Chapter 1220

"Wife, it seems that you are familiar with those Xu family members now!" Summer casually said.

"Well, the Xu family are very grateful to us, in fact, this is your face." Ning jiejiao said: "husband, don"t you like me like this? If that"s not good for you, I"ll keep a distance from them. "

"No, I think it"s very good. By the way, I have something to look for the old man Xu Qingshan." Summer finally said, "I met an idiot named w.a.n.g Kai in Shu city. I heard that he is a movie star from Hong Kong."

"w.a.n.g Kai? I know this man is quite famous, but I heard that he likes playing big cards. Did he provoke you? " Ning Jie asked strangely.

"That"s right. The idiot said he wanted to kill me. I think it"s better to kill this idiot with a t.i.t for a tooth. Ask Xu Qingshan, the old man, can he kill this idiot? If he can"t do it, I"ll kill this idiot in another way. " Summer said quickly.

"Husband, with the Xu family"s influence in Hong Kong, it"s easy to kill a star." Ning Jie is a little curious about another thing. "Husband, what"s the other way you say to kill?"

"It"s very simple. I sealed him in the soil and killed him. That"s to say," he said Summer said lightly.

Ning Jie was speechless. She believed her husband could do it. After a few seconds, she continued, "husband, I"ll call Xu Qingshan right away."

Ning Jie immediately hung up the phone, summer also put away the mobile phone: "frost girl, let"s go!"

"It"s not so easy to leave Er! " Chen Xiaohui just said a few words, then screamed and fell to the ground. However, she was not alone. Soon her husband w.a.n.g Kai and the other two female a.s.sistants and two bodyguards also fell to the ground. In the summer, they were put down cleanly again.

"It"s a waste of time talking to an idiot like you." In the summer, I glanced at several people on the ground a little bit, and then walked into the elevator that had been open for a long time.

Hua Meiyun has a headache. It"s getting worse and worse.

Meng Liang is a bit depressed. He is also the security director of the hotel. This guy in summer can"t give him face. Don"t hit people in front of him?

It"s just that Meng Liang is depressed, but he already knows that this guy is not easy to mess with, so he just watches the elevator door close and does nothing, leaving summer and Gu Hanshan in his sight.

"Call the police, call the police!" w.a.n.g Kai then got up from the ground and shouted, "call the Hong Kong media, call the actors" Union, call the government here. If they don"t give me an explanation, I will make this place stink..."

"Mr. w.a.n.g..." Hua Meiyun shouted carefully.

"Close your mouth, I"ll tell you, your hotel is finished, and you"re ready to close!" w.a.n.g Kai roared at Hua Meiyun.

Hua Meiyun"s face suddenly became a little ugly, and he could not help but curse in his heart. Isn"t he a broken actor? If she had not come from Hong Kong, she would have killed him directly!

Meng Liang is also upset. His mother, can"t w.a.n.g Kai be the real emperor if he has played the role of emperor? At the end of the day, he is just a actor. Can he be so awesome?

However, Hua Meiyun and Meng Liang were not happy with each other. After all, they were engaged in business. The so-called "harmony makes money" usually didn"t offend the guests until they had to. Besides, it had nothing to do with them. They didn"t need to get involved. Let w.a.n.g Kai and Xia fight to see who is more powerful.

w.a.n.g Kai is still there roaring angrily, while his wife Chen Xiaohui and the two female a.s.sistants have already risen from the ground. They are calling everywhere at the moment, obviously to launch their strong contacts.

Just then, the phone rang, but it was w.a.n.g Kai"s cell phone.

w.a.n.g Kai took out his mobile phone and looked at the number. His face suddenly changed slightly. Then he hurriedly answered the phone: "h.e.l.lo What? No, it"s impossible You can"t do this h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo f.u.c.k! "

"Pa!" w.a.n.g Kai slams his cell phone on the ground, and the poor cell phone is suddenly smashed into pieces, while Chen Xiaohui and other three women are stunned.

"Honey, what"s the matter?" Chen Xiaohui stopped calling and asked nervously.

w.a.n.g Kai"s face was gloomy. He bit his teeth and spit out a sentence: "I"m d.a.m.ned dead!"

Chen Xiaohui"s hand shook and her cell phone fell to the ground, while the two female a.s.sistants also stayed. For a while, the channel was very quiet.

Hua Meiyun and Meng Liang also heard this sentence. They looked at each other and saw surprise from each other"s eyes. That summer, they really used a phone to kill w.a.n.g Kai, the famous big guy in the entertainment circle?


in summer, he"s not interested in killing other people. What he"s most interested in now is Gu Hanshuang, a beautiful servant girl. He should take her to eat something to warm up, and then let her warm him up in the evening.

"What would you like to eat, frost girl?" Out of the hotel, summer began to ask Gu Hanshuang"s opinion.

Didn"t wait for Gu Hanshan"s answer, summer added: "don"t say you want to eat vegetables. If you often eat vegetables, you will suffer from malnutrition. Girl Shuang, you should eat meat a little bit."

"Young master, you are the master." Gu Hanshuang is still saying this.

"No, frost girl, you must say what you like to eat this time." This summer, he didn"t want to make up his mind, because he didn"t know what to eat.

Gu Hanshan hesitated for a moment, and then said softly, "young master, I used to eat snacks here a long time ago. At that time, I thought it was delicious, but now, I don"t know if I can still eat it."

"Well, let"s find a place for snacks." Summer immediately made a decision, and then took Gu Hanshan to stop a taxi on the side of the road, took out a few hundred dollar bills and handed them to the driver, "take us to a place with the most snacks and the best food."

The driver looked at summer and Gu Hanshuang with strange eyes, and finally received the money: "first time to Shudu?"

"Yes, for the first time." Summer casually answer a sentence, and then asked: "you don"t know where to look for snacks?"

"How is that possible?" The driver started the car. "There"s no place I don"t know. When it comes to the snack street in Shudu, there are two famous places. One is Jinli, over the Wuhou Temple, and the other is Wenshu square. The taste is good. Jinli is more expensive, but it"s near here. Wenshu square is far away from here. Where do you want to go?"

"Go closer." Summer replied.

"Yes, it will be in ten minutes." The driver sped up a little and muttered to himself that it"s good to meet the rich second generation who wants to pick up girls. The money is still good to earn. It"s only a few hundred yuan in ten minutes.

The driver who earned hundreds of Yuan quickly sent summer and Gu Hanshuang to his destination. Along the way, he also introduced the names of some snacks, such as the Dandan noodles, the Dragon hand copied husband and wife lung slices. Let alone, he had never heard of them before summer, but Gu Hanshuang seemed to know all about them.

In summer, he has no interest in Dandan noodles, because he doesn"t like noodles, but he has a strong interest in hand copying and husband and wife lung slices. After he eats them, he is disappointed. What do he think hand copying is made by hand? How do you know it"s wonton? As for husband and wife lung slices, he wanted to eat them with Gu Hanshuang, but Gu Hanshuang said he wanted to eat vegetarians instead of lung slices He can"t help sighing. No wonder Hanshuang can only be his servant girl, not his wife. Obviously, the husband and wife should eat the lung slices together. If she doesn"t, she is destined to be his servant girl for the rest of her life.

Of course, although there are some unsatisfied places, in general, summer and Gu Hanshuang are quite satisfied with the snack street. They eat a lot of varieties in summer. Gu Hanshuang doesn"t eat as much as in summer, but he also eats a lot. Unconsciously, they eat here and stroll around. It"s almost seven o"clock, and it"s dark.

"Frost girl, are you full?" Summer look at the sky, think it"s time to go back, he asked.

"Full." Gu Hanshan replied truthfully.

"Let"s go back then." In the summer, Gu Hanshuang is ready to go back. He just walked a few steps, and then he hears a exclamation, "summer?"

Summer suddenly depressed, turned to look at that person: "how is it you again?"

They say that the path of enemies is narrow, but how can it not be that the path of enemies is also narrow? What a time! I met this man twice in summer!

This person is not someone else. It"s Ma ting. Two hours ago, they separated in the hospital. This time, they met each other. It really proves that the world is so small!

Ma Ting is holding hands with her boyfriend Fang Zhixuan at the moment. Seeing summer, Ma Ting is obviously also surprised: "summer, don"t you say you want to go back to the capital?"

"Can"t I change my mind?" Summer did not have good gas of say, this person is not his wife, manage so much!

Don"t give Ma ting a chance to talk. In summer, Gu Hanshuang runs and disappears in front of Ma ting. A few minutes later, he has returned to Huadu Hotel.

This time, when they took the elevator to the top floor of the presidential suite, they didn"t see one of the figures, but in the summer listening, they could directly hear that there was no one else in this floor except them. Obviously, w.a.n.g Kai"s group was no longer here.

"No one will disturb me now." Summer is very satisfied, pull Gu Hanshuang into the room, it seems that this delicious beautiful servant girl is about to enter his mouth.

"Young master, let me make you a cup of tea." Came to the reception hall, Gu hanfrost suddenly said.

"Good!" Summer a promise, this frost maid seems to be the first time to take the initiative to do things for him, so go on, she will be more and more qualified as a servant girl.

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