Chapter 1138

The snow-white lotus arm of Princess SAMA suddenly appeared a blood hole the size of a small thumb, which looked ferocious. But summer"s hand had just been taken away, and there was obvious blood on her hand. Obviously, it was not made by others, it was made in summer. Summer had just dug a hole in her hand!

Princess SAMA felt very painful, but the most painful thing was not physical, but mental, because she couldn"t understand why she had to do this to her in summer. According to the Chinese teacher, she gave her most precious things to him. Shouldn"t he pet her well? Why is the opposite true?

Summer didn"t answer, but his performance is quite dignified at the moment, which is obviously abnormal. You know, a few seconds ago, he was still enjoying the supreme pleasure brought by the beautiful princess. Even now, they are still combined in the most intimate posture, and his left hand is still on Princess SAMA"s extremely slender waist. That"s why Princess SAMA, who had released one hand for pain, still hung on him.

But in summer, the palm of his right hand is very strange at the moment, not because of the blood on his hand, but because of a very strange air ma.s.s suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. At the beginning, the air ma.s.s was not big, probably the size of a gla.s.s bead, but now it is expanding at a very fast speed, and it has become fist size in an instant.

It seems that there are many strange gases in the air ma.s.s. They are surging in the air ma.s.s at a very fast speed. They seem to want to burst out all at once. Unfortunately, there seems to be a strong force outside the air ma.s.s, which blocks them. But obviously, this force is not enough to completely suppress the internal force, so the air ma.s.s still keeps on It"s getting bigger. In a moment, the air ma.s.s has become football size, and it seems that it"s still getting bigger.

Just very painful very aggrieved Princess SAMA, at the moment also finally found something wrong, she couldn"t help but ask again: "husband, then, what is that?"

It"s a pity that summer still can"t answer her. In fact, summer is in a very dangerous state at the moment. He doesn"t have the energy to answer Princess SAMA"s question at all, just because he is fighting against the power of explosion at the moment!

Summer is not the first time to encounter an explosion. With his current ability, ordinary explosions have no impact on him at all. It"s no exaggeration to say that even if a bomb blows up at his feet, he can ignore it. He can leave or fight hard. He won"t be hurt.

But the problem is that the bomb he is encountering is not an ordinary bomb, but a very special micro bomb. The bomb is actually implanted in Princess SAMA"s arm. Just when the two are at the peak of happiness, the bomb suddenly exploded!

If someone else has a bomb exploding in her body, it will definitely die. But Princess SAMA is very lucky, because her man is summer. So when the bomb explodes in her arm, she feels it in summer. He does not hesitate to stab Princess SAMA"s arm with a real gas, and wrap the newly exploded bomb around her. So, Sama The princess is still fine, just a little blood hole on her arm.

But the situation in summer is a little bit bad. The power of this micro bomb is definitely not micro. It"s so powerful that it"s beyond summer"s imagination. So in summer, he has to use all his strength to compete with this bomb. He uses the spirit of ice and fire to make a small ball, so that the explosion can only be carried out in the ball.

At the beginning of summer, it was not difficult for him to absorb the power of explosion directly with his current ability, but he soon found that the power generated by the explosion of this micro bomb was beyond his control. When a ball the size of a gla.s.s bead becomes the size of a football or basketball in a few seconds, he knew that he could not continue to use this method in summer He has to unleash that power.

Summer immediately let go of Princess SAMA, and then rushed out of the bathroom, but he did not run out of the demon Park, but jumped into the sky himself, in a flash, he had been thousands of meters above the ground, and then he suddenly threw the ball out of his hand.

"Boom!" In the middle of the air, the ball burst open, and huge waves rushed in all directions. However, in the summer, it had fallen at a very fast speed. In a second, it returned to the villa and the bathroom.

At the moment, Princess SAMA is sitting on the ground with tears in her eyes. She still doesn"t understand what happened. When summer suddenly left, she threw her on the bathroom floor, which made her sad and cried unconsciously.

"Princess wife, don"t cry, it won"t hurt soon." Summer finally spoke, he took out the silver needle, quickly tied it up on Princess SAMA"s arm, and continued to comfort her, "don"t worry, this place will soon return to normal, and will not leave scars."

At the moment, Princess SAMA finally found that her arm was really not hurt, and the comfort of summer also made her feel better. She knew that something unexpected had just happened, but she still couldn"t understand it, so she asked some wronged questions: "husband, what happened just now?"

"Princess wife, someone put a bomb in your arm. I just found it, so I took it out quickly and threw it away outside." Summer explained.

"Ah? I have a bomb in me? " Princess SAMA"s face suddenly faded. Even if the person with the best psychological quality heard that she had been planted with a bomb, she could not calm down.

"No more." In the summer, I take back the silver needle for a while, and then I put Princess SAMA in my arms again. "Princess wife, do you know who might put a bomb in your body?"

"I don"t know either." Princess SAMA shook her head, and then suddenly thought of something, "would it be in the morning when those two kidnappers planted bombs on me?"

"It could be the two idiots." Summer nodded, and then muttered, "I knew this, I shouldn"t have killed them directly."

"Husband, then, what should I do now?" Princess Suma hugged summer tightly. Although she was still worried, she was in a good mood at that time, because she finally understood that what summer had just done was to save her.

"Don"t worry, princess. I won"t let you be in danger any more." Summer promised, hands at the same time touch her, just the accident, let him not enjoy, he will continue to enjoy this beautiful princess.


there is a hot post in the water diffuse Beijing Forum.

"UFO over the capital!"

In the post, it said that UFOs appeared over the capital in the afternoon, with several photos, claiming to have taken UFOs, causing numerous people to watch.

Of course, few people really think it"s UFO, but they are guessing what it is. Some people say it"s a missile test, and they are immediately slapped with bricks by a bunch of people. How can we conduct a missile test in the capital?

There are also some people who say it is a supernatural phenomenon, and some people say it is a reflection of solar particles. In a word, there are different opinions, but I"m afraid no one knows. It is actually just an explosion in the air.

When these people are talking about each other, summer is leaning on the bed, and the beautiful princess SAMA is sleeping in his arms. The two are still intimately connected, and there is no obstacle to clothes. But at this moment, summer is on the phone.

"Wife, did the two kidnappers find out their ident.i.ties in the morning?" In summer, this call is for mu Han.

"I don"t think so. I"ll ask. It seems that the dragon team is in charge." Mu Han replied.

"Wife, do you know a kind of micro bomb that can be put into other people"s bodies when they are not paying attention?" Summer asked again.

"Microbubbles?" Mu Han"s tone was a little surprised. "Honey, what happened?"

Summer also does not hide, then put Princess SAMA"s body was loaded with a micro bomb thing out.

"Honey, I"ll check this right away!" Mu Han"s voice suddenly changed. It"s not a small thing. If Princess SAMA died in the capital, it would be a big trouble. If something happened in summer, it would be unacceptable to her. So she must find out about it immediately.

"Wife, I think this is for me." Summer said: "some people want to kill me with the princess"s wife, otherwise, if only want to kill the princess"s wife, the bomb must have exploded."

"Honey, is Princess SAMA OK now?" Asked Mu Han.

"She"s fine. She just fell asleep." Summer saw the princess SAMA in her arms, she really has nothing to do now, just just tired in the bathroom.

"Husband, take care of Princess SAMA first. I"ll check the micro bomb. This kind of micro bomb can"t be made by ordinary people. I believe we can find some clues." Mu Han said quickly.

Mu Han is just about to hang up, but in summer he talks again: "wife, it seems that many people want to kill me recently. I"m thinking, is it a way to simply lead them out?"

Mu Han is slightly shocked: "husband, do you have any way?"

"Wife, in fact, I know that many people are jealous of me, and many people are eager to die, but they know that they can"t beat me, so they don"t dare to do anything to me. Even if they want to do something to me, they also use some shameful means, such as using the princess"s wife to kill me." "I think I should give these people a chance to do it in person, so that I may be able to solve them all at once," said the summer

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