Chapter 1156

There was a flash of embarra.s.sment and annoyance on the young man"s face. Obviously he didn"t expect that Chu Yao didn"t remember him at all.

"Miss Chu is so forgetful. We are still our own family. We haven"t seen each other for only a few years." The young man"s tone was ironic: "it seems that this miss Chu has a man, and it"s really different."

"My family?" Chu Yao looked at the guy carefully, then shook his head. "Do you also have Chu"s name? Are you a virgin? "

"What is Chunan? My name is chubei!" The young man snorted, "Miss Chu, since you know me, why play with me?"

Chu Yao couldn"t help but stay. After a while, she looked at the guy who called himself Chu Bei, wondering, "you are the little shriveled man who pretended to be my relative who had been killing the little sisters of Truman all day and was finally driven out of Jianghai city by me? Did you have a facelift? I said that other people"s plastic surgery is more beautiful, how can you more ugly

"Chu Yao, your mouth is still so smelly!" Chu Bei looks at Chu Yao angrily.

"Fart, my mother"s mouth is fragrant!" Chu Yao said, "get away from me, don"t bother me, or I will castrate you this time. Even if you are not a virgin, you can only be a virgin for life if you find a wife later!"

"Chu Yao, please speak politely to me. This is the capital, not the sea, not the place where you can be presumptuous!" Chu North glared at Chu Yao, and now he finally understood that what Chu Yao said before was not Chu south, but virgin!

"What happened to the capital? I can castrate you at any time! " Chu Yao snorted, "by the way, I remember. I used to say that I would beat you once when I saw you. Since I saw you today, I would beat you first!"

Chu Yao has always been fearless. Now that she has her husband as a backer in summer, she is even more afraid of her husband. So don"t say that this is the capital city. Even if there are two capital police standing next to her, Chu Yao may be able to do it. No, as soon as she finished speaking, she rushed up and kicked Chu Bei away.

"My gra.s.s, give it to me, kill this Er! " Chu Bei roared angrily, but before he finished, he let out another scream, but Chu Yao kicked in the crotch of the goods.

The four little brothers in northern Chu were about to rush towards Chu Yao, but Chu Yao had already jumped lightly. He had two flying legs in the air and kicked all the four guys to the ground. He didn"t give them a chance to start at all.

Chu Yao gently fell on the ground, looking at Chu Bei, who was lying on the ground groaning painfully, and then stepped on it with one foot: "to do an operation, you have a chance to be a virgin!"

"Er!" Chu Bei made another scream, and then he went straight into a coma.

"What an idiot! I regretted not castrating you before, but I actually sent you to the door this time." Chu Yao murmured, then hugged summer"s arm as if nothing had happened. "Honey, let"s go!"

Summer also didn"t say anything, to Chu north this kind of small role, he also has no interest.

"Husband, do you think we should get grandpa Chang and Xiaobao out of the police station?" After walking on the road for a while, Chu Yao thought of it. "We don"t care about them like this, isn"t it not good?"

"Let them stay at the police station for a few days first. If I save them now, others will know that my injury is cured." Summer shook his head and said, "don"t worry, they won"t have anything to do in the police station. If you don"t worry, I"ll call Xiao hei and ask him to take care of him first."

"Well, husband, you"d better call that little black. I"m not afraid of ten thousand, just in case." Chu Yao nodded and said.

Listen to Chu Yao so said, summer then took out the mobile phone, dialed Bai Xiaolei"s telephone.

After explaining it for a while, he hung up the phone again in summer. He didn"t pay much attention to this. In his opinion, so many people in Chang"s family were arrested. Even if they were really jailed, they were still the eldest ones. Who dared to move them!

"Honey, here comes the phone..." Then someone called in.

In summer, I took out my mobile phone and saw it. I haven"t seen the number.

"h.e.l.lo, who is it?" Summer answered the phone and asked.

"h.e.l.lo, is this the summer doctor?" There was a polite male voice over the phone, "I"m Shi Pengfei. Last year in Muyang County, you saved my life."

"Muyang county?" Summer thought, "Oh, you are the guy Ding Xiaojian protects, right?"

"Yes, it"s me." Mr. Shi quickly replied, hesitated a little, and asked, "doctor Xia, are you free now?"

"Not very free. What can I do for you?" Summer is a little confusing. What does this guy want to do with him? They are not familiar.

"Doctor Xia, I have a very important thing to talk to you personally. It"s not convenient to say it on the phone. If it"s convenient for you, I"ll come to you now. What do you think?" Mr. Shi said in a low voice.

"Something important?" Summer thought, and asked, "Hey, is it important to you or to me? If it"s only important to you, I"m not interested. "

"Doctor Xia, this matter is very important to me, but I believe it is also important to you." Mr. Shi quickly said.

"Well, then, come to me." After thinking about it in summer, I decided to meet Mr. Shi Pengfei. It"s not that he really thinks things are very important. It"s mainly that he"s a bit bored now and doesn"t want to go shopping anymore.

"Then, doctor Xia, give me an address and I"ll be right there." Mr. Shi Pengfei was a little excited, and finally added, "doctor Xia, this matter can"t be known to others for the time being, so if you have a safe and clean place, it will be better."

"Well, let me see. Then you go to the white jade building, and I will go there too." Summer think want to say.

"OK, I"ll be right here." Shi Pengfei obviously knew where the white jade building was, so he agreed to come down.

After hanging up the phone, he led Chu Yao to the white jade building in summer. About 20 minutes later, when he and Chu Yao came to the white jade building, Shi Pengfei had arrived ahead of time.

Mr. Shi Pengfei didn"t come alone. Along with him was his fiancee, an Xiaobei. Four people went into the white jade building and found a private room. After introducing each other, they turned to the main topic.

"Tell me, what"s the most important thing about me?" Asked the summer lazily.

"Doctor Xia, I know you are in some trouble now. If you don"t mind, you can stay in our historian temporarily. Although our historian is not a famous family, the security measures of our historian are quite good. I can guarantee that you will be OK in our historian. You can stay there until your injury recovers." He said with a sincere face.

Summer immediately dissatisfied: "you said the important thing is this ah?"? I don"t need your historians to protect me. "

"But, doctor Xia, now..." Shi Pengfei was stunned and then wanted to explain.

Summer a little impatiently interrupted his words: "Hey, you just say, what do you want me to do for you? I"ll go if I don"t say it again. "

"Here..." Mr. Shi didn"t know what to say for a moment.

"Mr. Xia, it"s like this. I"ve been controlled by people and have to stay with Pengfei as a spy. They asked me to steal confidential missile information, but I really love Pengfei. I don"t want to be controlled by them, so I want to ask Mr. Xia to help me once." Anxiaobei said at this time, and then she looked at summer nervously, obviously for fear that summer would not agree.

"You don"t need to call me for such a small thing, do you?" Summer a little unhappy, "you find a few police to catch those people."

"Mr. Xia, things are more complicated. I have been under their control for six years, but I have never known who they are. The only thing I know now is that they know Mr. Xia you, and they are afraid of you, so I asked Mr. Xia you for help." Said Anne quickly.

"You know me, you"re afraid of me, you"ve controlled you for six years, and you don"t know who they are?" Summer slightly ponders, "can"t be so clever, they are those idiots?"

Hearing summer"s words to herself, an Xiaobei was stunned, then asked excitedly, "Mr. Xia, do you know who they are?"

"Well, it"s possible to know. Let me know the details first." Summer thought for a while and said, "if the people who control you are the idiots I am looking for, then I will help you naturally."

At this time, summer is really interested in this matter, because he suspects that the people who control Ann Xiaobei are probably Yi Zhiyan"s group, the spies actually from the CIA.

"OK, no problem." An Xiaobei nodded quickly, and then talked about the process of her acquaintance with Shi Pengfei. At first, both of them thought it was an accident. But one day, when an Xiaobei received a stack of her photos, she finally found that it was not an accident, but a deliberate arrangement.

"They threatened me with photos first, then escalated gradually, and finally threatened me directly with my family"s life. Once I refused to do anything for them, and then my father was shot that day, fortunately, it was not fatal, but I knew from then on that those people were completely insane. If I didn"t obey them, they might kill my family at any time " "But I really don"t want to do this. I always want to get rid of them. They want me not only to be a spy, but also to occupy our property. I can"t let them succeed, but I just don"t know how to do it. When I was in Muyang County, I suddenly found that the person who controls me was afraid of Mr. Xia..."

Before anxiaobei finished speaking, her mobile phone suddenly rang. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it. Her face suddenly changed. Then she looked at summer with some trepidation: "Oh, it"s them again. They called again. Did they find that I came to you?"

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