Chapter 1192

Meier asks people to lock up another guy who also belongs to Yi Zhiyan"s organization and the salesman who is unlucky because of greedy money. Mu Han is always responsible for tracking the organization. If Mu Han doesn"t come back, Meier can take over. But since Mu Han has returned to the base, Meier thinks it"s better to let Mu Han deal with it. After all, Mu Han is responsible for this A little more familiar.

As for the summer, at Meier"s request, they began to treat the agents who had to retire early because of injuries or diseases.

Since the establishment of the dark group, there have been dozens of agents who have been disabled due to injuries, mental illness or serious psychological problems and can no longer live together with normal people. In fact, there are quite a lot of agents who are still living in the capital city. Now, these dozens of agents have been received by the dark group and are ready to receive treatment in the summer.

What makes summer a little surprising is that in these dozens of people, the disability is only a small half, more mental problems or psychological problems. There are seven people with PTSD alone, six with personality split, and nearly 20 with other mental diseases!

"Meier wife, I think it"s better for you and blonde not to stay in the dark group." Looking at a room of patients, summer can not help but say to Meier.

"Why?" Meier asked not angrily.

"Meier wife, there are too many neuropathy in the dark group. You are not safe here!" Summer solemnly said.

"Hey, don"t scold, you are scolding yourself!" Meier took a look in the summer, "besides, when you cure them all, isn"t there any problem?"

Summer shook his head: "Meier"s wife, the old neuropathy is good, and the new neuropathy will appear. Even if I cure the neuropathy here, there will be new neuropathy in the future. So, Meier"s wife, why don"t you go back to Jianghai city with me, and I don"t want to be the leader of the dark group."

"Even if they are ill, do you think they can hurt me and Mu Han?" Meier said angrily.

"Meier wife, it"s called not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If you"ve been with me, it"s safer." Summer solemnly said.

"You just want to cheat us to go to Jianghai with you!" Meier snorted, "don"t think I don"t know what you"re up to. Go to the doctor!"

Looking at Meier in summer, he asked seriously, "Meier"s wife, have you heard a word?"

"What"s the point?" Meier asked.

"Stupid women are more lovely." It"s a pity in summer, "Meier wife, why can"t you be a little stupid? Even if you are not stupid, you can pretend to be stupid and let me cheat you to Jianghai city! "

"I don"t care about you!" Meier stares at summer again. "You cure them first, and come to me after treatment. I"ll go first!"

Meier said that she would go and run away in a blink of an eye. Originally, she wanted to look around, but she found that when she was around, this guy would not concentrate on treating those people in summer, so she had better leave.

"Meier wife, wait for me to have lunch!" Summer but also toward the direction of Meier left shouted a sentence.

Meier didn"t pay attention to him even though she heard this in summer. She murmured in her heart that she didn"t believe this guy could cure everyone"s injuries before lunch.

As soon as Meier left, he went into the room in summer and began to focus on treating the group of guys who were crazy in his eyes.

In fact, according to the view of modern medicine, mental illness, neuropathy and mental illness are not the same. Many of these 20 people have different conditions. However, in the eyes of summer, these people are essentially the same thing, all of which are brain problems.

Therefore, for summer, the treatment of these people is essentially the same thing, as long as their brain with problems becomes normal, but, although he has excellent medical skills, the brain is still the most difficult part to treat, and everyone"s brain problems are not the same, so the treatment is a little bit troublesome.

Nearly twenty people, it took more than three hours in summer to cure them one by one, and now it"s almost two o"clock in the afternoon.

"Well, these neuropathy are cured. Let"s go to eat first." In the summer, I stretched out and went out to the canteen.

Just a few tens of meters ahead, summer will stop.

"Meier wife, are you waiting for me to have lunch?" Looking at Meier standing not far in front in summer, she asked a little surprised.

"I didn"t wait for you." Meier denied, "I have finished."

"It"s not right to lie to your husband." Summer is very serious.

"Where did I lie to you?" Meier snorts. Even if she realizes that it"s not right, doesn"t that mean she admits that the s.e.x wolf is her husband?

"Meier wife, you haven"t eaten yet." Summer is very casual to hold Meier white tender jade hand, "you last meal, or in the morning with me to eat it."

Meier is speechless. This guy really knows everything. He can know even if she hasn"t had lunch.

Originally, when Meier was asked to wait for him to have lunch in the summer of the morning, Meier didn"t pay attention. At that time, she also felt that it must have pa.s.sed lunch time when all the patients were cured in the summer.

However, when she heard the report from her subordinates and learned that she had been treating those people seriously all summer morning, she was still in a good mood. Although this guy liked to make a fool of himself, he still did what she asked him to do seriously, which made Meier feel that it was also appropriate to meet his small request and wait for him to have lunch together.

So this wait, until now.

However, when asked in summer, Meier immediately begins to regret waiting for him, because she knows that this guy is a man who has more money. She is better to him, and he will surely want to take more advantage of her. If he knows that she is waiting for him to eat together initiatively, he may want to take her into the house to do such a terrible thing.

Just because of this idea, Meier will immediately deny it. Unfortunately, she didn"t expect it. It"s useless for her to deny it, because in the summer, you can see that she didn"t have lunch.

Meier, who was a little bit guilty, took her hand and walked into the base canteen in summer, and then really accompanied him to have lunch. After lunch, she settled down quickly, because she didn"t make any progress this time in summer, and immediately went to treat the disabled members of the dark group honestly.

And it"s not easy to treat these people, because many of them are disabled for a long time, just like Zhu Yi, who was treated last summer. Some paralyzed muscles have atrophied. Although they can be cured, it will take some time even for such a miracle doctor in summer.

Therefore, it was only after two o"clock in the afternoon and until nearly eight o"clock in the evening that these disabled members were basically cured in summer. The reason for this is that there is still a big problem in the end.

This is an agent named Yanfei. He"s not very old. He"s only in his thirties. He was injured a few years ago. To some extent, his injury is lighter than that of others. Most of them can"t take care of their own lives, but Yanfei still has a pair of healthy legs and a healthy right hand. In fact, he"s in a state where he"s going to kill people It"s not too hard.

But for summer, Yanfei is the most troublesome now, because other people, even if there is a problem here or there, but their hands and feet are still there, but Yanfei, but is missing a hand, his left hand from the bend of the arm down, directly cut down by someone!

It"s very troublesome to treat. In summer, it"s very simple to cure an injured hand, but it"s too difficult to turn half of the hand into a hand. In fact, it"s difficult for any doctor to do it. What can usually be done is to connect a prosthetic limb.

Yanfei"s left hand now is pretending to be a fake hand.

"Can"t it be cured?" Meier has been accompanying summer in the afternoon. Seeing Yanfei"s fake hand for a long time in summer, she can"t help asking.

"Doctor Xia, if you really can"t cure it, forget it. It"s not your fault. After all, I don"t think it"s possible to regenerate the severed limb." Yanfei also said, his voice is a little hoa.r.s.e, but the tone is quite calm.

In fact, Yan Fei had no hope before he came here, but the dark group picked him up, and he would come naturally. However, just after seeing the magic medical skill in summer to turn a dozen useless people into normal people, he started to light up a glimmer of hope. Although his life was not so difficult because his right hand was still there, no one wanted to be true What about normal people?

"It"s not impossible for a broken limb to be reborn. In fact, the human body has a strong repair ability. Children are stronger in this respect. The older they are, the worse their repair ability will become. However, no matter whether they are children or adults, under normal circ.u.mstances, a broken hand can"t grow up again." Summer said: "but I"m the best doctor in the world. There"s nothing I can"t do. I can regenerate your severed limbs. But this time, it really takes a long time, a long time!"

"How long?" "Don"t tell me, it"ll take another half hour!" Meier asked

"Meier"s wife, it"s really going to take a long time this time. I"ll give him acupuncture first, and then I"ll prescribe some medicine for him to take internally and externally. It will take at least half a year for all of them to grow out." Summer replied.

After a meal, I watched Yanfei in summer: "well, actually I have another better way to make you grow a left hand. Do you want to try it?"

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