Chapter 1223

Although the box is very noisy, but the voice of summer with an irresistible penetration, all of a sudden into the ears of everyone in the box.

However, although these women heard the voice, they didn"t respond. They were still writhing there. The only one who responded was Zhuge, who was enjoying himself. When he looked at the door, his face suddenly changed, not because of summer, but because of Gu Hanshan!

Zhuge asked the sky and took out a bunch of money and put it into the hand of the woman who was exercising on him: "put on your clothes and go out!"

When they heard this, they finally got into action. They all stopped and began to dress. Then everyone took a lot of money and left. Soon, Zhuge was left alone in the box.

Zhuge asked the sky to put on his clothes slowly. Then he stood up and slowly spat out a sentence: "Hanshan, is that you?"

The reason why Zhuge asked for the sky was that Gu Hanshan had always turned his back to the box. Obviously, she didn"t want to see the absurd scene inside.

The music in the box has also been turned off. It seems very quiet at the moment, but the whole nightclub is still noisy. Of course, it"s very easy for these people to hear each other"s words clearly.

"Frost girl, you can turn around. That guy is dressed." Summer at this time said a sentence.

Gu Hanshuang finally turned around and looked at Zhuge and asked, "Uncle Zhuge, how could you be like this?"


Summer heard this call, can"t help but Leng Leng, this guy is not even decades older than frost girl?

"Hanshan, you really are?" At this time, Zhuge asked Tian to see Gu Hanshuang"s face clearly, and confirmed his previous speculation. However, he was still a little surprised, "how did your voice become like this?"

"Uncle Zhuge, my voice has been healed, so that"s what it"s like." Gu Hanshuang replied, "but tell me, how can you become like this?"

"If G.o.d wants to make people die, he must first make them crazy. I"m not far from death. Why don"t you please the thief and G.o.d and go crazy first?" Zhuge asked the sky to calm down and said: "Hanshan, others don"t understand, but you should understand what I mean. When I went back to Qingcheng, I found that it was not my home. A hundred years later, everything was destroyed, and everything was gone, and my last hope was destroyed."

"Destroyed?" Gu Hanshuang seems to have some difficulty in understanding, "how could it be destroyed?"

"When there are many people going, it will be destroyed naturally. When I found that the cultivation of immortals is no longer possible, I wanted to live a good life and live the last few years. However, I found that I have nothing, I have no relatives and money, and I can"t live in this world at all. I wanted to plant land on the mountain, just like before, self-sufficient, but someone told me I, I can"t farm because it"s not mine. " Zhuge asked Heaven and walked slowly to the door, standing less than a meter away from Gu Hanshan. "Finally, I left, came to Shudu, came to this city, and then I lived like a beggar, and gradually adapted to the life of this society, but I still lacked one thing, the same thing, money, no matter what era I needed."

"So you rob?" Gu Hanshuang is obviously a little hard to accept.

"Yes, there is only one thing left for me after hundreds of years of cultivation, that is, a powerful force. I don"t want to work hard for hundreds of years in exchange for death. At least before I die, I will have a good life." Zhuge asked Tian for peace. Obviously, he didn"t think it was wrong. "Hanshan, the world is not suitable for us anymore. You are younger than me, and you can live a few years longer than me. Listen to me, live a good life, and let Zhuang Yundong marry you. If he doesn"t want to, he will find another ordinary man, a husband and a son, and don"t pursue the false heaven."

"Frost maid, in fact, he is right. You will be my little maid in the future. I will spoil you well, young master." Summer took a word, he has not talked, and did not start, because Gu Hanshuang told him before, she wanted to ask Zhuge to talk to heaven first.

"What do you say?" Zhuge"s attention finally falls on summer, "what qualification do you have to let Hanshan be your servant girl?"

Before summer spoke, Gu Hanshuang said, "Uncle Zhuge, I"m really the servant girl of the young master."

"What?" Zhuge"s face was unbelievable. He first looked at the summer, then looked at Gu Hanshuang carefully. After a full minute, he began to talk again: "Hanshuang, the light here is not very good, but I have ignored it. I just found that you look very good, far better than when I saw you last time. It seems that your skill has improved a lot, and What"s more, you are a lot younger. You are thinking about the change of your voice. Have you made a golden elixir? "

Gu Hanshan shook his head gently: "Uncle Zhuge, I"m still a little far away from the golden age, but my young master is a miracle doctor, he helped me adjust my body."

"Because of this, you became his servant girl?" Zhuge asked the sky and said, "what about Zhuang Yundong? He agreed to be his servant? "

"Uncle Zhuge, Zhuang Yundong is dead. Yuan Tianzheng is not here either. We have only four left now. I don"t want you to die either." Gu Hanshuang said with a touch of sadness, "Uncle Zhuge, once you took good care of our descendants, and you encouraged us again and again, saying that we can finally embark on the fairway, so please promise me one thing, no more robbery, no more killing, and be a common person. Just like you said to me, you can also find a woman to have a family and have children, just like an ordinary person For the rest of your life, OK? If you are short of money, I can give it to you. My family is still there and quite rich. It can help you to eat and drink for the rest of your life. "

"Hanshan, I know your kindness. I"m not like you. I can"t live for long. I feel that my body is rapidly aging. I just want to do something that ordinary people can do while my skill is still good. I don"t want to practice for a hundred years, but I don"t get anything at last. Killing or robbing is nothing but life to me It"s just an experience of life. When I have enough experience, my life will come to an end. " Zhuge asked the sky lightly and said, "if you want to catch me, I won"t blame you, but I can also tell you that even if you are a little better than me now, it"s not difficult for me to escape from you."

"Uncle Zhuge, it"s not like this. If you want, you can live for decades. I said that the young master is a miracle doctor. He promised me that he would help you live longer. He can let you live for decades as an ordinary person." Gu Hanshuang still wants to change Zhuge"s idea of asking heaven.

"Is it?" Zhuge asked the sky and looked at summer. His eyes were a little more surprised. "Is his medical skill so divine?"

"Yes, my master"s medical skill is amazing. I have seen it and experienced it myself." Gu Hanshan nods in a hurry.

Zhuge asked the sky but still shook his head: "even so, what can we do? I killed people and robbed money. The police won"t let me live a safe life. "

"These young masters can solve it, as long as you promise, as long as you promise, the young master will make a good arrangement for you, to ensure that your next half of life will be free of worry and no one will disturb you." Gu Hanshuang"s voice is very sincere, which also makes summer understand that the frost girl really cares about Zhuge asking for heaven.

Zhuge asked Tian to look at summer again, and a strange look flashed in his eyes: "I can"t see that you are very powerful. You can make Hanshuang praise you so much. You must be a character, I don"t know how to call you."

"Of course I"m good. I"m omnipotent." Summer said lazily: "my name is summer, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the first day in the world. I"m the best doctor and the best expert in the world. I advise you to listen to frost girl"s words. Otherwise, I have to kill you directly. In fact, I also want to kill you directly. If it"s not for frost girl to keep your life, I have no heart Love talks so much nonsense to you. "

"The best in the world?" Zhuge"s face was surprised again. "I"ve never heard of your name. Besides, I can"t see the breath of a master from you."

"Uncle Zhuge, young master is much better than me." Gu Hanshuang couldn"t help saying a word.

"What?" Zhuge asked the sky that he was really shocked this time. He stared at the summer without blinking. After a while, he said slowly: "the spirit is introverted and returns to nature. That"s at least the cultivation of the golden age. Are you a golden age master?"

Summer finally a little impatient, suddenly a clap out, silent, but the speed is very fast, he suddenly shot, not only considering Hanshan didn"t expect, Zhuge asked the sky also didn"t expect, the strength difference between the two was very big, now summer is still a surprise attack, the result is naturally no suspense, Zhuge asked the sky didn"t have time to react, and was slapped by summer 。

But in the summer, Zhuge was very measured. After flying back for several meters, Zhuge stood there intact without any sign of injury.

"You, you really..." Zhuge asked the sky, but he was shocked. Obviously, at this time, he already knew that summer is really a super master. In his opinion, summer"s strength, I"m afraid, has surpa.s.sed the golden age!

"I"ll tell you directly if you listen to girl frost, you"ll live. Otherwise, I"ll shoot you to death with my next palm!" Summer seems very impatient. His patience has run out.

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