Chapter 1169

Although Chu Yao said that he could handle those people of Bian Yunxia in one afternoon, in fact, it"s still not suitable to do it in the daytime. In order not to make trouble when doing it, Bai Xiaolei still needs to arrange it. So, in the end, they still set the time of doing it in the evening. During the day, they just monitor the movements of Bian Yunxia and others.

Bian Yunxia"s action of seizing power is obviously supported by a big man, who has a strong influence on the police. According to Bai Xiaolei"s guess, it"s not others who support him. It"s Cheng"s family. Because the matter of bringing changdonglin and his subordinates into the police station is operated by Cheng"s family secretly.

Changdonglin was in the police station and almost died. Afterwards, Bian Yunxia"s confidant was released from the police station, but changdonglin"s confidant was still locked. If it wasn"t for changdonglin"s, I"m afraid even Chang Xiaobao and Chang Rong are still in the police station. These actions are undoubtedly to help Bian Yunxia. Under normal circ.u.mstances, Bian Yunxia should have been very smooth Li took control of Chang"s family.

It"s a pity that sometimes people who are clever are mistaken for those who help Bian Yunxia, but they didn"t think of it. This practice didn"t help him, but weakened his ability. Because now, it"s Bai Xiaolei, not Chang Jia, that Bian Yunxia has to deal with.

It was not easy for Bai Xiaolei to start if all the people of Chang"s family were outside, but now, there are only some confidants beside him. Compared with Bai Xiaolei"s side, the hands are very different!

However, for Bian Yunxia, the most lethal thing is not Bai Xiaolei"s subordinates, but Chu Yao, the eldest miss of Chumen. Now she has a plan to unify the underworld in the capital. It"s not terrible to have such a plan. What"s terrible is that the ability of this eldest Miss Chu is really terrible. No matter the innermost feelings of Bian Yunxia or Bian Yunxia, they can"t defeat her. She only needs to flick them gently Dao, or throw out a throwing Dao at will. The people of Bian Yunxia are either dead or disabled.

This evening, Chu Yao, with Bai Xiaolei, Chang Xiaobao and others, swept the underground forces of the capital in a whirlwind like manner, and the territory that was finally swept by Chu Yao, not only the place of Bian Yunxia, but also some other small gangs, and Bai Xiaolei"s men, with the fastest speed, received all the sites!

When Bian Yunxia"s supporters found something wrong and quickly asked the police to release all the people of Chang"s family, it was too late. Not only were these people not enough to take back the territory, but also because changdonglin personally issued an order to let these people cooperate with Bai"s family to control the territory. For this reason, from now on, Chang"s family and Bai Xiaolei are the same family.

Overnight, the underground forces in the capital have changed their names. Since then, they did not have the surname Chang or Bai, but Chu. The tentacles of Chumen finally extended from Jianghai city to the capital!

This change, almost everyone is unexpected, for many people, this night"s change, more like a nightmare, because now this situation, almost the last they want to see!

Unfortunately, nightmares have come true. Perhaps the only consolation they can get is that this night, it"s not just a nightmare they are experiencing.

For the CIA, this night is a nightmare!

The CIA"s contacts all over the world were attacked in at least dozens of places this evening. They were attacked by agents from different countries. It is said that on that night, agents from these countries received an anonymous message, sending them the exact contact address of the CIA. Then agents from these countries naturally took action. Those who were originally It"s impossible to let go of this opportunity. So that night, the CIA lost so much that the director of the CIA had to issue an order immediately to recall all the agents to the headquarters. In the future, they would have to spend time to rebuild the intelligence network.

Although it was night, it was day at the CIA headquarters, which was also hailed by the CIA as the worst day in history.

But the worst is not the loss. The worst is that they don"t know who"s plotting and how the intelligence leaks out, because according to common sense, even if one or two of their agents fall into the hands of the enemy, there"s no reason for them to leak out the intelligence. There"s no doubt that for a long time to come, the Bureau will have to adjust its policy It takes a lot of manpower and energy to look into it.

Unfortunately, they didn"t know that the nightmare wasn"t over, because just this morning, four agents, including grace, were called back to China and boarded the plane back home. However, now their real ident.i.ty is no longer a CIA agent, but four double-sided spies that have been actually hypnotized and controlled by summer.


the next morning.

In yirenge, yixiaoyin has already got up. Since she has such a strong Qi in her body, she practices at night and gets up early in the daytime, but her spirit is still very good. She knows that her physical condition is getting better and better. Unfortunately, the trauma in some parts of her body can never be recovered.

Today"s weather is good. The morning light has come into the yard. Looking up at the sky, I feel a little distracted.

"Breakfast, miss." A Jiu"s voice came from behind, waking up yixiaoyin.

Yixiaoyin nodded and turned to walk towards the house.

Gently knock on the door, suddenly at this time, ah Jiu, who was going to follow yixiaoyin into the room, turned to the gate and walked: "Miss, I"ll see who it is."

"Well." Yixiaoyin responds, enters the room, then sits at the dinner table, drinks the hot soybean milk, then waits for a Jiu to come back.

Yin medicine door is not just the two of them, but this yirenge is basically only the two of them, because in Yin medicine door, they are also different and do not fit together.

"Bang bang!" Two shots suddenly came from the gate, like a bolt from the blue, which shocked yixiaoyin. Only a few seconds later, she reacted, jumped up and rushed to the gate at the fastest speed.

A Jiu lies on the ground quietly with blood pouring from his chest. Outside the door, except for a Jiu, he doesn"t see anyone but a motorcycle leaving at a fast speed.

"No!" Yixiaoyin makes a sad cry, pours at A9, quickly picks her up, returns to the house as soon as possible, then takes out the silver needle, and quickly ties it up on A9.

"Ah Jiu, you have to hold on, you can"t die!" Yixiaoyin"s mind is in turmoil now. She has no time to think about why it happened. She just wants to save ah Jiu!


goblin park.

The Spirit Park is now worthy of its name. It has lived in a big, a small and two beautiful goblins. However, last night, it failed to spend the night with any of them. The goblin is still with her computer. The goblin was practicing the so-called fairy mind method last night. It seems that she wants to complete the transition from the goblin to the fairy as soon as possible.

Of course, this summer is still not lonely, there are no goblins, there is a little princess, the beautiful princess SAMA, but last night he once again tasted the taste of the goblins.

The only thing that makes him a little depressed is that his scam is not over yet, so he can"t stay in the goblin"s nest and fight with the goblin every day. He still has to go out and look around, when a flow bait, let those unsightly guys take the initiative to send the door to find death.

Looking at the baby like Princess Sleeping in her arms, I felt her baby like skin a little bit in summer, then touched her part as majestic as the mother of the baby for two times, and finally reluctantly dressed and got up.

When I went downstairs, I saw Zhao Yuji eating breakfast. But now the goblin is not dressed like a goblin at all. It"s too conservative. It"s disappointing for summer.

"You"re up?" When she saw summer, Zhao Yuji took the initiative to say h.e.l.lo, but after saying h.e.l.lo, she couldn"t help but give him a white look. The dead s.e.x wolf spent the night in that Princess SAMA"s room last night!

"Yes, Goblin"s wife, you get up, and I"ll get up, of course." Summer casually said.

"I haven"t slept yet!" Zhao Yuji said angrily.

In summer, he smiled at her: "the goblin wife, are you going to sleep now? If you want to sleep, I can sleep with you. "

"I don"t want you." Zhao Yuji gave him a white look. "I will go out later. There is a new disc conference. I have to show my face."

"Oh, I"ll go out and hang out later." In summer, I sat down beside Zhao Yuji. One hand held Zhao Yuji and the other grabbed a piece of bread to start his breakfast.

After eating a few pieces of bread and drinking two boxes of milk, the mobile phone suddenly rings in summer.

Take out the mobile phone and look at it. In summer, I can"t help but be stunned. This phone call is actually from yixiaoyin. It"s a little unexpected. He"s not a fool either. I know that Yiyi"s wife has a lot of opinions on him now. Usually, she is unlikely to call him on her own initiative.

"Wife Yi, you..." Summer answered the phone, just said a few words, then heard the voice of Yixiao over there with a cry, "please, help me, help me save a Jiu..."

"Wife Yi, don"t cry. Tell me, where are you? I"ll be right here! " He stayed in summer. Although he didn"t know what happened, he agreed at once.

"Yirenge, come on, ah Jiu is dying..." Yixiaoyin is really about to cry. At this moment, she feels helpless so much that she has to turn to summer for help.

"Here I am!" In summer, I came upstairs at a fast speed and pulled the goblin from the bed, who was going to sleep. "Goblin wife, I want to go to yirenge, please help me guide the way!"

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