Chapter 1235

As Mu Han and Meier expected, the relationship between Yuan Tianzheng and yuan family was soon confirmed. Although yuan family tried their best to explain it, it didn"t help. In the end, yuan family became the ghost of death in summer. The plan of "one stone and two eagles" in summer was also successful. In such a half day, his two biggest enemies in the capital were basically solved by him, Yuezhifeng has become a dead man, and the yuan family will certainly become history.

When the capital is making a lot of trouble for the death of Yue Zhifeng, but in the summer, he is holding his beautiful servant girl to spend a leisurely time in the presidential suite. He asked the hotel to help buy the train ticket back to the capital, but the train ticket is tomorrow morning, so he needs to stay here for another night.

To summer"s delight, his great master finally stopped bothering him. Now he and Gu Hanshuang, the beautiful servant girls, can really live their lives. As for what happened in the capital, he didn"t really care about it, because although it"s not over there, he already knows the result. He knows that the yuan family will be doomed. He also believes that Later in the capital, no one should dare to rob his wife.

As for the Internet, there are still countless people abusing, but in summer, they don"t use the Internet at all, and naturally they don"t care if someone scolds him.

In summer, he cuddled Gu Hanshuang and leaned on the bed to watch TV. However, he soon felt a little bored. Things in Shudu were finished, and things in the capital were almost done under his dark command. He suddenly found that there was nothing to do, so he planned to find something fun to play with.

Just looking for it, he didn"t find any other interesting things. The only interesting thing was the beautiful servant girl in his arms. So, he played with the beautiful servant girl unkindly. He touched her here and there, sometimes asked for a kiss on her face, sometimes tried elasticity in some part of her.

In summer, I had a lot of fun here, and then I got angry when I was playing. Now, Gu Hanshuang is no longer the ice that doesn"t respond no matter how he plays, so she will be soft, tender, panting, blushing, beautiful and watery after a while. She also began to respond subconsciously. Her body is wriggling subconsciously in summer On the friction, and her jade hands, also began to fumble on the summer body from time to time, this way, summer is no longer playing with servant girls, servant girls are also playing with him.

You play me and I play you. Then I play the desire of both sides. After a while, their clothes are gone. In summer, they don"t have the patience to wait until the beautiful servant becomes the perfect one, and they don"t want to continue training her. Now they start to enjoy the servant.

When the untrained servant girl plays the game of the coyote master and the coyote master, she is still a little inexperienced. However, under the guidance of the coyote master in summer, the coyote servant girl is also quite cooperative. With the guidance of summer and Gu Hanshuang"s strong ability, she can also cater to summer with all kinds of postures, and her voice, Luo Li, is also unique Summer always forgets that this servant girl is playing this kind of game with him for the first time. She has no pity at all, but seems a little rough.

However, Gu Hanshuang, a pretty servant girl, has a strong fighting ability, which is definitely beyond summer"s imagination. He is also very excited. Just as the saying goes, "life goes on forever, fighting goes on forever". The fight between the young master and the servant girl never stops from afternoon to night. In summer, he finally finds that the best training is carried out in practice. Gu Hanshuang has no idea from the beginning to the end It took me one night to get here. In the morning, Gu Hanshuang has become a real perfect servant girl.

She is pure and charming, gentle but active. In summer, she enjoyed so much fun that he almost didn"t want to leave and wanted to enjoy the perfect maid again in this hotel. However, as a qualified servant girl, Gu Hanshuang still remembers what she is going to do in summer. So at this time, she reminded him: "young master, we should go The railway station. "

Thinking that there are so many wives waiting for him to go back to the capital, and that he also promised song Yumei that he would go to Jianghai city in a few days, and there are sister Xin in Jianghai city. They are waiting for him to go back, so in summer, although they want to continue to enjoy the beautiful maid, they left her body.

"Well, let"s go by train first." Summer finally ended the battle with pretty maid temporarily.


at ten o"clock in the morning, the train from Shudu to the capital has already left Shudu railway station. At this moment, in a soft sleeper carriage on the train, in the summer, Gu Hanshuang and Gu Hanshuang are huddled in the same berth. They are drowsy. Although they are not ordinary people, they have been fighting together for so long last night. They have hardly had a rest, so to speak, they are not tired Yes, Gu Hanshuang didn"t wear clothes before. She can always seduce the desire of summer to make him sleepless. But now she has put on the clothes. Here is the train again. Summer naturally suppresses that desire. But as soon as the desire goes on, the sleepiness will come. So now, summer is sleepy.

However, Gu Hanshuang, who was in charge of human affairs for the first time, was hara.s.sed for half an afternoon and the whole night by the wolf master in summer. Naturally, she was very tired. No, as soon as the train started, she fell asleep in her arms in summer.

Just in the summer when drowsy, suddenly came a man"s voice: "brother, how about discussing something?"

"Don"t bother me, I"m sleepy!" Summer eyes did not open, unhappy back to a sentence.

"Don"t talk so hard, brother. I just want to give you some money." The man"s voice seemed to carry a hint of displeasure. "I wanted to buy all four tickets in this box, but I didn"t buy them, so I want to make a discussion with you. You sit next door, there is still a place. I"ll give you two thousand yuan as compensation. How about that? This kind of good thing, brother should not refuse it? "

"You think it"s a good thing?" Summer finally opened his eyes and stared at the man who was talking. He was in his forties and had a young woman in his twenties with him. But obviously, the young woman was not his daughter, and was probably his lover.

"Brother, you have nothing to lose. You can get two thousand yuan for nothing, which is a good thing of course." The middle-aged man looks like he has a big advantage in summer.

"That"s what you said." In summer, he took out a stack of notes from his pocket, counted out twenty, and handed them to the middle-aged man, "here are two thousand yuan. Go to the next room!"

The middle-aged man was shocked at once, and then he became angry: "brother, what do you mean?"

"What"s wrong with your mind? Didn"t you say it was a good thing? If it"s a good thing, you can do it. Get out of here and don"t bother me! " Summer discontented stare at the middle-aged man, "and, you don"t a brother, you are not qualified to call my brother!"

"It"s for your face to call you brother. Don"t be disrespectful!" The middle-aged man immediately became angry, "if you know what you are doing, you should take the money to the next room immediately. I also told you that I have a brother to be a police officer here. If you don"t know what you are doing, I"ll tell you to rob!"

Summer looks at this middle-aged man with the eyes of an idiot, how can there always be such a person who doesn"t know how to live or die?

See summer don"t talk, middle-aged man immediately satisfied: "how? Do you know how to be afraid now? It doesn"t matter. I"m a big man. I"m still talking. Take the money and go to the next room. Nothing happens to me Er! "

In summer, I was too lazy to talk with this guy, and kicked the middle-aged man out of the box.

"Ah!" "What are you doing?" exclaimed the young woman

Summer didn"t answer, but kicked out again. This seemingly innocent woman was kicked out by him. Then, in summer, the box was locked directly from the inside. So, the soft sleeping box, which was supposed to be for four people, suddenly jumped to a higher level soft sleeping room and became a two person world of summer and Gu Hanshuang.

"Bang bang......" The fierce kick at the door immediately came, and at the same time came the angry scolding of the middle-aged man, "I gra.s.s, open the door for me! Are you f.u.c.king dying? If I don"t kill you... "

"What a bore!" In summer, I opened the box, lifted the middle-aged man in one hand, opened the window of the train, and directly threw him off the train!

"You, you, you..." The young woman"s face suddenly turned white with fright. Unfortunately, she said a few words about you. In the summer, she also lifted her up and threw her out of the window.

"It"s clean at last." In summer, I went back to the box, locked the door again, hugged Gu Hanshuang, and soon fell asleep.

After a full day"s sleep, when I woke up again, it was about 7 p.m., but the train was only a third of the way. The whole journey from Shudu to the capital took about 30 hours, and now it"s less than 10 hours.

"Let"s go to dinner, young master." Gu Hanshuang also woke up at the moment naturally, she suggested with an extremely delicate voice.

"Good." Summer is a promise, after all, he is hungry now.

The two quickly walked out of the box and came to the dining car. Now it"s dinner time. There are many people in the dining car. Fortunately, there are still vacant seats. They find a seat and then order some dishes. Although the food on the train is not very good, they still eat a lot in the hungry summer. Gu Hanshuang also eats a lot. Finally, they have a meal They ate thousands of yuan, which is more expensive than their train tickets.

And they eat for a long time. When they finish eating, there are not many guests in the dining car. There is only one couple with one daughter, three in the family, and another young man and woman who looks like a couple.

"Frost girl, let"s go." Having enough to eat and drink, I plan to leave in summer. But just then, two policemen came into the dining car. One of them asked, "who called the police?"

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