Chapter 1265

Liu Meng turned his head and was not happy: "Hey, why are you again? Don"t bother me! "

"Sister Meng, who is he?" Summer also asked.

Liu Meng was just greeted by a young man in his twenties. He was glossy and powdered. In fact, he was very handsome. He was just dressed up a little bit like a mother, which gave a very strange feeling.

"Little villain, he is the leading actor in the movie I made, but I don"t know his name. I only know his name in the movie is Liu Qian, a name to play magic with." Liu Mengxi smiled, then shouted at the young man, "Hey, what"s your name?

The actor"s expression was a little embarra.s.sed, but he still answered Liu Meng"s question: "Miss Liu, my name is Lu Qian, Lu of land, Lu of diving."

"Your real name is really hard to hear and unreasonable, little villain. Do you think you can dive on land?" Liu mengpui.

"Of course not." Summer is very cooperative immediately replied.

"Well, I don"t know who named it. It"s stupid!" Liu Meng takes a look at Lu Qian. "I don"t talk to people with stupid names."

Before Lu Qian answers, Liu Meng pulls up the summer and leaves: "little villain, let"s go, talk to the fool, and we will become stupid!"

The two left immediately, leaving Lu Qian with a red and white face. They wanted to get angry, but they couldn"t find the object.

At the moment, Liu Meng has run out of Qingfeng Village in the summer, saying: "little villain, let"s not play here. If they see me, they will let me make movies. Let"s go to Muyang county."

"Good." Summer agreed, in fact, he didn"t like playing in Qingfeng Village very much. In his opinion, either go to Qingfeng mountain or go to other places. Although Muyang county is not a good place, it is at least better than Qingfeng Village. In addition, he also knows that Yunqing is now in Muyang county.

"Little villain, I"ll tell you that the road is still being built here. When the road is finished, I can drive my tank car in." Liu Meng is also thinking about her tank car that can crash into each other. "Listen to Xiaoqing, the road will take a long time to be repaired. Now it"s only less than half repaired, so we haven"t repaired it yet!"

"Sister Meng, it doesn"t matter if you don"t build roads." In summer, I think it"s ok if they don"t build the road. Anyway, if they don"t build the road now, it won"t affect them.

"But Xiao Qiao said that this road still needs to be built, because this scenic spot also needs to be developed. If we don"t develop it at all, others will gossip. In short, Xiao Qiao said that we should develop it properly and then protect the environment." Liu MENGZHENG said, suddenly seemed to see something, raised his head and shouted, "Hey, people over there, you are not allowed to cut trees!"

On the mountain beside the road, several people were cutting with tools. When they heard Liu Meng"s cry, they stopped for a moment and looked up at this side. But immediately, they continued to cut down. Obviously, they didn"t pay attention to Liu Meng"s words at all.

"Well, I said no cutting!" Liu Meng is not happy. He jumps up in the summer and flies to those people.

Seeing the fairy like Liu Meng, several people immediately froze. Is this a real movie? Or are they dreaming now?

"h.e.l.lo, you guys have heard. Xiao Qiao said that cutting trees at random will damage the environment. If you cut trees again, I will kill you!" Liu Meng stares at these people.

The people had stopped, did not continue to cut, but did not leave, so they stood there, did not speak and did not move, did not know whether they were scared silly or silent protest.

"Why don"t you leave?" Liu Meng is not happy. "Do you want me to throw you down the mountain?"

"Why are you driving us away?" A middle-aged man finally couldn"t help it. "This mountain is ours, not yours. Let"s cut some trees back. What"s wrong?"

"Who says this mountain belongs to you?" Liu Mengjiao snorted, "Xiao Qiao told me that this mountain is not yours, and the whole Qingfeng Village is not yours. We have bought all of them. So now it"s mine. If I want to drive you away, I"ll drive you away. If you don"t, I"ll throw you down the mountain. Don"t blame me if you fall dead. I"ll tell others that you"re not young when cutting trees People will believe me if I die of a heart attack. "

"Are you still here?" I"m a little impatient in summer.

See a few people still have no reaction, summer then a hand, grab a person to throw down.

"Ah..." The sound of panic rang.

"What do you want?" In summer, he cried out unhappily, "you didn"t fall to death again. When you fall to death, it"s not too late!"

The rest of the people looked at each other. Is this person sick? Can you shout when you fall dead?

Summer has turned to look at these people: "do you think you will not die if you are thrown down? I promise I can kill you all this time. Do you want to try? "

"No, no, let"s go. Let"s go!" Several people looked at each other, and then hurriedly picked up the tools and left, but they were a little depressed. The city people are really sick, so they just cut down some trees. Can they fight with them?

These people are also from Qingfeng Village. They wanted to cut some trees and sell them after the roads were repaired. But now they meet two people who seem to have abnormal brains to fight with them. What"s more, these two people seem to be too fierce. One of them seems to be able to fly, and the other actually throws people down the mountain. It"s really not right to fight for several trees Value, these people also naturally immediately obediently left, Liu Meng also smoothly protected some trees on the mountain.

"Little villain, I"ll tell you, Little Joe, this is our home too, so we have to protect it. If anyone sabotages it, I"ll beat him!" Liu Meng looks very happy after driving away these people. She looks up and suddenly yells, "eh, little villain, that tree is so strange. Look, it"s like a bed on it. I"m going to go to sleep!"

The age of this big tree is obviously very long. The trunk below is very thick, and the branches above are also very thick, much thicker than the trunk of some ordinary trees. However, a few meters away from the ground, some branches are spread together strangely, which looks like a natural bed. When Liu Mengfei goes up and lies there, it makes people feel that It"s a bed, and it"s not an ordinary bed. It"s a fairy bed, a place for fairy to sleep.

"Little villain, you come up too!" Liu Meng lies on the fairy"s bed and waves to the summer below.

In the summer, he also came to the fairy bed and lay down next to Liu Meng, the little fairy. Then he found that the fairy bed was really hidden. It could only be found under the tree, because it was surrounded by thick leaves, which completely covered the inside. That is to say, no matter what was done in it, people in the distance could not see it.

After discovering this, summer immediately began to move. As soon as he turned over, he pressed Liu Meng on her. Then he said with a smile in her ear, "sister Meng, since it"s a bed, should we do something in bed?"

"This is not a real bed!" Liu Meng doesn"t like it, "little villain, you are not allowed to do bad things!"

Unfortunately, her protest has been useless for summer. She said no, but summer has begun to grope for her.

"Little villain, I really don"t want it. In case someone sees it, it"s not good!" Liu Meng said no, but his body began to cooperate.

"Sister Meng, don"t worry. No one will see it. Besides, if someone comes, I will know." Summer is full of confidence.

"Well, I won"t give you steamed bread now. You can"t take off my skirt, or I won"t play with you!" Liu dreamed about it and finally came up with a compromise.

"Sister Meng, if she doesn"t give her husband bread, she will be spanked." Summer low said, a hand has been dug into the bottom of her skirt.

Liu Meng did not speak, still lying on the fairy bed, but his legs slightly curled up, his hips slightly c.o.c.ked up, obviously ready for some punishment in the summer.

The treetops of the tree suddenly began to shake and the leaves rustled, but it was strange that there was no wind on the mountain at the moment, and there was no movement in other trees. Occasionally, there was also a blood letting panting and murmuring in the treetops, which was the fairy"s spring cry.


as soon as 12 noon, summer and Liu mengcai reappeared on the mountain road.

Just experienced a new and exciting movement, Liu Meng"s beautiful face still has obvious flush, but now she is most concerned about another thing, this is not, she is complaining in the summer: "little villain, my skirt is dirty, you see, here are all SAP!"

"Sister Meng, who told you not to let me eat steamed bread?" Summer said with a smile.

"I don"t care. You need to clean my skirt. I like this skirt very much!" Liu Meng pouted.

"Then I"ll wash it for you." Seeing that Liu Meng was really unhappy in summer, he immediately began to coax her, "let"s go to the stream and wash it, it"s not very dirty."

Liu dreamt about it, then shook his head. "No, let"s go to Muyang county and wash again."

"That"s OK, sister Meng. Let"s go quickly." In summer, Liu Meng accelerated his pace and hurried to Muyang county.

"Cement road ahead!" Quickly forward for a while, Liu Meng suddenly said, before waiting for summer to speak, she cried out a little surprised, "eh, isn"t that Xiaoqing? Why is she here? "

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