Chapter 1339

"This is Tianqi, five Jin in total, the best quality. This is wild ginseng, 110 grams, 30 years old..." The young woman handed summer a bag of herbs.

"Just say how much." In summer, he doesn"t need to introduce herbs to him. He doesn"t need to look at them at all. He can smell the kinds and qualities of these herbs directly with his nose.

"I calculate..." The drugstore woman picked up the calculator and pressed it. Then she told the summer the result, "eighty-eight thousand two hundred in total, eighty-eight thousand."

Summer is also lazy to calculate, anyway he doesn"t care about this money, he has money now, just don"t know how to spend it.

This drugstore is not big in fact, but Chinese herbal medicines are very expensive now, so many drugstores can also pay by swiping their cards. In summer, they swipe their cards, put all these herbs into a bag, and then carry the bag and leave.

When I went out, I complained a little gloomily in summer: "is there no big medicine store in this place? I can "t buy some herbs, and I have to find other pharmacies. "

"I know a drugstore. There are all kinds of herbs there." That female boss can"t help but say at this time, perhaps because summer bought a lot of medicine, so she wants to help summer.

"Where?" Last summer, he went to several drugstores to find herbs. This time, he needs more herbs, but he doesn"t want to go to more drugstores.

"On the south side of the city, there is a renjitang, the largest drugstore here. Basically, there are all kinds of medicinal materials, and there are enough stocks. You can take a taxi and the taxi drivers know the place." The boss replied.

"There are really all kinds of herbs there?" Summer a little uneasy asked.

"If there were none there, there would be none elsewhere." Said the woman boss.

"Oh, that"s fine. I"ll buy it there." In the summer, he went out of the drugstore with herbs, and then stopped a taxi on the side of the road.

Seeing summer getting on the bus, the female boss hurriedly took out her mobile phone and dialed a phone: "brother, some men will come to buy a lot of medicine, he is a big enemy who doesn"t understand anything. Don"t forget to kill him."

"How can I know which one?" There"s a man"s voice over the phone.

"It"s easy to recognize. He has a list with many herbs on it. I"ll tell you the names of the herbs. You can remember who will buy these things. Besides, he has a woman with him. She"s dressed in black. She"s very beautiful. If you see them, you can recognize them at a glance." The female boss said quickly, and then began to report the name, "they bought wild ginseng, Tianqi, keel..."

The female boss"s memory is obviously good. She wrote down dozens of medicinal materials to be bought in summer. After reporting the names of the medicinal materials, she added: "brother, this is really a big enemy. He spent eighty-eight thousand yuan here. I sold ten years of wild ginseng to him as thirty years" wild ginseng. He didn"t find it. He certainly didn"t understand anything."

"Well, I"ll get ready right away. When the business is done, I"ll split your profits into two." The man over there said a word, then hung up, apparently to kill the guest.


renjitang drugstore is really famous in Yuenan city. It will arrive in the drugstore soon in summer. This drugstore covers an area of at least ten times that of the previous drugstore. It looks more like a large drugstore supermarket. The salesmen of the drugstore are all young girls in their twenties, and they are all pretty good looking. There is also an old Chinese medicine consultation in the drugstore. Maybe that"s why The business of this drugstore is obviously quite good.

"According to this list, sell me all the herbs you have in your shop." Summer walked in, directly looked for a more pleasant looking salesman, and handed her the written list.

"Ah, just a moment. I"ll call the boss." The salesman didn"t seem to know the things on the list, so he hurriedly took the list to the other side. After a while, the salesman came with a middle-aged man. Obviously, the middle-aged man is the drugstore owner.

The drugstore owner took a look at summer and smiled: "this gentleman, do you purchase so many herbs and do the business of herbs?"

"What do you care about me?" Summer a little unhappy, "I"m very busy, don"t waste my time, as soon as possible to give me all the herbs, no I left!"

"Yes, of course. Just a moment." The drugstore owner is not angry. "But, sir, there is something I want to ask. We have all kinds of herbs here, and you have a lot of them in stock. However, the quality of the herbs here is the best, so the price is a little more expensive."

"Just take the medicine quickly, don"t talk nonsense." Summer is very impatient.

"Well, OK, I"ll get it now." The drugstore owner was a little embarra.s.sed. He didn"t say anything anymore. He took the list and began to take the medicine.

This time, it didn"t take long to wait for summer. Within ten minutes, a small mountain was piled up in front of it, all kinds of herbs. Finally, the drugstore owner took out a long box: "this gentleman, I have a hundred year old wild ginseng here. Do you need it? It"s just a little more expensive. "

"Bring it!" In summer, he reached out and took it. For the medicine he was about to refine, wild ginseng is also a key medicinal material. Although it can also be used for the young wild ginseng, the natural effect of the century wild ginseng will be better.

"Sir, this wild ginseng needs 500000 yuan, plus other herbs, a total of 780000 yuan. Look at the list. Here is the unit price and weight..." The drugstore owner handed the list before summer to summer again, but now it has more weight and unit price, as well as the calculated total price.

"Long legged sister, do you think I look like a fool?" Summer suddenly turned to look at night jade Mei asked.

"You are a fool." Said Ye Yumei coldly.

Summer suddenly depressed, does he really look like a fool? Otherwise, why do so many people cheat him today?

"Hey, I"ll give you a chance to bring the real wild ginseng for a hundred years, and then change the fake medicine for me, or I"ll smash your drugstore!" Depressed summer staring at the drugstore owner, he wanted to hit people.

The drugstore owner"s face changed a little, and then he looked surprised: "Sir, I can"t understand you."

"Bang!" In the summer, I slapped my hands on the counter, and there was a sudden crash. The gla.s.s on the counter was smashed. In the drugstore, there were several shouts. The salesmen and some people who came in to buy medicine seemed to be shocked by this.

"Now you understand?" I stare at the drugstore owner in summer.

"You"re trying to rob?" The drugstore owner"s face changed, and then he told a salesperson next to him, "call the police!"

As soon as summer lifts a foot, kick this drugstore boss to fall to the ground, in the mouth discontented scold way: "you these idiots, really treat me silly?"? Before that woman in the drugstore sold me the wild ginseng less than ten years old for thirty years. I didn"t care about her, but you idiot was even more extravagant. Take the wild ginseng of one year and sell it to me as a hundred years old. If I don"t smash your drugstore, you will think I"m a bully. Besides, you idiot can"t even replace the inferior with the better, and even get some fake herbs in it, You said I robbed, didn"t you? I"ll rob your drugstore today, and then I"ll smash it! "

"Come on, help..." One of the salesmen shouted in alarm.

In summer, he didn"t care about her. He started to rob the drugstore directly. Of course, he didn"t steal money, but he just looked for the herbs he needed. But the salesmen of the drugstore didn"t dare to resist when they saw the fair robbery in summer. After all, they were young girls. Their courage was usually relatively small.

As for those who bought the medicine, they had already run out, and then the salesmen also ran out. The drugstore owner saw that summer seemed to ignore him and got up from the ground and ran away.

In summer, he packed all the herbs he needed in a leisurely manner, and then found that it seemed to be difficult to get them away. What made him a little depressed was that there was no wild ginseng in the drugstore for a hundred years, not many for ten years or so.

But it"s also normal. It"s not easy to find real wild ginseng for a hundred years.

"Officer, the robber is in there!" At this time the drugstore owner outside shouted, and then rushed in a few police.

"Don"t move!"

"Hands up!"


A few harsh drinks, and a few guns, pointing to the summer together.

"You need to be beaten again?" Summer turned around and looked at these policemen discontentedly. Then, these policemen were all stupid. Isn"t this the kid who shut them up in yueluohu hotel yesterday?

It"s quite a coincidence. These policemen are some of the city police who went to yueluohu hotel after the explosion in yueluohu lake the night before last, and they were all locked up like prisoners in summer. Of course, they were lucky and didn"t make any big thing. Now they can still return to the police station normally. Only when they saw summer , they are depressed. Is he lucky? It"s too bad!

"Team leader Xia, how are you..." Someone wanted to ask something, but they didn"t dare to ask at last. They just put down their guns wisely, and then they turned around and wanted to leave.

"Hey, don"t hurry!" Summer but shouted them, "you drive to come?"

"On, on." Asked one of the policemen, trembling.

"Oh, that"s right. Come here and help me load these herbs into the car and send them to my place." I think there are too many herbs to take in summer.

Several police looked at each other, and then without saying a word, they helped to move all the herbs to the police car in summer.

The salesmen of the drugstore were stunned, and the crowd was foolish. Then the drugstore owner shouted, "the police robbed!"

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