Chapter 1214

"Yes, young master, after we fall into the trap, we know that in fact, he does not want us to contribute the final strength for the nation at all, but wants us, the immortals, to contribute the greatest strength for him." Gu Hanshuang"s tone is no longer calm. Although it has been a hundred years, she can"t hide a trace of indignation when talking about it. "He was the closest cultivator to jindanqi at that time. However, he was not young, so he wanted to give all the resources of our cultivators to support him, especially all kinds of pills and all kinds of treasures that are helpful to the cultivation of immortals. He also knew that We can"t give it to him, so he wants to catch us all, and then all our resources, naturally, become him. "

Unconsciously, Gu Hanshuang"s voice rose a little: "the most hateful thing is that when his plot is exposed by us, he still looks dignified. What he does is still for the sake of the country and the nation. He says that a Jindan master is far more useful than our one hundred immortals who are not Jindan. What he does is just for the sake of We can help this nation better, but we don"t believe him any more. Then, we work together to kill him. But because some of us are poisoned and his skills are better than ours, we have paid a great price. After that war, eighty-six of us have become forty-six. "

"It seems reasonable that I don"t like the old man. Too many old men are not good people. Your predecessors and my masters are not good people." Summer lazily said: "but compared with your predecessors, my three masters are good people."

"The place where the elder was practicing was the most spiritual place at that time. At that time, many of the remaining 46 of us were injured and were not suitable for a long journey. After a discussion, we decided to work together in the same boat, stay there together, practice together, and live together for a hundred years." Gu Hanshuang continued, in his tone, but he seemed to have a little more sadness unconsciously. "But in the past hundred years, I saw another person die in front of my eyes. Unconsciously, I felt that I was also dead. For me, cultivating immortals is no longer a yearning, but a suffering. Sometimes, I just want to end the suffering as soon as possible. ”

seeing Gu Hanshuang"s rare sadness, she couldn"t help comforting her in summer: "girl frost, you don"t need to suffer any more. Follow me, you don"t need to practice. You can make a golden pill easily, and you don"t need to suffer that kind of suffering any more."

After a pause, summer asked, "by the way, Shuang wench, how many of your forty-six people are left now?"

"Six." Gu Hanshuang was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice, "master, in the past 100 years, there have been 40 deaths, and only six are left at last. However, now, there are only four. The other three are not in the capital. One of them is actually in the Shudu city we are going to go to."

"Four ah, good, not much, as long as find them, to solve them is not difficult." Summer said to himself.

"Young master, in fact, the last four of us can"t live long. The other three are older than me. Their situation is worse than me." Gu said in a low voice.

"Well, girl frost, I don"t know how long those three will live, but you will live for many years." Summer casually said.

Gu Hanshuang didn"t speak. It seems that it"s not so important for her to survive. All the immortals are dying. What"s the meaning of her living alone? In the days to come, the loneliness of living alone may make her more difficult than the past hundred years.

In summer, it"s obvious that Gu Hanshuang"s mood didn"t get better, but the difference is that what Gu Hanshuang just said just made him feel better in summer, because he found that the frost girl didn"t cheat him at all, which is really good news for him.

In fact, Gu Hanshuang just told him these things, but they are all things he already knew.

Last night, after summer hypnotized yuan Tianzheng, Yuan Tianzheng spent several hours telling him all the things he knew. In fact, what he knows now in summer is far more than what Gu Hanshan just told him, and the reason why he still has to recite it is just to know if Gu Hanshan would cheat him.

Nowadays, it"s not easy to find a beautiful servant girl. It"s even harder to find an obedient one. So in summer, he still attaches great importance to this matter. Now, he finds that he should find a beautiful and obedient one. This beautiful servant girl can fight and warm the bed. It"s definitely the best of the servant girls!

In the summer, I was very happy. The plane that had a smooth flight suddenly b.u.mped up. In the summer, I felt strange. A voice with some anxieties suddenly came: "team leader, our plane is locked by missiles. Please go to the cargo hold immediately and prepare to jump!"


Summer Leng Leng Leng, then a little depressed look at Gu Hanshan: "frost girl, you are really crow mouth, this plane is really not safe!"

"Team leader, come with me!" Han Lanlan rushed over at this time, "go to the cargo hold quickly. Although there is an anti missile system on our plane, we are not sure that we can avoid the missile. It seems that a fighter is attacking our plane. Leader Mu specially explained that in case of any situation, we can let you jump. She said that you will survive!"

"The missile is approaching. It will arrive in ten seconds. Hurry!" The driver"s voice came again.

Summer no longer say anything, one hand holding Gu Hanshuang, the other hand pulling Han Lanlan, quickly rushed to the cargo compartment, at the same time said to Han Lanlan, "do they have a way to escape?"

"Team leader, the pa.s.sengers of this expert will only be important people. No matter what happens, the driver can"t escape, so they haven"t prepared an escape system at all!" Han Lanlan said quickly.

"Then are they not dead?" Summer slightly frown, those two good and bad are his men, he can"t watch them die like this.

"Chief, as long as you live, it doesn"t matter if we die." Han Lanlan picked up the parachute bag and said, "quick, team leader, put on the parachute quickly..."

"Tell them, hold on for a while, try to fly down, and I"ll meet them right away." Summer said to Hanlan.

"Yes, chief!" Han Lanlan nodded, immediately conveyed the meaning of summer in the communicator, and then immediately urged summer, "team leader, put on the parachute, or it will be too late!"

"No parachute, just jump." Summer casually said, and then opened the hatch, one hand hugged Gu Hanshuang, the other hand pulled Han Lanlan, directly jumped out.

At the height of 10000 meters, ordinary people can"t bear it at all, but summer is not ordinary people, and the second before he jumped out of the cabin, he also used real gas to protect Gu Hanshan and Han Lanlan, so they will have no problem at all.

The three men fell down rapidly, and Han Lanlan screamed in terror. He hugged summer tightly, but he didn"t dare to relax at all. Instead, Gu Hanshuang was calm, because he told her half an hour ago that even if the plane exploded in the air, they would be OK.

In summer, I took a look at the sky. First, I saw the special plane I had just taken. A missile just grazed the plane, and two other missiles were shooting at the plane at high speed. Farther away, it was a fighter. Now it was the fighter that was attacking the special plane.

The only thing to be thankful for is that although the special plane is similar to the civil airliner, it has been modified and some anti missile systems have been added. Now the pilots are obviously very experienced, so they can fight with that fighter for a while, and they are not shot down immediately, but the problem is that this is not a fighter after all, and there is no attack system at all, unless directly To hit that fighter, otherwise, all attacks of the fighter must be avoided until the fighter has no missiles and to launch.

But for a plane that is not used for fighting at all, the difficulty is too great. Under normal circ.u.mstances, when an ordinary airliner encounters a fighter, it is basically a dead end.

Although he didn"t know much about airplanes in summer, he also knew that his special plane was dangerous. So he immediately increased the speed of Royal Air flight to the fastest speed. About a minute later, he took two women and landed at a height of ten thousand meters, put them on the ground, took Gu Hanshuang"s long sword by hand, and then he flew to the sky again, like a missile and a shooting star Sky, but his goal is not the special plane he just took, but the fighter!

Less than a minute later in the summer, it flew to the vicinity of the fighter. The long sword was suddenly waved, and a fierce sword spirit flew towards the fighter!

"Boom!" There was a sudden explosion in the air, but it wasn"t the fighter that exploded. It was the special plane that was. .h.i.t. However, what was. .h.i.t was only the wing, which was not fatal.

"Shua Shua..." In summer, a dozen swords were wielded continuously, and then a roar was heard. The fighter suddenly burst in the air. In summer, a long sword was used to kill a fighter!

"Don"t think I can"t kill you while you"re flying!" In summer, I looked at the fighter that had exploded, then turned around and flew towards the special plane. At this moment, the damaged plane is already crumbling. In summer, I entered the plane again towards the hatch, and then came to the c.o.c.kpit at the fastest speed.

The two people in the c.o.c.kpit were still surprised that the fighter suddenly exploded. Suddenly, they were taken out of the c.o.c.kpit one by one by summer. Then they flew out of the plane at the fastest speed. The dark group, a newly acquired special plane, completed its short-term mission and crashed completely in a few minutes!

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