Chapter 1216

Although washing pulp is very familiar and easy for summer, the process of washing pulp with cream is a little more complicated than expected in summer.

It didn"t take ten minutes to wash the marrow in summer, but maybe because of the age of Hanshuang, there are more impurities in her body than other people, so the process of washing the marrow is much longer.

The black mud seeps from the skin of Gu Hanshuang and gradually covers her body completely. In summer, she soon finds that her beautiful servant girl has become a black mud servant girl.

It took about half an hour in the summer to wash the pulp, and Gu Hanshuang and Gu Hanshuang absorbed countless aura. At last, he took back the silver needle, threw the black mud servant girl into the pool, and he jumped down with it, turning the mud servant girl into a beautiful one with the fastest speed. Strictly speaking, it is a more beautiful one Servant girl.

The washed Gu Hanshuang"s skin is as tender as a newborn baby. From then on, she has baby like skin, Lori like voice, mature girl like figure, plus the face of an angel and the curve that makes the devil blush.

"Frost girl, you really look more and more beautiful!" In summer, I can"t help wandering on her. It"s so nice. In his heart, a flame seems to start burning unconsciously. Although there is no bed here, he has begun to want the beautiful maid to warm his bed.

Gu Hanshuang didn"t speak, but her breathing was obviously not as smooth as before. Although she was very old, in fact, in the past hundred years, she had spent her life in cultivation. Her life experience was not much, and her world has been very small. Now, this experience is the first one in her life. Although she had a fiance in name, it was complete It"s nominal.

"I don"t have much time. Maybe next time." In the summer, I finally put my hand back and took Gu Hanshuang out of the water pool, quickly evaporated the water on her body, "frost girl, put on your clothes quickly, there are several helicopters flying here, I don"t want you to be seen by others."

"Yes, sir." Gu Hanshuang picked up the Taoist robe from the ground and put it on neatly. However, anyone can see it. Just for a moment, she looks at least ten years younger. Before that, she looked like she was in her thirties. But the fairy, just looking at her skin and her face, felt that she was just twenty years old. If you don"t know her real origin, I"m afraid anyone can I can"t imagine her real age is over 120.

Summer has temporarily reduced the desire in my heart. It"s time to leave this place. This delicious and beautiful servant girl needs to find a more free time, a better place, and taste slowly. It"s a pity that she eats ginseng fruit like pig Bajie.

"Frost girl, let"s go!" In the summer, he took Gu Hanshuang"s delicate jade hand, and then flew in the air. A moment later, they came to the location of the three Han Lanlan. At this time, the helicopter just found them and was about to land on a vacant lot.

Seeing the helicopter, Gu can"t help but ask: "young master, do we still need to fly?"

"Don"t you want to fly?" Summer asked.

"I don"t really want to sit." Gu Hanshan replied in a low voice, although she already knew that it would not be dangerous to fly with her in summer. However, she was a little afraid of flying. She had just experienced such a plane accident, which naturally had a shadow over flying.

"Then we won"t sit." Summer immediately made a decision, and then looked at the next Han Lanlan and others, "well, you three go to take a plane to leave, we will not take it."

"But, chief, don"t you know the way to leave?" Han Lanlan asked.

"Never mind. I"ll just follow the plane." Summer don"t care.

Han Lanlan stayed, but then thought of the situation that she had taken her down from a high alt.i.tude an hour ago in summer. Although she still felt inconceivable now, she also understood that the G.o.d like leader was absolutely capable of following the helicopter, so she didn"t say anything more, but ran towards the helicopter that had just stopped stably.

The next thing went smoothly. Two helicopters left with Han Lanlan and other three people. In summer, they joined hands with Gu Hanshan and followed the two helicopters below. Obviously, the two helicopters were luckier than the special plane in summer. They didn"t meet any fighters or anti-aircraft missiles. After more than an hour, the helicopter entered the city of Shu, Summer and Gu Hanshuang naturally followed into the city of Shu.

It was four o"clock in the afternoon. In the summer, he called Zhang mingtuo, but he didn"t ask Zhang mingtuo to pick him up. Instead, he took a taxi and went to Zhang mingtuo to tell his address on the phone, Xihua Hospital of Shudu University.

At the gate of the hospital, Zhang mingtuo was finally received in summer. He disappeared for a while. The old man seems to be getting older. It seems that his life is not very easy in this period.

"Boy, you are so quick!" Zhang mingtuo was very happy to see summer, but he was still a little surprised.

"Master, you are going to lose money to me." Summer lazily said: "in order to come here, I lost a plane."

"What?" Zhang mingtuo was not happy. "You want me to pay for the plane?"

"Give it to me when you have money, but I know you probably don"t have money now." Summer lazily said, and then the conversation turned, "well, take me to see the patient, cure the disease and I"ll go."

At this time, Zhang mingtuo finally saw Gu Hanshuang. Obviously, Gu Hanshuang"s beauty and dress surprised him a little. He also asked directly, "boy, which wife is this? Why didn"t I hear you had a Taoist wife? "

"She"s my maid, not my wife." Summer casually replied, and then looked at Gu Hanshuang, "frost girl, this old man is my master, but you can ignore him."

"Yes, sir." Gu hanfrost answered softly, but the next second, she said h.e.l.lo to Zhang mingtuo, "h.e.l.lo, master."

"Boy, such a beautiful girl, do you want to be a servant girl? You will be hit by thunder! " Zhang mingtuo stared at Xia Xia, and then began to praise Gu Hanshuang. "You see, people are more polite than you. You learn more from her!"

"h.e.l.lo, I was almost killed by a missile to come here. Besides, I"m impolite. I"ll leave soon!" Summer discontented at Zhang mingtuo.

"What?" Zhang mingtuo was stunned. "Missiles? Are you serious

"What do I lie to you for?" Summer a little unhappy, "I don"t know which idiot made a fighter, with a missile to my plane down!"

Zhang mingtuo looked at summer with strange eyes, and asked for a while: "boy, are you a man or a ghost?"

"Nonsense, of course I"m human." Summer is more unhappy, and then a pull Gu frost, "frost girl, let"s go back!"

Summer said to go, turn around to go.

Zhang mingtuo was in a hurry when he saw it: "Hey, wait, wait, forget it, boy, I don"t care whether you are a person or a ghost. You go to help me treat people first. As long as you can cure the disease, I"ll care whether you are a person or a ghost!"

"Frost girl, how about we discuss something?" Looking at Gu hanfrost in summer, he whispered.

"What"s the matter, young master?" Asked Gu Hanshan.

"How about beating the old man?" Summer pointed to Zhang mingtuo, "I want to beat him a little, but he is my master, and I can"t really beat him, so you can help me to beat him."

Gu hanfrost was silent for a few seconds, then asked softly, "is this an order, young master?"

"No, I"m just consulting with you." Shake your head in summer.

"Then, young master, I"d better not hit him." Gu Hanshuang said softly.

"Well, that"s all." Summer did not insist.

"Boy, your servant girl is really good. She is much better than you." Zhang mingtuo praised Gu Hanshuang again.

Summer glares at Zhang mingtuo: "the frost maid is my servant girl again. Don"t hit her, or I will beat you!"

"Boy, do you talk to the master like that?" Zhang mingtuo is not happy either. This boy is getting more and more outrageous. He even wants his servant girl to beat his master!

"If you don"t like me talking like this, you can drive me out of the school. I don"t mind." Summer looks like it doesn"t care.

"You are so beautiful that you are expelled from your school. Isn"t that just what you want?" Zhang mingtuo snorted, "well, don"t talk to your son. Let"s go and see my granddaughter!"

"Master, do you have a granddaughter?" In summer, I feel very surprised.

"What? Can"t I have a granddaughter? " Zhang mingtuo said angrily.

"But don"t you even have a son? How did your granddaughter get out when your son didn"t have one? " Summer is very confusing. Even if he is the best doctor in the world, he thinks this kind of thing is impossible.

"Boy, who told you I had no son?" Zhang mingtuo snorted, "I already told you that I had hundreds of old lovers and someone would give me a son. No, I have not only a son but also a granddaughter now!"

"That"s it!" Summer is to understand, and then he asked, "master, how old is your granddaughter? Is she beautiful? "

"She"s nineteen. She"s my granddaughter. Isn"t she beautiful? But do you think she"s pretty? I"ll tell you, she already has a boyfriend. Don"t think about her! " Zhang mingtuo looked at summer warily.

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