Chapter 1207

Although it"s night, the light beside the swimming pool and the super vision in summer are still enough to make him see everything clearly. Zhao Yuji is still wearing a swimsuit, but this time, her swimsuit is no longer a relatively conservative one-piece swimsuit, but a three-point style with a longer sword, which also makes her perfect figure almost completely present in front of summer.

Zhao Yuji swam slowly in the water again, just like a beautiful mermaid. Her legs were extremely long and symmetrical, and her posture changed from time to time. In the beauty, there was even more endless temptation.

Summer saw a little trance, in the heart unconsciously in the heat, then, he then said: "goblin wife, I want to tell you something."

"What"s the matter?" Zhao Yuji asked casually while swimming in the water.

"I want to tell you, actually, I don"t just like watching you swim, I prefer to swim with you." After saying this sentence in summer, he quickly took off his essence, and then jumped into the pool. The flying fish quickly came to Zhao Yuji"s back and hugged her slender waist.

"Wolf!" Zhao Yuji couldn"t help being coquettish, and she knew that this guy would not be so honest.

"Goblin wife, remember I told you that nude swimming is the most comfortable?" In summer, a hand swims on Zhao Yuji, "let"s go naked together."

Just after saying that in summer, Zhao Yuji"s swimsuit has left her body. Then, they started synchronized swimming for men and women. In the water, they made a difficult performance. If there is a mixed synchronized swimming event in the Olympic Games, their actions will undoubtedly win the championship.

An hour later, the sleepless Princess SAMA came to the rooftop swimming pool, and then joined the show. The two person project became a three person project.

Downstairs, while playing computer, the goblin muttered, "elder sister, I"ve made progress. Tonight, I started to sing a mixed version of Qinghai Tibet Plateau!"


the next day.

In summer, Zhao Yuji, the goblin in his left hand, and SAMA, the little princess in his right hand, slept in the dark. He didn"t wake up until noon. Last night, he finally carried out the plan of sleeping with the big one, but the plan changed a little.

However, this kind of good time of sleeping in arms can not be kept all the time. Towards one o"clock, the summer was finally woken up by the mobile phone ring.

Summer had to temporarily take a hand from the princess brand steamed bread, took the mobile phone, found that the phone is Meier, he also naturally answered immediately.

"Why don"t you come?" As soon as the phone was connected, Meier"s unhappy voice came, "the members of the training team and the patients who came to the base today are waiting for you!"

"Meier wife, are you waiting for me?" Asked the summer lazily.

"I didn"t wait for you." Meier said angrily.

"Oh, then I won"t go." I yawned in the summer, "I keep sleeping."

"h.e.l.lo, what are you doing?" Meier is annoyed at once, "what about those patients if you don"t come?"

"They are none of my business." Summer casually said: "if you are waiting for me to go, then I will go."

"Aren"t you bored like this?" Meier is a little unhappy. "Anyway, come quickly, or you won"t come to me later!"

Meier is obviously aware of summer"s tricks, so she is too lazy to talk to him. After that, she hangs up the phone.

In summer, I put down my mobile phone, kneaded on the princess steamed bread, then lowered my head and nibbled on the goblin steamed bread twice, waking up the goblin.

"No, they are still sleepy." The goblin opened his eyes and looked at summer. He mumbled like a coquette, then closed his eyes again.

"Goblin wife, I"ll go to the dark group first. Go on sleeping. When you wake up, remember to tell the princess wife that she doesn"t need to hide here anymore." Summer quickly said a sentence.

"I see." Zhao Yuji replied vaguely, and soon fell asleep again. The princess SAMA over there still sleeps very well.

Summer finally reluctantly left the intertwining of pink legs and jade arms, dressed and got up, washed his face and brushed his teeth, and then quickly left the Spirit Park.

At the gate of the demon bieyuan, there is a beautiful Taoist standing quietly. It is Gu hanfrost.

Last night, Gu Hanshuang was not allowed to follow her into the goblin Park in summer, but was only allowed to wait here. After that, Gu Hanshuang was only allowed to swim in synchronized swimming with the big goblin in summer. Until now, he suddenly remembered that the servant girl seemed to wait for him one night and one morning.

"Frost girl, have you been standing here without moving?" Summer couldn"t help but ask a question, he remembered last night when he came into the house, Gu Hanshan was standing in this position, also in this position, did she keep this position all night without moving?

"Yes, sir." Gu Hanshuang replied calmly, as if it was nothing to her.

In summer, I murmured to myself that this servant girl is really obedient. It"s a little abnormal.

In fact, Gu Hanshan always follows him in summer, not because he thinks that a beautiful servant girl has face, but because he doesn"t trust Gu Hanshan so much now, but he needs Gu Hanshan to help him. He must let Gu Hanshan really listen to him completely, and then let Gu Hanshan help him solve other immortals.

But now Gu Hanshan is always obedient to him, which makes him a little confused. Is it because he helped Gu Hanshan kill Zhuang Yundong, that Gu Hanshan was so obedient to him?

The most depressing thing in summer is that he can tell whether someone lies or not, but Gu Hanshuang is special. No matter she talks or does things, she seems very calm. No matter her mood or heart rate, there will be no change. It"s exactly the same in peacetime, which makes him not see whether she lies at all.

"No, I can"t let her behave like she doesn"t care about anything all the time. She can"t care about anything, or she won"t kidnap the goblin"s wife, and she won"t be angry because Zhuang Yundong betrayed her. Now that Zhuang Yundong is dead, she should still want to live. Maybe she just thinks she can"t live, so she behaves like she"s dead The look of the heart. " Summer thought in his heart, and he began to think that he should change his strategy. At least, he should first let Gu Hanshuang understand that, with him, she can continue to live, and live well, so as to make her dead heart come back to life, and then he can make her listen to him more easily.

"Frost girl, let me take you to dinner first." In summer, he didn"t eat dinner last night, but he didn"t eat anything after that. If Gu Hanshuang doesn"t leave, it should be the same as him.

"Yes, young master." Gu Hanshuang still replied calmly, it seems that it doesn"t matter to her whether she eats or not.

Of course, for her spiritual cultivator, not eating in a day really won"t have a great impact. Just like in summer, although he didn"t eat, and although he was a little hungry, it didn"t have a great impact on his energy. He was still alive last night, playing various games with his two wives.

"Come on, frost girl, young master will take you to eat good food." In summer, he smiled and held Gu Hanshuang"s hand. It seemed that he was taking advantage of her. In fact, he was checking her physical condition. Then he also found that Gu Hanshuang did not eat. It seems that she really stood there last night.

When he first got up, he had planned to go to the dark group base for dinner in summer, but now he changed his mind. He took Gu Hanshuang and went directly to the vegetarian restaurant, which is famous for its vegetarian dishes.

"Frost girl, don"t you like to eat vegetarian food? The vegetables here are delicious. " In the summer, Gu Hanshuang came directly to an empty table to sit down. Until then, he also released Gu Hanshuang"s hand. However, he was a little depressed. The frost girl was really like a puppet. After walking this way, her mood had not changed. Her heart rate was always the same. He began to suspect that she was a robot.

"Sir, miss, what would you like to have?" The waiter then came over with the menu in his hand, ready to hand it to summer.

"Just one of each." Summer casually said.

"One for everything?" The waiter was stupefied, for a moment he thought he had heard the wrong thing.

"Yes, just one for everything." Summer definitely nodded.

"Yes, sir. Just a moment, please." The waiter said nothing more and turned away.

There are many kinds of vegetarian recipes in the veggie workshop. Hundreds of vegetarian dishes, even though each one is relatively small, are still too many for two people. Of course, if these two people are not ordinary people, it"s another thing. After an hour, the service staff and guests of the veggie workshop are suppressed by the amazing food consumption in summer, and the table is piled high in summer These people are also amazed by the fact that this product can not only eat, but also fold plates. Nearly a hundred plates can be folded together!

Looking at Gu Hanshuang dressed like a Taoist, some people are murmuring in their hearts. These two people are not just climbing out of which mountain, haven"t they eaten for hundreds of years?

"Frost girl, is the vegetable here delicious?" After eliminating the last dish, summer began to ask Gu Hanshuang who had already put down his chopsticks.

"Delicious, thank you, young master." Gu Hanshuang replied.

"Just delicious. I can often bring you to eat later." Summer is very satisfied, and then beckoned to the waiter, "check out."

"h.e.l.lo, sir. It"s 5308 in total. The boss said he would give you a discount of 50000 yuan." When the waiter said this, he felt a little embarra.s.sed. Obviously, even she thought it was too expensive.

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