Chapter 1323

"So, we have to take the initiative to find people!" It"s a bit uncomfortable in summer. It"s not so easy to find someone in such a big place, especially a woman who can fly. I know where she lives. Maybe she doesn"t live in a hotel at all.

"There are so many police to help you find people. What are you worried about?" The tone of yeyumei is a little ironic.

"I"ve never believed much in the ability of the police." Summer yawned, "but, forget it, let them find it. I don"t know anyone else here."

"Team leader Xia, don"t do anything about Shen Yun..." Hu Feifei asked carefully at this time.

Think of this, summer mood suddenly a bit bad up, this should tell Liu Yunying just good? He promised Liu Yunying that he would take Shen Yun back safely. Now if he told Liu Yunying that Shen Yun was dead and he could not do what he promised, would he still have face?

"If I don"t have face, I"ll let them have no inside. When I find those idiots, I"ll give each of them a few st.i.tches to make their hearts, livers, spleen, stomach and lungs rot!" In summer, I murmured to myself that since Huang Jingyi of the ethereal immortal sect was at a loss, he could not find Huang Jingyi for the time being, so let"s solve this problem first.

After thinking about it, I would take my luggage and a small travel bag in summer and walk out the door: "go to the police station!"

The reason why I want to go to the police station is that on the one hand, I want the police to help me find someone. On the other hand, I want to interrogate those policewomen who nearly kidnapped Hu Feifei and Shen Yun two hours ago. With his interrogation level, it should not be difficult to find out the real murderer behind the scenes.

************A few minutes later, the hall on the first floor of yueluohu hotel.

Tian Bofeng picks up his mobile phone and dials Hu Feifei"s phone again, only to find out by accident that the mobile phone that was prompted to shut down before actually got through this time. However, before Hu Feifei answers the phone, Tian Bofeng hangs up the phone, because he has seen that he and Hu Feifei are walking out of the elevator in the summer.

"Chief Xia, chief Hu!" Tian Bofeng hurried up, with a happy expression on his face, "you"re OK, it"s so nice!"

"Nonsense, of course I"ll be fine." Summer lazily said: "I"m looking for you, someone in your police station can draw?"

About the use of computer portraits, he once did it in summer when he was looking for mu Han in the capital. Now he plans to do it again.

"Yes, of course." Tian Bofeng nodded quickly, and then couldn"t help but ask, "leader Xia, who are you going to paint for?"

"Of course, it"s the murderer. Do you want a portrait?" Summer not good gas said.

Tian Bofeng stayed for a while, then he said, "leader Xia, do you know what the killer looks like?"

"That"s right. I just had a fight with her tonight, but she"s pretty good. Although I hurt her, I let her run away." Summer is not a matter of time.

Yeyumei had the impulse to break this guy"s lie when she arrived, but then she thought it was not a lie. Huang Jingyi was injured by this little b.a.s.t.a.r.d in summer.

Hu Feifei is also a stay. No wonder he just disappeared in summer. He went after the murderer.

Tian Bofeng is a little excited and admired. He is worthy of being sent from above. It"s less than a day before the other side knows who the murderer is.

"Go to the police station, and I will interrogate those two idiotic policewomen by the way. They dare to blow up the people I protect. They just don"t know what to do!" Summer think of this is not happy, although he did not really deliberately to protect Shen Yun, but no matter how, who killed Shen Yun, who is deliberately with him!

Tian Bofeng"s face flashed a strange look, hesitated a little, and finally he asked: "leader Xia, are the two policewomen you mentioned who attacked chief Hu and Shen Yun?"

"Yes, they are." Summer nodded, by the way, "are they in your police station?"

"Yes, but..." Tian Bofeng hesitated.

"Team leader Tian, if you have anything to say, what happened?" Hu Feifei felt something was wrong and asked in a hurry.

"Team leader Xia and section chief Hu committed suicide at the police station two hours ago." Tian Bofeng finally spoke out.

"What?" Hu Feifei"s face changed. "Isn"t it watched? How can I commit suicide? "

"Chief Hu, I don"t know. I"m not in charge of that case. I"m not the one who guards them, nor my subordinates." Tian Bofeng has a wry smile on his lips.

"It seems that Shen Yun is right. The police station really has those people"s accomplices! "Hufeifei is a little angry.

Tian Bofeng continued to smile bitterly, but he didn"t say anything. Obviously, he knew something about this time.

"I knew the police were unreliable." Summer is not good. Those two policewomen are dead, so he has no interrogators. If we want to find those who kidnapped Shen Yun, I"m afraid there will be some trouble.

"Since you think the police are unreliable, don"t come to our police if you have something to do!" Next to him suddenly received a sentence, but it was a policeman who heard this sentence in summer expressing his dissatisfaction.

"I didn"t want to see you idiots!" Summer glared at the policeman, said he was in a bad mood. The broken policeman even bothered him.

"Who are you scolding? Huh? Who are you calling idiots? " The policeman was immediately angry. He was called out to do things in the middle of the night. He was not happy at all. Now he was scolded, so he was not happy.

Not only did he feel unhappy, but also the other policemen who heard what he said in summer. Even Tian Bofeng and the policemen in the serious case group felt strange, because the words just said in summer seemed to scold all the policemen.

"My people, my people, don"t hurt the harmony..." Although Tian Bofeng feels strange, he still rushes out to finish the match.

"I"m not alone with you." Summer is not good gas said: "I am to discover, you these police will only give me trouble, let you do something, anything is not good!"

"If you don"t think we can do it well, do it yourself!" w.a.n.g Xia, the only policewoman in the serious case group, can"t help muttering. Although she knows that summer is coming, she can"t help being said that by summer.

"Who are you? Is it not a small tone? " The policeman who quarreled with summer wanted to fight with summer.

"Leave me alone!" In the summer, he took out his mobile phone and began to dial the phone. "I"ve decided not to use your poor police. I"ll find someone myself!"

Tian Bofeng stopped the policeman who wanted to fight with summer. He whispered something in his ear. Finally, the man didn"t rush over again. However, there were at least a dozen policemen in the hall. At the moment, they all looked at summer with bad eyes. Obviously, they had no good feelings for the man who was said to come from above.

Summer has already called Mu Han. Although it"s very late now, he doesn"t want to disturb his wife"s sleep, but he really doesn"t believe the police"s ability to handle affairs. Let the blonde wife send some people.

"Honey, what"s the matter?" As soon as the phone is connected, Mu Han asks anxiously. She can"t help but worry when she receives the phone call from summer at this time.

"Wife, nothing. I need some people." Summer said quickly: "send me a special force. I want to block a hotel. By the way, my wife is in Guoan now. Although those people are not very powerful, they should be better than the police. I need them to help me find someone. Well, remember to find someone who can draw pictures."

"Honey, what happened to you? Tell me. " Mu Han asked in a hurry.

Summer also does not hide, with the fastest time to simply say what happened here, in front of Mu Han, he has nothing to hide.

"I see, honey, I"ll arrange it. You can wait for a moment, half an hour at most, and your hands will be in place!" Mu Han said quickly, and then hung up.

See summer put away the mobile phone, Tian Bofeng finally couldn"t help but ask: "leader Xia, do we return to the police station?"

"No more." Summer lazily said: "I don"t need your police to help me."

"Team leader, in this case, shall we go back?" w.a.n.g Xia said with some dissatisfaction.

"Can"t go back." But summer added, "everyone inside and outside the hotel is not allowed to leave!"

"Don"t leave if you don"t want to?" w.a.n.g Xia is very angry, "you are not my boss!"

With that, w.a.n.g Xia went out angrily.

In the summer, w.a.n.g Xia kicked out directly, groaned in pain, fell to the ground, and could not get up again.

"Don"t beat me!" Summer not good gas said.

Suddenly there was silence all around. n.o.body expected that in summer, he would suddenly beat people.

"Don"t go too far!" There are other people in the serious case group who can"t watch it anymore.

Summer is another step. He kicked this man to the ground. He was not in the mood for nonsense.

"Cao, what a great thing from the provincial government?" The policeman who quarreled with summer before also looked indignant.

In summer, the void claps his hands. The man screams, falls to the ground, and has no voice.

"Don"t say I didn"t warn you. I"m in a bad mood now. You"d better cooperate. Otherwise, don"t blame me for beating you!" In summer, he said slowly, with a small voice, but it was heard by everyone inside and outside the hotel. "I said, no matter it"s inside or outside the hotel, it"s all in place for me. No one is allowed to leave!"

"Who are you?"

"What qualification do you have to say that?"

"Let"s go if we want..."

"Go, now..."

Hearing these words, hundreds of people were shouting there, and some people were ready to rush out of the cordon and leave the hotel.

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