Chapter 1127

"Yes, I came to the capital at noon. How do you know?" Summer is a little strange.

"Nonsense, did you forget what I did? I already know before you come to the capital. " The voice at the other end of the phone was a little discontented. "By the way, boy, help me to do something, bring some money and come to the capital hotel."

"What to do?" In summer, I was a little puzzled that the person at the other end of the phone was n.o.body else. It was his three masters, dark emperor LV Ren.

"Let"s talk about it first. Remember to bring more money." Lu Ren said and urged, "hurry up, remember, it"s room 419."

No matter summer answer or not, Lu Ren directly hung up the phone.

"The old man won"t be too poor to live in a hotel. Let me pay for it, will he?" In summer, three masters seem to be the poorest. It"s not surprising that this happens.

Although there are many complaints against the three masters in summer, I always think that the three masters have been trying to rob his fairy sister, but in fact, he is good to the three masters. He has lived together for more than ten years, and the three masters have taught him many things. It is obviously impossible to say that he has no feelings.

Because of this, although he didn"t know what Lu Ren called him to do in the summer, he rushed to the so-called capital hotel immediately. As for the money, he always carried some cash and a credit card with him, so he didn"t need to prepare specially.

The capital hotel is a five-star hotel. Of course, there are many five-star hotels in the capital, so this hotel is nothing special.

In the summer, I took a taxi to the capital hotel and went directly to the door of room 419, only to find that the door was open. Lu Ren was sitting on the bed discontented. Besides him, there were two security guards, a policeman and a hotel attendant in the room.

"Boy, why are you so slow?" Seeing summer coming in, Lu Ren immediately began to complain, and then immediately asked, "have you brought money?"

"It would be nice if I came." Summer a look of disapproval, "how much do you want? Well, you don"t really have money for a hotel, do you? "

"Don"t talk nonsense. Give me three thousand yuan." Lv Ren"s face turned red, and then he said no good.

"Take it. There seems to be ten thousand here." In summer, he took out a pile of money from his pocket and threw it to LV Ren.

Lu Ren took the money, pinched it casually, took out some of it, and handed it to the waiter: "count it, check it out for me, and tip you more."

The waiter took the money, counted it quickly, and then said to the two security guards, "there are more than three thousand, enough."

"Boy, let"s go!" Lu Ren obviously didn"t want to stay here for a moment, so he got up and left.


when I left the hotel, I looked at LV Ren a little puzzled in summer: "three masters, are you really poor? Shall I give you some money? "

"Boy, you use your brain to think, will I be so poor? I"m also a dark Emperor... " Lu Ren glared at summer and was very dissatisfied.

"Three master, in fact, you are not the dark emperor. Now I am the dark emperor." Summer solemnly said: "originally, I don"t think you will be so poor. You are my master, and you won"t be so useless. But just now you can"t even take out 3000 yuan. I have to believe it if you don"t believe it."

"Boy, I just lost my wallet!" Lu Ren said angrily, "go with me to a place and help me find my wallet."

"Master three, you can still cheat master two. It"s far away to cheat me." In the summer, "I see which woman did you hang out with last night, and then someone stole your wallet?"

Lu Ren stared at summer, and then said discontentedly for a long time, "if you dare to go out and talk nonsense, I"ll break the relationship with you!"

"Three masters, I think it"s better for us to break the relationship between teachers and apprentices. Otherwise, let people know that my master was stolen by a woman. Do I have any face?" Summer solemnly said.

Lu Ren was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "boy, do you talk to the master like this? Do you know what it means to respect teachers and respect the way of teaching? "

"I don"t know. Have you ever taught me?" Summer has something to ask.

Lu Ren thought about it, and then he was helpless: "well, it"s our fault. Forget to teach you. Forget it. Don"t talk about it. Go and help me find my wallet. Don"t make it known to all. Otherwise, I won"t have face. You don"t have face, boy. Understand?"

"That seems to be true. How did you get stolen by a woman?" Asked the summer lazily.

Although Lu Ren was a little reluctant, he said the general course of the matter.

After leaving Qingfeng mountain, Lu Ren soon returned to the capital. First, he contacted Zhao Mingfeng, and then he found that the dark group is working well now. He doesn"t need him to manage it. In addition, summer has become the new dark emperor. As a summer master, Lu Ren naturally knows how strong summer is, so he also knows that he doesn"t need to go back to the dark group.

Considering that he was almost sixty years old, when it was time to retire, Lu Ren decided to start a comfortable life, and he thought of Zhang mingtuo, the ghost doctor, going to find the old lover, and Alan, the G.o.d of murder, running to find the woman. He would probably find the old lover by the way. He was the only one who had no woman, and seemed to have no face, so Lu Ren wanted to find a woman for himself.

When Lu Ren was an agent, he often went to a nightclub to find a woman. So he went to the nightclub again. Last night, he really hooked up with a young girl, and then he went to the capital hotel to open a room together.

Maybe he didn"t touch a woman for a long time, or he didn"t become an agent for a long time. Lu Ren and the young girl had a half night"s sleep last night. Then, when he woke up, he found that the beauty was missing, and the wallet was missing. What"s more, the beauty still spent a lot of money in the hotel. All the bills were signed in his name, so his original deposit was not enough Enough.

Lu Ren thought it was humiliating, and tried to find a way to solve it, but finally found no way, and the hotel even called the police, for fear that more people would know about his embarra.s.sment, Lu Ren had no choice but to ask for help from summer.

"Three master, you are really disgraceful!" After listening to this, he did not forget to beat LV Ren. "Don"t tell others later that you are my master!"

"Boy, don"t know how to gloat. Let"s go to that nightclub again. I"ve seen the woman there for several nights. Maybe she"s still here tonight." Lu Ren turned a white eye, but he didn"t reply much. He also knew that he had lost his face and lost his hair. So he didn"t dare to tell others, just tell summer. After all, it"s better to let this kid know than to let others know.

"Master three, you are really old. Your IQ is obviously degraded. How could a thief steal your wallet and wait for you to catch it in the shop?" Said the summer shaking his head.

"You know what, boy, don"t think you"re smart. You"re far behind me in terms of experience. The woman stole my wallet and didn"t hide her whereabouts deliberately. I don"t want to go to the police, or I might have found her now." Lu Ren said angrily, "I guess she"s not afraid that I"ll find her. Maybe she thinks I"m afraid to go to her again. If we don"t believe it, she will appear in the nightclub tonight."

"You think it"s right there. I"m too lazy to gamble with you. It"s not good to win." Summer lazily said: "but it"s not dark now. Isn"t it too early to go to the nightclub?"

"I know early, just go first. Let"s drink and eat first." Lu Ren seems to think that the beautiful thief will appear.

In summer, although they didn"t have much interest in nightclubs, they decided to help the disgraceful three masters. So they soon came to the nightclub where Lu Ren stayed last night, the wild lily bar.

In fact, it"s just over five o"clock in the afternoon. Generally, no one comes to the bar so early. Fortunately, the bar is open now. So in summer, Lu Ren and I went in smoothly. They found a table, asked for beer and pizza, ate while drinking, and chatted casually.

"Master three, your taste is really bad. You come to such a place to pick up girls. Master Fu said that the girls in the nightclub are not clean." Summer continues to despise Lu Ren.

"You listen to the ghost doctor. He just likes good women. I tell you, there are good girls in the nightclub." Lu Ren"s unconvinced retort.

"I still believe in master. I have a look at the women here. None of them are clean." I glanced at the waiters in the bar in the summer and said.

Lu Ren turned a white eye and said, "it"s not for you to pick up girls. Do you care if they are clean?"

"Yes, I won"t be so tasteless." Nod your head in summer.

"Boy, I heard that you"ve got a good job in the capital, and you"ve got a wife. What is one of the four famous flowers in the capital?" Lu Ren asked again.

"Not one of the four famous flowers in the capital." Summer corrected: "four famous flowers in the capital are all my wife."

Lu Ren stares at summer. After a long time, he starts again: "boy, you should be careful that all the men in the capital will cut you with knives."

"They can"t beat me together." Summer said disapprovingly.

"I said boy, do you know that you are wrong to do this?" Lu Ren couldn"t help saying.

"I don"t know. You didn"t tell me it was wrong. You just told me that men can find many wives." Summer replied solemnly.

"Nonsense!" Lu Ren quickly denied, "that"s not what I teach, it"s all ghost doctors teach."

"You didn"t say anything wrong then!" Summer seriously replied.

Lu Ren was speechless for a while, because he didn"t seem to contradict the ghost doctor"s words at that time.

While chatting and drinking, the time pa.s.sed quickly. Unconsciously, it was more than eight o"clock, and the number of people in the bar began to increase. When a s.e.xy young woman came in, Lu Ren was refreshed: "boy, it"s her!"

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