of such a senior official. Can he be honest and honest?

Ma er just got off the Honda with a black leather bag, then walked into the people"s Park, and Leng Bingbing got off the car quickly, and walked in with the summer.

"Sister Jinghua, you are so eye-catching that he can easily find you." Summer can"t help but say a word, although at this time, there are many people walking in the park, but the cold is too beautiful and s.e.xy to say, but also wearing a police uniform, it"s hard not to be noticed.

"Don"t remind me!" Coldly said, naturally, she knew that she was very striking. If she wanted to follow someone deliberately, she would change clothes. But today is a temporary idea, and she forgot to change clothes when she was troubled by summer.

Originally, the criminal police usually wear plain clothes, but they like to wear police uniforms coldly, because she thinks that it can directly make many people who have a bad idea about her step back, but unfortunately, she doesn"t know that her uniform, which makes her charm value increase infinitely, can attract more men"s eyes instead.

"Sister Jinghua, if we were like them, we wouldn"t be noticed." Summer refers to a couple not far away, a man is holding a woman"s slim waist.

"You dream!" She can"t be fooled by a cold snort.

Summer has not been dead: "sister Jinghua, in case you are found out, you are not abandoned? Otherwise, we can be like them! "

This summer, they point to another couple. They just hold hands. There"s no way. Since sister Jinghua won"t let him hold her soft waist, she can only go back and ask for the second time to see if she can pull her hands.

Leng Bingbing starts to learn sewing again. She wants to sew this guy"s mouth. This d.a.m.ned hooligan, after all, has one purpose. That is to take advantage of her!

A man and a woman pretending to be lovers tracking is actually a very common method. Of course, this method has never been used. In the past, she rarely carried out this kind of tracking in person. It was all done by her hands. However, even if she knew it was better, she didn"t want to be lovers in summer.

She didn"t pay attention to the summer any more. Ma Ergang was walking in the park at will. It seemed that he was no different from other strollers, and lengbing was naturally pretending to be walking. His intuition told him that Ma Ergang didn"t come here for a walk.

However, as time went on, Leng Bingbing found that her judgment seemed to be in trouble. Ma Ergang really came here for a walk. Although it was strange to drive to a place far away from home for a walk, he did not do anything else. He just strolled in the park all the time without contacting anyone or even making a phone call.

After more than half an hour"s stroll, Ma Ergang found a bench to sit down and rest, and then after another ten minutes, when it was getting dark, Ma Ergang got up and left, went straight out of the park, and then drove away, which also means that this cold tracking did not achieve any results.

"d.a.m.n it!" I don"t understand. Was it found?

In summer, I was a little depressed. I spent so long with sister Jinghua, but I didn"t reach her. It was a failure. If I let the master know, I would make fun of him.

In those years, when he first met the fairy sister, he got the first kiss from the fairy sister. Although the three masters always said that it was because he was only three years old and had a natural advantage, he thought it was his charm. Otherwise, why did the fairy sister finally become his wife?

"Boom!" Is depressed in the summer, was suddenly awakened by a loud noise.

"Ga!" Cold ice a sudden brake, but the face is suddenly changed, because she clearly saw that Ma Er gang driving the Honda, was swallowed in the flames.

"Gaga Ah... " Brake, scream, crash, interwoven together, the sudden explosion made the pedestrians and vehicles on the road in a mess, and the blast generated by the explosion overturned two cars close to that Honda, and several cars collided because they didn"t have time to brake.

Leng Bingbing takes out his mobile phone and quickly dials a number: "I"m Leng Bingbing from the criminal police team of the Bureau. There"s a car explosion two kilometers north of the gate of the people"s Park. I need support!"

Hang up the phone, cold ice opened the door, rushed to the explosion site, because not close, the explosion of that Honda didn"t affect here, the cold car was not affected.

"I"m a policeman. Don"t panic. Get out of the car as soon as you"re not hurt. Stay away from the explosive vehicles!" Cold ice quickly rushed to the explosion point, took out the certificate and shouted, "don"t move for the injured, hold on, the ambulance will come!"

The timely appearance of the cold ice made the chaos at the scene under control immediately. Everyone was not so fl.u.s.tered, but talked about it one after another.

"What"s the matter?"

"It"s not a terrorist attack, is it?"

"I don"t know. It"s too dangerous. It"s the first time I"ve met such a thing."

"Yeah, I only saw it on TV before. How could I think it"s so close today..."

People close to the explosion are still scared. I believe that tonight, most of them can"t sleep.

Ambulances and police came very quickly. Everyone did their own job, treating the wounded, blocking the scene, guiding the traffic, and some people were taking notes with the witnesses at the scene.

The power of the bomb is not great. The pa.s.sengers in the affected cars are only slightly injured. However, there are two cars that have been hit together in panic, but the injuries are more serious. However, there is no life danger. There is only one person who has a real accident, that is Ma Ergang.

Ma Ergang was almost blown to pieces, and the location of the explosion was just in the cab. According to preliminary judgment, the bomb was under the chair. Obviously, the explosion was not a terrorist attack, but a deliberate murder.

The criminal police team of the Bureau also came quickly, but it was not the sixth team of lengbingbing, but the first team. The leader was Qiu Ming, the leader of the first team of the criminal police who had a bad relationship with lengbingbing.

"Captain Leng will be here soon!" Seeing lengbingbing, Qiu Ming said insidiously, then glanced at summer, "Leng captain is dating?"

"Qiu Ming, I warn you again, don"t mind my private affairs!" A cold snort.

Qiu Ming"s face showed some complacency: "I won"t take care of cold captain"s private affairs. Now let"s talk about business. This case has been designated to be taken over by a large team of us. Cold captain, I think you can go on dating."

Cold lips show a trace of disdain. She looks down on men like long tongued women. Once she thought Qiu Ming was a pretty good criminal police officer, but now, she thinks Qiu Ming is not qualified to be her opponent at all. Compared with such people, it is to reduce her character.

Turning to look at the summer, cold light said: "let"s go."

Leng Bingbing said that, then she walked towards her car. In summer, she naturally followed her. Looking at Leng Bingbing"s back, Qiu Ming was a little annoyed. He wanted to show off in front of Leng Bingbing. He didn"t know that Leng Bingbing didn"t take any action at all. This powerful feeling made him upset.

"Don"t you just rely on a senior official? What"s the big deal! " Qiu Ming was in a bad mood. Thinking about the phone call he received not long ago, Qiu Ming was in a good mood. The executive called him in person and asked him to do a good job. If the case is well handled, he might be able to build a big backer. In the future, even if it is cold, he must bow in front of him.

After a look at the cold summer, Qiu Ming can"t help but be a little jealous. The boy who is not very good-looking is really cold.

"Idiot, high-ranking women dare to touch, wait for death!" Qiu Ming scolds summer in his heart, "it"s just a pair of broken shoes. Can I kill you?"

Although it"s just a rumor, Qiu Ming believes that lengbingbing is indeed the woman of that senior official. Otherwise, how could lengbingbing be so arrogant and dare to fight even the vice mayor"s face? If not, how could she rise so fast in the police station?

Qiu Ming hurt lengbingbing and summer in his heart, but lengbingbing got on the bus and left the explosion site in summer. A few minutes later, they came to the gate of the park again.

"Sister Jinghua, do you want to go for a walk inside?" Summer is a little exciting. It"s almost dark. When I go to the park, I seem to be able to do things that are not suitable for children secretly with sister Jinghua.

After a cold summer, he went straight to a newsstand at the gate of the park. The owner of the newsstand was a middle-aged woman in her forties.

"h.e.l.lo, elder sister. I"m a policeman." Leng Bingbing shows his certificate. "I want to ask elder sister about something."

"Officer, if you have anything to ask." The newsstand woman nodded quickly.

"There was a Honda just parked in that position, about an hour, do you remember?" Leng Bingbing points to the place where ma er just stopped.

"Well, there"s a car there, but I"m not familiar with any car, and I don"t know how long it"s been parked." The newsstand female boss thought and said.

"Well, please think about it carefully. Did you see anyone get on the car during the parking period?" Asked Leng Bingbing, "the man should get on the bus and leave soon."

The woman boss of the newsstand thought hard for a while, then shook her head: "officer, I"m sorry, I didn"t pay attention to it. Usually there are cars and people coming and going here. Sometimes I have to sell drinks. I don"t pay much attention to these things."

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