Chapter 1144

This is a man in his thirties. His face is similar to Bai Xiaolei"s. He is the same big man with dark skin. However, he is not as black as Bai Xiaolei. Bai Xiaolei"s black skin is comparable to that of Africans. The black skin of this man can also be said to be healthy.

Bai Xiaolei naturally knows this person, because this person is his eldest brother, Bai Dasen.

In the Bai family, Bai Dasen plays an important role. He is not only a rising star in Beijing politics, but also almost the decision-maker of the Bai family"s major actions.

The reason for this is that Bai Xiaolei has taken a road that his family"s children in the capital are not willing to take. For these family"s children, it"s hard to get involved in the underworld, and there"s no face. So Bai Xiaolei"s actions are basically his own decisions. Bai Dasen doesn"t support or interfere. At the same time, he keeps a certain distance from Bai Xiaolei.

But today, Bai Dawei comes to ask for help, because Bai Xiaolei"s current behavior is beyond Bai Dawei"s endurance, which makes Bai Dawei feel strange. Before, Bai Xiaolei was fighting on the road. Although it doesn"t conform to the ident.i.ty of the children of the capital family, he didn"t act recklessly. In general, it"s good for the Bai family , that"s why Bai Dawson opened his eyes and closed them.

But today, Bai Xiaolei does something that makes Bai Dashen think is quite stupid. When people in the whole capital are watching the changes and waiting to watch the good summer, Bai Xiaolei still takes the initiative to mix with summer. This is just pushing the whole Bai family into the fire pit!

"Boss, I"m just doing a normal thing." Bai Xiaolei is calm on his face. "Big brother is in trouble. I am a little brother. Of course, I have to help him. I understand this very well."

"Third, do you have a brain? Now in summer, he is seriously injured and his skill is completely lost. He can"t even deal with a few small gangsters. If his medical skill is still there, it"s nothing. But now his obvious medical skill is not good. Even the woman in Muhan left him. Can"t you see such obvious things? " Bai Dasen was angry. "Obviously, summer is worthless now. Now countless people in the capital want to kill him, but they are waiting for others to do it first. Even if they don"t have enemies with summer, they will wait for him to change. But you are so kind that you take the initiative to join in. Do you want the Bai family to be the target of other families in the capital?"

"Eldest brother, the man on the road is talking about a righteousness word. Summer is not only my eldest brother in name, but also he is kind to me. If it"s not him, Xiaomi is dead, and your nephew can"t be born now. I don"t need my help in summer. I can do nothing, but now, in his most difficult time, if I don"t care about it, I"ll come out later I"m afraid my little brothers will do the same to me. " Bai Xiaolei looked at Bai Dasen. "Boss, I"m different from you. You can climb on anyone"s feet in the political circle you are in. You don"t need to talk about emotional righteousness. But my mixed road, righteousness is very important. Grat.i.tude is also very important."

"Ignorance!" "You are not righteous, you are stupid, you are putting yourself on a dead end, and you will also put our white family on a dead end!" baidasen angrily scolded

"Boss, if one day I let the white family into the four families, you don"t have to thank me." Bai Xiaolei is still calm on his face, obviously he doesn"t care about his criticism at all.

"Third, don"t dream. You can"t protect yourself in summer. What do you think he can do for you?" Bai Dasen snorted, "you should get rid of the relationship with summer, or you"d better get rid of the relationship with Bai family!"

"Well, boss, I won"t keep you." Bai Xiaolei is also flat, then shouted, "come to see me off!"

Obviously, what Bai Xiaolei said is that he wants to get rid of the relationship with the Bai family.

"Third, you will regret it!" Bai Dasen said angrily, then turned around and left.

Looking at Bai Dasen"s back, Bai Xiaolei said to himself, "I"m afraid you will regret it in a few days."


Room one three one four, capital hotel.

In summer, she leans against the bed and holds the menu of the hotel. However, she looks at Meier not far away. Meier is still standing beside the window, opening the curtain and looking out through the window gla.s.s.

Night has come, the night of the capital, bright lights, appears more beautiful.

"Meier wife, what would you like to eat?" Summer asked, they haven"t finished eating yet.

"Fried rice." Meier replied very simply.

"Fried rice?" Summer Leng Leng Leng, "Meier wife, you just eat fried rice?"

"I like fried rice." Meier added.

In summer, he finally knew what Meier liked for the first time, so he called the service desk and asked them to send two fried rice. In fact, he didn"t like fried rice very much, but since Meier"s wife only ate fried rice, he would like to have a fried rice with her.

"Meier wife, why don"t you come to bed?" Summer asked again, this matter makes him quite depressed, Meier has not sat on the bed for even a second since she entered the room.

"I"m not used to sitting in bed." Meier replied lightly.

"But, Meier"s wife, don"t you go to bed at night?" Asked the summer.

"I"m not used to sleeping." Meier still looks out, but still immediately gives the summer an answer.

Summer suddenly a little depressed, so to say, tonight want to sleep with Meier"s wife, it seems that some difficult to achieve.

"Meier wife, where do you sleep tonight?" Summer can"t help but ask again.

"I......" Meier finally turned around, glanced at the room, as if looking for a place where she could sleep. Finally, she continued, "I"ll sleep on the ground."

It"s a relief in summer. Anyway, the charming wife is still sleeping in this room. If she runs out to sleep, he"s really in a loss.

Not light not heavy knock at this time ring up, Meier a flash body came to the door, the voice suddenly became a little chilly: "who?"

"Here comes the meal." There was a female voice outside.

Meier opens the door and sees a waitress standing outside, pushing a small car with two fried rice on it.

"Miss, this is the fried rice you ordered. Please sign the order." The waiter said politely.

Meier signs the bill, then takes a plate in one hand, turns around and enters the room. At this moment, the seemingly ordinary waitress suddenly shows a pistol drawn from the bottom of the car, and shows a strong killing machine in her eyes!

Two light shots, two bullets from the pistol loaded with silencer, straight behind Meier, but Meier seems to have no response, still holding the plate and walking inside.

Seeing this scene, the waiter could not help showing a proud look on her face, but unfortunately, the pride on her face did not last for three seconds, it has turned into a shock.

With a slight pain, the gun in her hand suddenly disappeared. The next second, she felt a hard and cold object against her skull, which was her pistol.

"Who sent you?" Meier asked coldly. Just for a moment, she finished the process of putting fried rice on the table and grabbing the gun. At this moment, she can send the killer dressed as a waiter to h.e.l.l just by pulling the trigger.

"No one..." The waiter"s face was pale, but he still bit his teeth and refused to tell the truth.

"Bang bang......" The gunfire rang out again, but suddenly there was another person at the door, shooting into it continuously.

"Er!" The waiter uttered a scream and immediately fell into a pool of blood. However, Meier had already come to summer"s side. She picked him up in one hand, dodged the bullets quickly, and started shooting back at the same time.

A gunshot, the fierce gunshot finally stopped, the killer at the door also fell to the ground, but the house has been a mess.

"Otherwise, let"s move on." After a few seconds of silence, Meier asked.

"Meier"s wife, even if they change places, they will find us soon." Summer is not very want to change places.

"Well, I"ll have it cleaned up." Meier takes out her mobile phone and makes a phone call.

"Meier wife, let"s eat." Summer said with a smile, those two fried rice are very lucky to save down, continue to eat is no problem.

Although there are still two corpses at the door, they don"t affect Meier"s appet.i.te and summer"s appet.i.te at all. The dark group also came very quickly. They took the corpse away when they had a meal. At the same time, they arranged the room of Meier and summer"s almost the same as before. When they finished eating, it seemed that everything was normal in this room, as if nothing had happened 。

"Meier wife, let"s go to bed." About nine o"clock, the summer begins to bewitch the charming son to sleep.

"Go to bed first." Meier said lightly that she did not stand by the window at this time. When the enemies are everywhere, it is not a safe choice to stand by the window.

"Meier wife, I don"t sleep if you don"t sleep." In fact, he doesn"t want to sleep very much in summer. He just wants to sleep with the charm.

Meier thinks about it, and then she really sleeps. As she said before, she lies directly on the ground. However, she lies close to the big bed, obviously to protect the summer lying on the bed.

"Well, you can sleep now." Meier said.

As soon as she finished, Meier found that she was lying on the ground next to her in summer, with one hand still embracing her.

"What do you do?" Meier asked a little annoyed.

"Charming son wife, you sleep on the ground, of course, I also want to sleep on the ground." Summer answers a way, in the heart is murmuring secretly however, if there is a person to come to him trouble tonight, he must kill each other whole family!

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