Chapter 1172

Summer thought, and then immediately had a decision: "ice, you wait for me, I will go to you."

Hearing the words of summer, the cold ice at the other end of the phone was obviously stunned. Then she said, "aren"t you still in the capital?"

"Yes, but you spit so hard. I"m not sure. I"ll go back to have a look. You go home and rest first. Wait for me at home. I"ll come back as soon as possible."

"In fact, I don"t have anything. Maybe I"m a little greasy in the morning. You don"t have to come back specially. It"s quite a long way from the capital city. It"ll take several hours by air..." I began to think that I was a little concerned about her in summer.

"Bingbing, I miss you too. I will come back, but don"t tell others about Bingbing. I don"t want others to know that I left the capital." Summer said quickly.

"Well, I"ll wait for you." There was nothing more to be said. In fact, she also wanted to see summer.

After the end of the call with Leng Bingbing, she called Meier in summer, asking her to send someone to protect yixiaoyin, and the dark group to investigate the of a Jiu.

Yixiaoyin is the protection object of the dark group. Meier naturally arranges the staff without hesitation. The dark group also comes very quickly. It appears in yirenge in less than five minutes. This time, yixiaoyin"s bodyguard is no stranger to summer. It is the two female agents, 18 younger sister and 19 younger sister, who once protected yixiaoyin in w.a.n.ggang city.

As soon as they arrived, they left the Iran Pavilion in summer. When a Jiu cleaned himself up and appeared outside, she and Yi Xiaoyin were surprised to find that the b.a.s.t.a.r.d in summer had disappeared automatically, which surprised them. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d helped them a lot. Even if they didn"t take the opportunity to negotiate terms, they didn"t even have a trace of entanglement. It was true It"s not normal.

I don"t know. In summer, I have left the capital.

In fact, no one knows that he left the capital in summer. This time, he didn"t inform anyone. Except for the cold and ice that he wanted to go back, everyone thought that he was still in the capital. In order to keep secret, summer didn"t use any means of transportation. Once again, he ran back from the capital to the sea with his invincible legs!

But this time, summer is not an impulse. He studied the map before, because he had considered the possibility of going back to Jianghai city temporarily. He found that the road from Beijing to Jianghai is actually very easy, because there is a highway, which starts from Beijing and ends at Jianghai city. He just needs to run on this highway all the time In fact, the distance from Beijing to Jianghai is almost the same as the distance from w.a.n.ggang city to Jianghai at the beginning. At his speed, it will take a few hours to run back. Now, he can fly in the air. As long as he doesn"t worry about losing his way, he can still fly faster.

When running on the Jingjiang Expressway in summer, 18 younger sisters and 19 younger sisters in yirenge are asking ah Jiu to try to find out the murderer who wants to shoot him.

"Miss ah Jeou, have you not seen the murderer at all?" 19 younger sister asked.

"No, he"s wearing a motorcycle helmet. He can"t see clearly. I"m not even sure if he"s a man or a woman. He didn"t talk to me. He shot me twice directly. Then I don"t know anything." Ah Jiu shook his head and said.

"I called up the surveillance video of the nearby road section and found this man, miss ah Jeou. Have a look, isn"t he?" 18 younger sister points to a picture on the tablet and asks.

A Jiu looked at it carefully, then nodded: "it should be him."

"That"s good. I"ll have this motorcycle traced to see if I can find out the ident.i.ty of the murderer." 18 younger sister is quite satisfied with the result.

"Miss Yi, have you offended anyone recently?" One side of the 19 younger sister at this time asked again.

Yixiaoyin didn"t answer immediately. She had calmed down completely from the previous panic and uneasiness. And she calmed down, and soon thought of a person, Cheng Zhigao.

For a long time, yixiaoyin has been helping people to cure diseases in the capital. Although the charges are high, the objects she treats are all rich or expensive. They don"t care about the money. So before that, she had no real enemies, at least no enemies who wanted her life. Even if other people in yinyimen were different from her, they wouldn"t treat her Killer.

And Cheng Zhigao, the threat in Cheng Zhigao"s words that appeared yesterday, she didn"t pay attention to it at that time, but now she begins to think that maybe the shot of a Jiu is Cheng Zhigao"s warning to her, warning her not to help summer any more.

"No, not a warning!" Yixiaoyin quickly vetoed his idea in his heart. The other side obviously wanted to kill a Jiu. If it was just a warning, Cheng Zhigao would not be unaware of her relationship with a Jiu, and Cheng Zhigao should have some scruples. The way to kill a Jiu directly seems to be not a general warning, but a kind of desperation or even a kind of saying It"s the Revenge of insanity!

This makes yixiaoyin don"t understand. She just went to treat changdonglin with a wound. Can she get revenge on her like this? Even if Cheng Zhigao hates Xia deeply, he shouldn"t retaliate in this way. At least in her opinion, although Cheng Zhigao was angry and arrogant yesterday, he still shouldn"t find someone to shoot ah Jiu this morning, unless

"What happened in the capital last night?" Thinking of this, he asked.

After a pause, yixiaoyin added, "something that has something to do with Chang Donglin or Cheng"s family."

"Last night? I"ll check. " 19 sister immediately began to search.

Soon, 19 younger sister gave yixiaoyin the answer: "Miss Yi, something happened at Chang"s house last night. The power of cloud Xia under Chang Donglin"s hand was completely destroyed by others, but relatively speaking, it"s not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the underground power of the capital city was integrated at an amazing speed last night. Now, it belongs to the power of Chang"s house and that of Chang"s All the forces of Bai Xiaolei belong to the same person. "

"Who?" He asked.

"Well, it"s Chu Yao." Nineteen younger sister"s tone seems unnatural, "it"s said that Chu Yao is our leader"s......"

"Needless to say, I know who she is." Yixiaoyin said lightly.

"Er, Miss Yi, there"s another unconfirmed rumor. With the support of the Cheng family, Mr. Bian Yun is preparing to seize the power of the Chang family. Therefore, it may have something to do with the Cheng family." 19 younger sister added.

"I see." Yixiaoyin nods. At this time, she can be sure that the Cheng family retaliates for a Jiu"s shooting.

It"s a simple thing. The injury of changdonglin was obviously planned by Cheng family. When changdonglin was injured, Cheng family expected to use Bian Yunxia to gain half of the control of the underground forces in the capital. Unfortunately, they failed. It seems that Cheng family has blamed her for the failure, because she woke changdonglin up. Therefore, Cheng family was furious, Retaliated against her.

"Miss Yi, have you thought of who the murderer is?" 19 younger sister cannot help but ask.

"I don"t know. I"m just asking. Besides, it"s useless even if I think about it. After all, there is no evidence."

"Miss Yi, if you have a suspect, we will find the evidence." One side of the 18 younger sister then a word.

"I"ll tell you when I have a suspect." Yixiaoyin said lightly.

"All right." Eighteen younger sister didn"t ask any more questions. After a pause, eighteen younger sister said: "Miss Yi, there"s something we need to ask your permission. For your safety, we plan to install a modern security system in the Iraqi Pavilion, add some cameras and visual access control system, so that similar things can be avoided."

"No problem, just pretend." Yixiaoyin didn"t refuse either, so he readily agreed.

"Miss Yi, let"s go first. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time." Eighteen younger sister said h.e.l.lo, and then went to work with nineteen younger sister on the security system.

Seeing the two of them go far away, ah Jiu finally asked in a low voice, "Miss, do you think Cheng Zhigao sent someone to kill me?"

"I can"t think of anyone but him." "I won"t let them go!" he said with a little anger

"Miss, since you suspect it"s Cheng Zhigao, why don"t you tell the dark group?" A Jiu still doesn"t understand.

"Do you remember what Cheng Zhigao said yesterday? He said that no one in the capital would care about me without yuezhifeng. Now, it"s time for us to verify this statement. " "I want to see if we can deal with Cheng"s family without the help of the dark group," said yixiaoyin calmly

"Then, what shall we do now? Are you going to call the ladies and the patients right away Ah Jiu asked again.

"No, now, we do nothing." "Yixiaoyin shook his head," as long as we get the news of the attack out here

After a pause, izxiaoyin continued, "a Jiu, don"t let people know that your injury was cured in summer, let people mistakenly think it was me, OK?"

"Yes, miss." A Jiu nodded.

"However, before doing these things, I"ll teach you the internal mental skill that that the a.s.shole taught me. The current capital is not the former capital. We must both have the ability to protect ourselves." He added.

"Well." A nine key points.

Just then, 19 younger sister came over again: "Miss Yi, Yue Zhifeng wants to see you. Do you want to see him?"

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