Chapter 1133

Looking at this number in summer, I feel a kind of impulse that I don"t want to pick it up. At the same time, I"m muttering in my heart. This disgraceful three Shifu won"t have another problem with her last night, right? If that"s the case, he won"t help this time. He can"t afford to lose this man!

Although they didn"t answer each other very much, they finally answered the phone in summer. Before Lu Ren over there opened his mouth, he said, "master three, don"t tell me that the wallet has been stolen again. I won"t go to help you find it again."

"Nonsense, of course not. Am I so incompetent?" Lu Ren said angrily.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Summer is not happy to ask.

"Boy, you"ve soaked a dozen girls half a year down the mountain. It seems that you"re good at picking up girls. I ask you, how can you rob someone"s wife?" Lu Ren asked.

"I never rob other people"s wives." Summer replied solemnly.

"Can"t you just a.s.sume it?" LV Ren was a little unhappy. "If you want to rob someone"s wife, what"s the best way?"

"It"s simple, just kill the husband!" Summer quickly said: "I said three masters, such a simple question you do not ask me, I am very busy."

Over the phone, Lu Ren was a little depressed: "I said, boy, can"t you think of a normal way to survive?"

"Then you can beat someone else"s husband into a vegetable, or a eunuch, or a cripple. It doesn"t kill people." Summer really gave a way to survive.

"Dead boy, how can I teach you? I want a way not to break the law!" Lu Ren is about to break out. Apart from violence or violence, can"t he use his intelligence occasionally?

"Three master, why are you so stupid? Don"t you let someone divorce their husband and marry you? It"s not against the law to let her elope with you. " It"s a bit depressing in summer. It"s really troublesome to set up such a master.

"Boy, are you free now?" Lu Ren suddenly said something.

"No." Summer did not hesitate to answer.

"Come here now whether you are free or not. I can"t tell you clearly on the phone!" Lu Ren said angrily.

"Three masters, I said I was out of time." I really don"t want to go in summer.

"Don"t fool me, you have no business all day, you won"t be free?" Lu Ren obviously didn"t believe in summer. "Anyway, come here quickly, you are still the capital hotel. Room 919!"

Before summer promised, Lu Ren hung up.

In summer, he was a little depressed, but in the end he decided to go there. He couldn"t help it. Who let that be his three masters?

"Princess wife, I will take you back first." In summer, she didn"t want to take Princess SAMA to the third master, and promised to let Princess SAMA go back to the In this way, fatini was relieved. The princess was only 16 years old, and she didn"t want to let her be so young that she was harmed by a Chinese man.

Summer leisurely sent Princess SAMA back to the, and then left her phone number, so that she can call her directly if she has something to do. After that, he hurried to the capital hotel.

It wasn"t until about 8 p.m. that he appeared in the capital hotel in summer. At that time, he couldn"t help but muttering, are these three masters having brain problems? They were trapped here the night before yesterday. They still lived last night and haven"t left tonight.

In summer, I slowly climbed to the ninth floor and came to the door of room 919. I knocked lightly on the door. Then I said to myself, "I"ve knocked on the door. If no one comes to open the door, I"ll leave. Third master can"t blame me for not coming. Who let him not open the door?"

After waiting for about a second, he turned around in summer: "it seems that the third master is not here. I"ll go!"

"Boy, why are you here now?" Lu Ren"s discontented voice came from behind.

It"s a bit depressing in summer. These three Shifu"s ears are really good. He knocked lightly on purpose, but he was still heard.

"I said it. I"m very busy." Summer turned around, looking at Lu Ren, said solemnly.

"You are busy with the ball!" Lu Ren said angrily, "come in, help me to sum up!"

"Master three, I"m really busy. I"m not like you. I don"t have a wife. I have dozens of wives. Can I not be busy?" Summer entered the room, glanced at it, sniffed it, and then said, "Hey, master three, did you really bring that young woman here to open a room last night? If you say you want to rob someone else"s wife, you don"t want to rob him? "

"Boy, how can you talk? That"s not what. She"s called gentleness. She"s your future teacher. Understand? " Lu Ren said displeased.


Summer is not allowed to whisper, how can someone take such a name?

"She"s not lonely can you soak her so easily?" Summer lazily refuted a sentence, "also, three masters, you really decide to call that gentle woman as your wife?"

"Nonsense, do you think I can"t play?" Lu Ren turned a white eye, "but I can"t force her to be gentle and indecisive, but it"s not a way to wait like this. How can you make her come to be my wife at once?"

In summer, I stared at LV Ren and didn"t speak for a long time.

"What are you doing watching me like this, boy? I don"t know your master, do I? " Lu Ren stares at summer.

"Master three, are you crazy about wanting a wife?" Summer is very serious to ask: "you are the dark emperor, and also my master, how do you now like a lifetime did not touch a woman, casually pick up a woman to want someone to be your wife?"

"Boy, don"t talk nonsense. Can you help me or not?" Lu Renyi looks angry. "My old man is old, and now he wants to find a woman to live a comfortable life. Don"t you help me? If you don"t help me, ask someone else to help! "

"Well, since you want a wife so much, I"ll help you once." Summer thought, or a little reluctant to agree, "you tell me where the woman called gentle lives, I now go to find her."

"I want to know where she lives. Can I use your boy to help?" Lu Ren said angrily.

"And what else do you know about her?" Summer casually asked.

"I only know that she has a husband, who is in business and has a lot of money. But her husband is very extravagant. He plays with women all day and leaves her alone at home. Last night, she finally couldn"t help going to the bar. That"s about it." LV renfei said quickly: "when she left today, she said she felt sorry for her husband. In a word, I don"t want to divorce her husband. Even if I think about her, I can"t speak. Her character is relatively weak."

"It"s white to say that even her husband doesn"t know who he is." Summer muttered a sentence, then picked up the mobile phone, dialed Mu Han"s phone, he decided to check by himself.

The name of gentleness is not very common. There are only a few gentleness women in the capital. In addition, he saw that woman in summer, so he soon found out the details of gentleness that LV Ren liked.

After a while, he said to LV Ren in summer, "wait here. Your wife, who is called gentle, will appear here automatically."

"What did you do, boy?" Lu Ren is a little unconvinced.

"I haven"t done it yet, but it won"t be long before I get it done." Summer stretched a stretch, "I left first!"

Summer said that he would leave and disappear from the room in a flash. However, he didn"t mean to perfunctory LV Ren. He decided to help LV Ren do this right away. When these three masters have a wife, they should come to him with nothing to do.

Walking out of the gate of the Capital Hotel, I saw the Audi Q7 of Muhan in summer. I opened the door and went up. Muhan was waiting for him in it.

"My husband, Ma Gongcheng, is a gentle husband. In fact, he is not an ordinary businessman, but runs an underground casino secretly. He has several villas in the capital city, so we haven"t found out where he lives tonight." Mu Han briefly introduces the situation, and finally asks: "husband, do you want to find gentleness or Ma Gongcheng now?"

Summer thought about it, then asked: "wife, do you know where Ma Gongcheng"s underground casino is?"

"Yes." Mu Han does know, but the casino is a place that doesn"t need to be managed by the dark group.

"Then take me to the casino." Summer casually said: "when I win all the money in the casino, Ma Gongcheng will appear."

"Good." Mu Han starts the car and drives towards the underground casino.


the so-called underground casino is really underground. The entrance of the casino is a rather remote place, with only a small door open, but several people are guarding it. Obviously, no one can go in at will.

Of course, it"s easy to get in in in summer. In fact, when we took Muhan to the underground casino in summer, the doorkeepers didn"t realize that someone had just entered.

Once in the hall of the casino in summer, a lot of eyes were cast. The beauty of Mu Han made the two of them become the focus all of a sudden.

And ten minutes later, summer has become the focus of the whole court, because in such a short time of ten minutes, he turned his ten thousand dollars into ten million!

Mu Han finally saw her husband"s gamble against the sky. At this time, she saw two big men in suits coming here. She suddenly understood that the people in the casino could not sit down.

"Sir, our boss would like to buy you a drink." These two strong men came to summer side, tone seems polite, but it is a situation that can not be refused.

"Is your boss Ma Gongcheng the guy?" Summer asked lazily, "if it"s him, let him come to see me. If it"s not him, let your boss find Ma Gongcheng."

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