Chapter 1148

A servant was about to answer the phone when Chang Donglin stood up and said, "let me answer. The phone should be for me."

Changdonglin quickly picked up the microphone: "I am changdonglin."

"Mr. Chang, I have been asked to bring you a message." There was a low voice over the phone.

"Who are you?" Chang Donglin asked.

"Mr. Chang, it doesn"t matter who I am. I"m just a messenger." The person at the other end of the phone refused to reveal his / her ident.i.ty. "Someone asked me to tell you that you are not young. It"s your job to be rea.s.sured and provide for the aged. It"s better not to worry about some things you shouldn"t care about."

"It"s up to me to decide whether to deal with it or not. It"s not until you, who dare not even say your own name, tell me a lot about Donglin!" Chang Donglin gave a deep hum.

"Mr. Chang, my words have come to you. It"s your business whether you do it or not. If you go your own way and have to mix with summer, you will soon know the consequences." There was a little anger in the voice of the other end of the phone, "your people are arrested, your territory is seized, these are just the first steps!"

With these words, the other side hung up.

Changdonglin soon put down the microphone, looking a bit gloomy, but soon, his look returned to normal: "doctor Xia, I"m sorry, eat first."

After a meal, Chang Donglin called out to others: "Xiao Bao, a Rong, come to dinner, too. Let those things go for the time being."

Chang Xiaobao and Chang Rong also return to the table, but they are obviously not satisfied with food. In summer, it"s as if nothing happens. Chu Yao even has no lady style. Compared with Chang Xiaobao and Chang Donglin, they are calm. After all, they are people who have experienced great storms, and their mental endurance is still different.

It was seven o"clock when the dinner which was hard to say to the people of Chang family was finally finished, but during this period, no one"s phone rang, everything seemed very calm, and it was a little abnormal.

"Grandpa, what should we do now?" Chang Xiaobao finally asked.

"Don"t do anything. I"ll see if the police can lock up tens of thousands of people in the police station for a few days." Chang Donglin said lightly: "they want to frighten me with this move. I will let them know that it can"t frighten me."

"But, uncle Lin, if our people have been locked in the police station, I"m afraid our territory will be..." Chang Rong said in a low voice, although he didn"t finish speaking, everyone understood his meaning. Although Chang"s family actually controls half of the capital"s underworld, it"s only half of it. Once these people are all in the Bureau, other forces will definitely take the opportunity to encroach on their territory.

"If you do, you will be robbed." Chang Donglin said lightly, "then I will come back."

"But..." What does Chang Xiaobao want to say? Once the site is robbed, it"s not so easy to get it back.

"In fact, don"t worry. I"ll let the little Gang watch the site." At this time in the summer, I put in a word.

"Little black?" Chang Xiaobao was shocked. "Who are you talking about, brother Tian?"

"Oh, it"s Bai Xiaolei. He"s also a gangster." Summer lazily said: "I can let him help you see a few days, and when your people come out, then return the site to you."

"Ah, it"s white three little!" Chang Xiaobao suddenly understood, just a little worried, "brother Tian, will Bai sanshao listen to you?"

"He"s my little brother. Of course he"ll listen to me." Summer a little strange looking at Chang Xiaobao, "how can you ask such a stupid question?"

After a pause, summer added, "I"ll just call him now."

Summer took out a mobile phone, connected Bai Xiaolei"s telephone: "Xiaohei, where are you?"

"Elder brother, I"m at home. What can I do for you?" Bai Xiaolei asked in a hurry.

"Oh, nothing. Do you know that the Beijing police are catching people everywhere now?" Asked the summer lazily.

"Yes, I"ve been told, but they"re targeting Chang"s territory now, and haven"t bothered me yet." Bai Xiaolei replied quickly.

"I"m at home now." "The police idiots are coming for me," said the summer

"Is that so?" Bai Xiaolei is slightly shocked. He doesn"t know the relationship between summer and Chang"s family.

"That"s right, but I"m not in the mood to go to the trouble of those idiots. So, you should first look at those places. After a few days, when all the people in Chang"s house come out of the police station, you can return the places to them. Do you understand?" Summer orders.

"I see." Of course, Bai Xiaolei understood that he also promised to come down, "brother, don"t worry, I will let people see these places."

"That"s fine, that"s all." Summer is not nonsense, immediately hung up the phone, and then turned to look at Chang Xiaobao, "don"t worry, Xiaohei said he would look for someone to look after the place.".

Chang Xiaobao seems a little uneasy, but Chang Donglin says, "since doctor Xia has arranged it, you don"t have to worry about it. Inform everyone, don"t do anything, don"t go to the police. In a few days, they will come to ask us for help."

"Husband, who is going to have trouble with you now?" Chu Yao then asked, "tell me, I"ll kill them!"

"Now, many people want to have trouble with me. They can"t help it. There are too many people who are jealous of me." Summer lazily said: "I don"t know which one."

Speaking of this, summer thought of something, then turned to look at Chang Donglin: "do you know who the person just called to threaten you?"

"Doctor Xia, I"m not sure, but I can ask someone to check it. It should be able to find out." Changdonglin replied.

"I"ll check it myself." Summer took out a mobile phone, dialed a phone, "wife, help me to check who just called Chang"s home, yes, Chang Donglin"s this Chang"s home."

After waiting for about ten seconds, he hung up in summer, and then told the crowd, "well, it"s Cheng"s family who called. I don"t care about them first. I"ll check with them in a few days."

Changdonglin, changxiaobao, and others were in a trance for a while. Is that too fast? In less than a minute, did you find out?

"Honey, who are you calling?" Chu Yao is a little strange.

"Yaoyao"s wife, you will know in a few days." Summer this time did not tell Chu Yao, not to hide her, but there are people next to him, he still feel better not to say first.

Of course, he called the goblin. Now he doesn"t want to let people know that he and the goblin are still so close, because in this way, people will think that Zhao family will help him, and those who are ready to move may not dare to show up.

"Honey, here comes the phone..." In the summer, the mobile phone rings again.

Summer looked at the number, or the phone answered: "ah, three Shifu, you will not let me help you pick up girls?"

The phone call was made by Lu Ren, the three master in summer. When he heard summer"s words, he immediately got angry: "fart, I"m living a good life with your teacher"s mother. What other girls are I going to make?"

"What do you want me to do? No money? Give me an account number and I"ll let you remit money. " Summer casually said.

"Dead boy, do I have to ask you for money?" Lu Ren said angrily, "I heard that your boy has been very unhappy recently, and he said that he was seriously injured. Isn"t it true? Can I help you? "

"Oh, it"s OK. I don"t need your help. If you really want to help me, please come out and have a beautiful younger martial sister." Summer said lazily.

"What do you want a beautiful younger martial sister to do?" Lu Ren asked discontentedly.

"Wife for me, of course!" Summer a pair of natural appearance, "you see two masters gave me a beautiful elder martial sister, you don"t give birth to a beautiful younger martial sister how do you mean?"

"Go away, dead boy, even if I have a daughter, I will keep her away from you!" Lu Ren scolded and immediately hung up the phone.

"What master? I found a wife for him. Can"t he have a daughter to be my wife?" Summer muttered.

Everyone looked at each other. This guy is really powerful. Let his Shifu give birth to a beautiful younger martial sister to be his wife. Isn"t it preparation for the old ox to eat tender gra.s.s in the future? It"s just a little flower that will harm the future of our country!

"Mr. Chang, someone is asking for help outside." A servant came in.

"Who is it?" Chang asked.

"It"s Gu"s second young master, Gu Hanfeng." The servant replied.

"Is it him?" Chang Donglin is slightly shocked, ponders a little, and then lightly nods: "please come in."

"Please, I"m in." A faint voice sounded. With this voice, a beautiful man appeared in the room, not someone else. It was Gu Hanfeng.

"Gu Er Shao is very popular in the capital recently, but I don"t know if he will come to my regular home. What can I do for you?" Chang Donglin stood up and asked slowly.

"Don Chang, I"m not here for you." Gu replied faintly, then turned his head and looked down on summer. "I"m here to find him."

Gu Lengfeng stared at summer, and his eyes were shining with two lines of light, and his tone suddenly became cold: "summer, the insult of breaking fingers, I have always kept in mind, now, it"s time to return this shame to you!"

"Gu Er Shao, this is Chang"s house, and Xia Shenyi is a distinguished guest of our Chang"s house. If you have any festival with Xia Shenyi, please wait until Xia Shenyi leaves here." Chang Donglin said in a deep voice.

"Chang Laozi, I respect you as an old man, but that doesn"t mean I"m afraid of you." Gu said coldly, "since I"m here, I won"t leave without interrupting summer"s hands."

"If you want to interrupt my husband"s hand, I will cut you to death first!" Chu Yao was angry, and jumped up. The bright light of the knife flashed, and the shadow of the knife rolled to Gu Lengfeng. In the air, there was a sudden smell of killing!

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