Chapter 1231

"Give me your cell phone first." In summer, Xu Qianqian takes back her mobile phone, and then calls Zhao Yuji.

The phone was soon connected, and Zhao Yuji"s rather delicate voice came over: "what do you want to do with me? You"re not going back to the capital, are you? But mu Han told me that you will not come back for the time being. "

"No, Goblin wife, there is an idiot named w.a.n.g Kai who scolds me on the Internet. Now I want to scold back." Summer said quickly.

"You say this, I know. I also know that w.a.n.g Kai has been banned in Hong Kong, but some actors in the mainland don"t know. They thought they could hold w.a.n.g Kai"s thigh." Zhao Yuji smiled, "what are you doing? In fact, you can directly find someone to put this down, or you can also kill w.a.n.g Kai in the mainland. "

"Well, I don"t want to kill that idiot now. That idiot is useful to me now. I just registered a micro blog account and sent a micro blog, but no one can see it. I heard that you have a lot of fans. Please forward it for me." Summer said quickly.

"You are so boring. Well, I"ll go online now and forward it for you." Zhao Yuji said, "by the way, what"s your name on the Internet?"

"Summer for the rich." Summer replied.

"The rich generation in summer?" Zhao Yuji was stupefied, and some of them couldn"t laugh or cry. "Isn"t your name obvious

"Who let them say that I am the second generation of the rich? I am clearly the second generation of the rich." Summer feel very innocent, "well, Goblin wife, you quickly help me forward it, this matter is very important, handle this matter, I may be able to return to the capital tomorrow."

"I see. I"m turning on the computer." Zhao Yuji said quietly for a few seconds. Then she said, "you admit to beating people?"

"Yes, there is nothing to admit." Summer said lightly.

"Well, I"ll forward it for you. I won"t talk to you anymore. I"ll go out later for something." Zhao Yuji quickly finished the work. "Goodbye, my husband!"

Zhao Yuji immediately hangs up the phone, and Xia Tianzheng is going to return her mobile phone to Xu Qianqian for surfing the Internet, only to find that she has turned on the computer, which is actually a hotel"s computer, but Xu Qianqian has been holding her mobile phone for registration before, and has not turned on the computer, this mobile phone was taken away by summer, and she finally turned on the computer.

"Wow, Zhao Yuji forwarded it for you "Ah!" Xu Qianqian suddenly exclaimed.

"Why are you shouting so loudly?" Ma Ting is a little strange.

"You, look..." Xu Qianqian points to the computer screen.

"Honey, I support you Huh? Zhao Yuji calls summer her husband? " Ma Ting finally found out the problem. She suddenly turned to look at summer. "Are you Zhao Yuji"s husband?"

"That"s it. What"s strange?" Summer casually said.

Fang Zhixuan looks at the summer and scolds in his heart. It"s a real beast. Even Zhao Yuji has got it. It"s really not the second generation of the rich. It"s really the first generation of the rich!

"You don"t know how to keep a low profile, boy?" Zhang mingtuo couldn"t help saying.

"I"ve been keeping a low profile for a long time. Can"t I keep a high profile today?" Summer said lazily.

"Ah..." Xu Qianqian exclaimed again.

Ma Ting is a little helpless: "Xu Qianqian, what"s your name?"

"See for yourself!" Xu Qianqian points to the computer screen.

Ma Ting looked at it and suddenly fainted: "isn"t it? Isn"t this Encore? Why did she get a husband? I support you? I said in the summer, this ancho is your wife, too? "

"Didn"t I say that yesterday? Coco is my wife. " Summer some strange looking at Ma ting.

"How many wives do you have?" Ma Ting feels dizzy.

"Not many, only twenty." Summer understated the answer.

Ma Ting almost fainted. Isn"t that much?

"Your fans are skyrocketing. Thousands of them are now..." Xu Qianqian keeps refreshing the page, reporting the latest progress with summer, "but most of them are scolding you."

"It doesn"t matter. They are just jealous of me." Summer doesn"t take it seriously.

"The devil dream supports you..." Ma Ting is now weak. "Hey, summer, don"t tell me. This is your wife too. She didn"t call you husband. She said little villain and I support you."

"Sister Meng is my wife, of course." Summer closed his eyes, "no matter first, I will post the second microblog later."

Summer began to shut up, but the summer on the Internet began to be popular, which is the so-called summer want to be famous, no one can stop it. Today"s summer want to be famous, in a short hour, it"s completely red and purple.

The so-called violent attack on Hong Kong actors at the beginning made summer famous, but it wasn"t very big. Now, when a micro blog was opened in summer, he became really popular. But what really made him popular wasn"t his micro blog scolding, his sulfuric acid splashing outside the Xihua hospital and beating the police to beat the reporters. It was a sudden explosion on the Internet Three women fight for husband.

The so-called "three women fight for husband" incident originated from the three times of tweeting in the summer. First, Zhao Yuji came to say "I support you" to her husband, then Encore came to say the same thing. Finally, Liu Meng joined in the fun and said "I support you" to her villain. When this event was discovered by someone with a heart, the Internet was boiling. It was like three big stars fighting for husband on the Internet Ah!

One is Zhao Yuji, a well deserved queen of Chinese singing, the other is the dream of the devil, a new singer who has quickly robbed Zhao Yuji of her position, and the other is encore, a jade star who has recently become a big hit. No matter which of these three people, they are all in hot demand now, but they have actually disclosed their relationship with the same man on the Internet.

Although Liu Meng didn"t call her husband in summer directly, no one could see the intimate relationship between them. Therefore, what she did in summer didn"t make him very popular. However, the three women"s gossip made summer really unknown.

Of course, there"s another reason that makes summer really hot. In fact, it"s the indulgence of summer. Before that, there were rumors about Encore and a lot of things happened in summer, but they were forgotten soon. Because in those days, the dark group and the goblin often help to deal with these things, so soon, the ordinary people almost forget them Yes, but this time, the goblin is sleeping. The dark group"s side of the summer also told them to leave it alone. This time, the summer is in a short hour, almost no one knows.

But summer"s fire is not a good reputation. Now countless people on the Internet are scolding him, Zhao Yuji and her fans are scolding, ordinary people are scolding, and some stars who want to hold w.a.n.g Kai"s thigh are also scolding. However, when they find out that summer has something to do with Zhao Yuji, many stars dare not scold, and some of them even delete their micro blog. After all, they Zhao Yuji, these three people are in the entertainment circle. It"s not good to offend any one of them. It"s even more troublesome to offend them together.

Ma ting and Xu Qianqian have been watching the summer scolded by the computer. When they saw that the summer was scolded so badly, they all began to feel a little balanced. This guy is really outrageous. Even if they find so many wives, they are still so beautiful. He even said that there are not many wives. It"s really not too summer to be a human being!

But their boyfriends obviously have different ideas. Although they are also jealous of summer, they are even more envious. In their opinion, to be a man, you have to be a summer. NIMA, it"s worth being a man!

When they saw that summer was closing their eyes and keeping their mind, they were also wondering whether they had done more with that beautiful Taoist last night, so they are sleepy now?

Towards eleven o"clock, summer finally opened his eyes, casually asked: "now I have more fans?"

"Five million." Ma Ting said, "this guy is so strong, it can definitely create the fastest growth record of Weibo fans.".

However, of the five million fans of this guy, at least four million are for scolding him, and ninety-nine million are for watching. Of the last ten thousand fans, it is estimated that there are ninety-nine hundred who are advertising, and less than one hundred who really support summer.

"Well, I"ll send you another tweet." Summer finally began to send a second micro blog.

A few minutes later, the second micro blog in summer came out: "w.a.n.g Kai, you idiot, don"t let me see you. I"ll beat you once when I see you. If you dare to appear in front of me now, I"ll beat your wife to the death!"

Xu Qianqian and Ma Ting are speechless about this micro blog in summer. This guy hasn"t been scolded enough. It"s obvious that this micro blog is looking for scolding.

Sure enough, when the microblog was launched, there were countless abuses, and countless people were shouting. w.a.n.g Kai came to look for summer, and dared not beat him in summer.

Ten minutes later.

"Eh? w.a.n.g Kai responded. He said that he would go to Shudu square and beat him if he had the ability in summer. " Ma Ting looked at a new microblog posted by w.a.n.g kaigang and said with a little surprise.

Then summer immediately sent the third day micro blog: "idiot, I show up at 12 o"clock on time. If you come, I must give you the whole face, so that no one knows you!"

This time, w.a.n.g Kai responded quickly: "at twelve o"clock, Shudu square, if you don"t see it, you"ll be counseling!"

See this micro-blog, summer smile very brilliant, w.a.n.g Kai this idiot, is really with him.

Summer finally got up, walked to the bedroom inside, dialed a telephone: "12 o"clock begins!"

After saying these words, he hung up the phone again in summer, pulled Gu Hanshuang out of the bedroom, glanced at all the people, and said lazily, "I"m going to hit people in Shudu square now. You can stay for a while, and you can leave before I get back."

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