Chapter 1296

"I won"t make breakfast for you..." Qiaofenger angrily replied, but suddenly he found that it was not right. "Hey, what are you calling me? I"m not your girl, and I"m not a phoenix girl! "

"I didn"t call you Phoenix girl." Summer looks innocent.

"You cried out!" Qiao Fenger said angrily, "yur, do you hear me? You testify to me, did he just call me Phoenix girl

"This, feng"er, it seems that summer is not really calling you Feng wench." Said Qiao huang"er carefully.

"How is it possible? I heard it! " Qiaofenger is very dissatisfied, "I said Yuer, you won"t start to face him just because he saw you naked yesterday?"

"What are you talking about, feng"er?" Qiao huang"er is immediately ashamed and annoyed. "I don"t think she yelled wrong in summer. You are crazy!"

"That"s right. I"m a crazy girl. You"re just like a crazy girl. Even huang"er is right." Summer said with a smile: "and don"t slander me. I didn"t see huang"er naked. She was wearing underwear, but she didn"t wear a bra."

Poor Qiao huang"er thinks she"s really innocent. She"s been lying down and shot for two mornings. At this moment, she has the urge to find a hole to drill in.

"You!" When Qiao fengerden was angry, she called her Fengya. She could barely accept it. She called her crazy girl. She couldn"t bear it. So she roared to the summer, "you are a madman, a hooligan with mad cow disease!"

"Husband, feng"er, you two stop fighting." Qiao Xiaoqiao finally couldn"t help coming to the round. She was a little helpless. "Why do you two quarrel every time you meet?"

"It"s called happiness." Qiao Yuer whispered.

"You"re happy with him!" Qiao Fenger gives Qiao huanger a look.

"Well, don"t argue, huang"er, you go out and buy some breakfast. Feng"er, you don"t need to make breakfast either. Wash it and have breakfast together later." Joe asked again.

"Yes, Miss Joe." Qiao huanger was eager to leave soon, so she left the door immediately.

Qiao Fenger stares at summer angrily, but says nothing more. She goes to the bathroom directly.

"Honey, I"m going to take a bath. Please sit down yourself first." Qiao Xiaoqiao said that he wanted to leave. After all, the new house on Shenxian island is temporarily built, so the facilities are not so complete after all. For example, the bathroom has not been finished yet.

"Wife, I"ll go with you." A smile in summer.

"No, I, I"m really a little..." Qiao Xiaoqiao"s face is red. I"m sorry to go on.

See Qiao Xiaoqiao so, summer had to nod: "OK, then I wait for you here."

Qiao Xiaoqiao"s body is better, but her body is still a little different. Her body is extremely sensitive, and her combat effectiveness in this area is definitely the weakest one in summer"s wife, so that most of last night"s time, they both spent in real sleep. This morning, although they did a few minutes of morning exercise, this is not the case Can let summer quench thirst, on the contrary let summer be hanged can"t go up, until now it"s a bit uncomfortable.

Qiao Xiaoqiao went upstairs, but a few minutes later, Qiao Fenger came out of the bathroom and saw that she was sitting on the sofa alone in summer, so she came over.

"h.e.l.lo, hooligan, where were you and miss Qiao last night?" Qiao Fenger asked in a low voice.

"What"s the matter with you?" Summer is too lazy to answer her.

"Can"t I care about Miss Joe?" Qiao Fenger said angrily.

"She"s my wife. I care about her." Summer is not good gas of say, the eye however stares at Qiao Feng ER that majestic part, a bit reluctant to loosen.

Qiaofenger"s dress has always been cool, even more cool at home. After her part became larger, the blouse with less cloth always couldn"t completely block her part. Now, she just leans forward, exposing more of her chest, and making that part more attractive.

In fact, it"s not the first time to see Qiao Fenger here in summer. He has touched and even played with it more than once. If it"s normal, Qiao Fenger doesn"t have such a big attraction to him now. But now it"s not the same. From last night to this morning, Qiao Xiaoqiao can"t get up and down his desire. Now when he sees Qiao Fenger"s especially luxurious chest food, he immediately It"s a little out of control.

"What do you see, dead rascal?" Qiao Fenger immediately caught the peep of summer.

"Look at your chest, or do you think I look at your clothes?" It"s a healthy summer.

Qiao Fenger is angry for a while. The rogue dare not to peep, but to look at her with unbridled eyes!

"You are a real rascal. You bullied Miss Qiao last night, and now you come back..." Qiao feng"er is biting his teeth and stares at summer.

"Hey, I didn"t bully Joe!" Summer interrupted Qiao Fenger"s words, "she is my wife. I just do what we should and like to do with her. Besides, don"t call me a hooligan. I don"t mind being called a hooligan, but only if I"ve played a hooligan against her. I don"t mind being called a hooligan by sister Jinghua before. But if you call me a hooligan again, I"ll do what a hooligan should do to you!"

"Dead rascal, don"t threaten me. I"m not afraid of you. I"ll call you rascal Ah... You... Don"t... " Qiao Fenger scolds summer for being a wolf or a hooligan when she has nothing to do. From the first time she saw summer to now, she didn"t seem to change the name of summer, but she didn"t use it before. Now, she"s not happy to hear that she won"t be called a hooligan in summer. She doesn"t believe that summer will do anything to her. However, now she Finally, I understand that the threat of this guy in summer can"t be ignored.

When summer pulls her down on him with one hand, and buries her head in her chest, Qiao feng"er screams out subconsciously, and then tries to push summer away, but she finds that she doesn"t know why, but she feels weak all over, as if she doesn"t have any strength. She doesn"t want to think it"s her own reason, but blames summer for it. It must be the rogue who treats her She was relieved at the thought of doing something. She didn"t want it. She just couldn"t resist.

Qiao Fenger could speak, but she didn"t cry for help. She just kept looking up the stairs with her eyes for fear of being seen. Just soon, she was defeated by the strange feeling from her chest. Once, this part of her was also ravaged by summer. Now, the familiar feeling seems to return to her body. She found that she was a little ashamed. She seemed to I miss that feeling.

"No, don"t be here Uh... Change places... " Qiao Fenger"s subconscious whisper, subconsciously, what she wants to do most is not to let the summer stop attacking her, but to hope that he can"t be found in the living room at any time.

But in summer, he didn"t plan to change places. He still greedily nibbled at Qiao Fenger"s part. His hands groped for her too. One hand moved up her long leg and gradually went to the deepest place

"Ah!" A scream suddenly came from the door, "you..."

Hearing this sound, Qiao Fenger suddenly woke up, and the whole person seemed to have strength suddenly, like a frightened rabbit, suddenly jumped away from the summer.

"Summer, you rascal!" Qiao Fenger scolds summer with some shame and annoyance, and then rushes upstairs.

Looking at her hands holding breakfast, Qiao huang"er stood at the door in a daze. She said innocently: "it"s the crazy girl who made me play a hooligan on her."

"Well, I believe you." Qiao huang"er said this, and then put breakfast on the table, and quickly went upstairs. Of course, she didn"t go to find Qiao Fenger, but called Qiao Xiaoqiao down for breakfast.

"Young master." From the soft voice, Gu Hanshan appeared quietly beside him in summer, looking at him with some concern, "are you ok? Your breath seems to be out of order. "

"Frost girl, I have something to do now, but I will be OK soon." In summer, he can"t care about breakfast any more. He hugged up Gu Hanshuang and went upstairs in a flash. At this moment, it"s important to eat the beautiful servant girl first to quench his thirst.


for summer, Jianghai city is gentle township. However, although the life of gentle township is comfortable, it is also very fast. Unconsciously, two days have pa.s.sed, and summer has come to Qingfeng mountain again.

In Qingfeng mountain, he spent another day and night with yueqingya in summer. The next day, he went down the mountain again. But this time, there was already another person beside him, a cold and beautiful woman with a devil"s figure, yeyumei.

When they left Qingfeng mountain, song Yumei, who was still on Qingfeng mountain, was worried.

"Sister Yue, do you want me to follow them in secret?" Song Yumei is obviously not sure about this.

Yue Qingya shook her head gently: "Yumei, with your skill, if you follow, Xiaomei and Xiaotian can find you, and, more importantly, if you are there, I"m afraid Xiaotian will only spend all his time with you, so this time, no one can get involved in their two things, we must let them live the real world of two people. ”Song Yumei sighs quietly. She knows that Yue Qingya is right. She only hopes to capture Mei"s heart this summer.

"Yumei, in fact, we still have important things to do." Yue Qingya then said.

"Sister Yue, what are we going to do?" Song Yumei is puzzled.

"Although you have golden elixir accomplishments, a real immortal cultivator is not only cultivating internal skill, but also various martial arts and magic. In this period of time, I will teach you these things." At the moment, the elegant and beautiful face of the moon seems dignified. "Recently, I always have a bad feeling. Maybe we are going to have a lot of trouble."

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