Chapter 1182

"Gone!" For fear that they will continue to talk nonsense in the summer, Meier will take up the summer and leave. As for what the secret agents will say after they leave, she is too lazy to take care of it, as long as it is not heard by her.

However, in the summer, there was a saying: "yes, it"s business. We are dating because of business."

Meier finally can"t help but nip her hands hard in summer. Unfortunately, this guy doesn"t know how to nip it because he doesn"t know how to hurt.

She pinched it for a few times and didn"t respond, so she planned to evacuate. However, at this time, his hand was held by summer, and it was impossible to evacuate.

"Hey, you let me go!" Meier said in a low, angry voice.

"Meier"s wife, you took me on your own initiative. You can"t blame me!" A look of innocence in summer.

Meier is speechless for a while. She finds that she seems to have lost the truth this time, because she really took the initiative to pull the summer. This guy just came to push the boat along the water.

"I want to drive." After a while, Meier finally finds an excuse.

"Meier"s wife, in fact, doesn"t need to drive. We can walk there." Summer is still not willing to let go of Meier, a morning, he finally led the beautiful Meier"s wife"s hand, he easy? How could he let go so quickly?

"I like driving, can"t I?" Meier is not happy.

"All right." Summer is still reluctant to let go of Meier"s soft palm, but before releasing it, she felt it on the back of her hand.

Fortunately, Meier is used to the hooligan behavior in summer, and doesn"t care much about it. A few minutes later, she drives a Mercedes Benz and leaves the dark group base together in summer.


in the car, in the summer, he took the initiative to chat with Meier: "Meier wife, who are we going to find?"

"His name is Zhu Yi, a legendary agent of the dark group. Some people once thought that he could replace the dark emperor, not you, but your master." Meier explained to Xia that he didn"t call Zhu Yi before, because he wanted to fight for the first place in everything, so he changed his name to Zhu Yi. After the dark emperor disappeared, he was fighting with Zhao Shu for the position of the first agent of the dark group for a long time

After a pause, Meier added: "Uncle Zhao is Zhao Mingfeng, the former leader of Tianzu."

In the past, Meier used to call Zhao Mingfeng as the group leader. But now, Meier himself is the group leader of Tian Group, while the group leader of dark group is summer, and Zhao Mingfeng is the Deputy group leader. It seems strange to use this name again, so they changed their names. In this way, the relationship between Meier and Zhao Mingfeng seems closer.

"Oh, he"s seriously hurt now, too?" Summer asked.

"He has been in a wheelchair for almost ten years." Meier said in a low voice: "although he has been competing with Uncle Zhao, the reason why he was injured is to save uncle Zhao. Over the years, uncle Zhao has been very sorry about this. He has also thought about many ways to find many doctors, but they are useless. So now, Zhu Yi has given up treatment at all. I am afraid that he may not come to pick up his words directly. So, I So that you and I can come to him in person. "

Speaking of this, Meier added a little uneasily: "he may not be very good tempered now. If he says something that is not pleasant to listen to, don"t be angry. After ten years in a wheelchair, no matter how good his temper is, it will get worse."

"It"s OK. As long as Meier"s wife is happy, I don"t care." Summer casually said that he was not interested in Zhu Yi. What he was interested in was that he was with Meier now. All he did was to make Meier happy.

Meier wanted to say that it wasn"t her business. It was supposed to be the job of this guy in summer, because this guy is the leader of the dark group. Although Zhu Yi retired, he was also a subordinate of summer.

However, Meier didn"t say it at last, because she was very clear that this guy didn"t take the ident.i.ty of dark group leader seriously all the time. He was the group leader purely for her and Muhan. Now, he is willing to take charge of this matter, but also purely for her. If she really wants to say it"s his business, this guy might just put up the burden and quit.

About half an hour"s drive, Meier arrived at the destination, a new siheyuan.

They got out of the car and walked towards the gate of the courtyard. The gate was not closed. They didn"t need to knock. They went in directly. Then they saw a man sitting in a wheelchair in the courtyard.

The yard is full of wine. There are bottles beside the wheelchair. They look messy. The man in the wheelchair looks messy. His hair is very long and messy. He looks like a woman who hasn"t washed her hair for hundreds of years. However, his beard is also very long, so it can be seen that he is not a woman. At the moment, he holds half a bottle of wine in one hand and squints his eyes It"s like I"m asleep.

Just because of this, this man looks very old. He looks at least 50 or 60 years old. With his messy appearance, it is worthy of the name to say that he is a bad old man.

However, it seems that the poor old man is asleep, but when he and Meier are less than three meters away from him in summer, he suddenly says, "tell that stinky woman that she wants to divorce, succeed and cheat me. There"s no way. By the way, tell her that my money is given by the state. Even if I burn it, I won"t give her a little white face!"

Meier stays, but in summer it"s a little strange: "Meier"s wife, is he Zhu Yi?"

"Well, that"s him." Meier nodded.

"Are you sure he"s just broken his leg, not his brain?" Looking at Zhu Yi in summer, "why does he talk so inexplicably?"

"I don"t know. I haven"t asked about him for a while." Meier whispered, then looked at Zhu Yi and raised his voice slightly: "Captain Zhu, we are from the dark group."

Zhu Yi used to be the leader of a team, so Meier called him that.

Dark group Bad old man Zhu Yi finally opened his eyes. His eyes were a little muddy, but occasionally there was a glimmer of light. He looked at summer, and then his eyes fell on Meier. "Well, you girl, I have the impression that you are the girl Zhao Mingfeng picked up from the garbage, right? What"s your name, Meier? "

"Yes, I am Meier." Meier nodded. "Captain Zhu, we are here to help you."

"Help me? Yes? No, you know about my divorce from that woman? I don"t want you to help me with this disgraceful thing. Besides, although I can only sit in a wheelchair, it"s easy to solve that woman. " Although Zhu Yi was full of alcohol, he was clearly awake and spoke at a fast speed without pause.

"You have a wife, too?" Summer came at this time, "you can only sit in a wheelchair, find a wife to do?"

"Boy, who are you? Do you speak like that? I"m in a wheelchair. What"s wrong? Even if I can only sit in a wheelchair, I am a man of iron, a pure man, you know? " Zhu Yi looks at summer discontentedly.

"Pure men? Oh, the goblin"s wife told me that it was Chunge. " Summer casually said.

"Poof!" Zhu Yi just took a sip of wine, then vomited it all out, and then scolded him in the summer, "dead boy, do you owe me a cigarette? Who"s brother chun? Call me brother, I"m brother, dark group brother, understand? Even Zhao Mingfeng has to call me brother Sheng! "

"If it wasn"t for my wife, I"d just hit you." In summer, he turned his head and looked at Meier. "Meier wife, tell this guy what he wants to say, I"m the real brother of the dark group. This guy is talking nonsense. I"ll fire him!"

"You don"t have all the hair..." Zhu yibah.

At this time, Meier said, "Captain Zhu, he is the current leader of the dark group in summer."

Zhu was stunned at once. After only saying half of the words, he swallowed the back. He stared at summer for 30 seconds. Then he looked at Meier: "I say girl, is Zhao Mingfeng dead or disabled? How else did you find such a boy to be the leader of the dark team? "

"Meier wife, I really want to beat him." Summer then said.

"People are in wheelchairs. Don"t you feel ashamed to bully him?" Meier said angrily.

Summer hasn"t spoken yet, but Zhu Yi is dissatisfied: "Hey, girl, that"s not the way to say it. What is humiliating to bully me? What happened to my wheelchair? I can beat this kid in a wheelchair to beg for mercy... "

"Bang!" In summer, Zhu Yi"s wheelchair suddenly collapsed. Zhu Yi, who was in the wheelchair, naturally fell to the ground without any suspense.

Meier is shocked and shouts, "Hey, don"t mess!"

"Don"t worry, Meier wife. I won"t bully the disabled." Summer said: "I will cure this bad old man first, and then I will beat him."

"Boy, who are you talking about? I"m not disabled. When I was powerful, you were still in your mother"s womb. I"ll tell you... " Zhu Yi was furious. He took the bottle and wanted to smash it into summer. However, his bottle failed to smash into summer, and his words could not be finished, so he could not move or make a sound, because summer suddenly p.r.i.c.ked a needle in him.

"Can his legs be cured?" Meier asked in a worried low voice.

"Of course it can be cured." Summer replied: "don"t worry, Meier wife, I won"t bully the disabled, so I won"t beat him now."

After a pause, he said in the summer, "I"ll give the disabled old man a needle first. The old man"s leg has been broken for almost ten years. If he wants to recover completely, it will take a long time."

"How long will that take?" Meier couldn"t help asking.

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