Chapter 1347

"Reporter?" Summer saw a middle-aged man, "I don"t like journalists. A few days ago, an idiot reporter wanted to blackmail my wife. I still remember that idiot"s name is Zhang Xin. I don"t know if he died."

"It"s a letter from world business, isn"t it?" The middle-aged man didn"t get angry because of summer"s words, but smiled and nodded to say h.e.l.lo to summer. "Doctor Xia, there are many sc.u.m in the reporters, but there are also many good reporters. My family name is Zhang Zhengyi, and I"m sure I"m a good reporter."

"You seem to know me?" Looking at Zhang Zhengyi in the summer, this guy is even called Zhengyi. He doesn"t know whether it"s true justice. Of course, it doesn"t matter to him whether it"s just or not. It"s important to ask him if he"s in trouble. As long as he"s not in trouble, it doesn"t matter to him whether it"s just or not.

"To be honest with Xia Shenyi, I was investigating the Shenyi group a few days ago. Actually, I wrote a report about the Shenyi group, which contradicted Zhang Xin"s report. However, it seems that Xia Shenyi didn"t know about it." Zhang Zhengyi replied.

Summer a little surprised: "Oh, so, you helped me a while ago?"

"Doctor Xia, not to help you, I"m just a good reporter, doing what I should do." Zhang Zhengyi shook his head. "Your group of miraculous doctors benefits countless people. I can"t let some bad journalists destroy it."

"Don"t worry, no one in my group can destroy it." In the summer, I yawned, "for the sake of your helping me, I won"t throw you out. Keep interviewing him. I"ll go out for breakfast."

"Brother in law, let me help you buy breakfast." Liu Yunying said in a hurry.

"No, I"ll go faster myself." When summer had said that, he disappeared into the living room.

Half an hour later, when he returned to the villa in summer, he took another bag of steamed bread and knocked on the door of yeyumei"s house.

"What to do?" Night jade Mei opened the door, the tone is still cold.

"Steamed bread for you." In summer, she handed the bag of steamed bread to yeyumei.

Yeyumei takes it, but stares at summer, then closes the door.

Although I didn"t get the thanks from yeyumei, I didn"t care about it in summer. I went back downstairs, sat on the sofa, looked at the time, and murmured to myself, when will the stingy wife arrive today?

Liu Yunying murmurs to herself that her brother-in-law hasn"t finished the beautiful woman yet. No wonder they look strange.

Zhang Zhengyi hasn"t left yet. He is still asking Shen Feng some questions in a low voice. However, although all the things Zhang Zhengyi asks are related to Shen Yun, Shen Feng almost asks three questions, because there are so few things Shen Feng knows.

"Shen Feng, did your sister mention a place called baihualou to you before her death?" Zhang Zhengyi then asked again.

Shen Feng naturally shakes his head again. He doesn"t know anything. The police basically didn"t tell him anything.

"Do you know baihualou?" Summer but some surprised asked a sentence, Zhang Zhengyi seems to know a lot of things ah, worthy of being a reporter.

"Doctor Xia, have you heard of baihualou?" Zhang Zhengyi was surprised. "Is Shen Yun"s death really related to baihualou?"

"Yes, Shen Yun was caught by the baihualou." Summer nodded, "but the steward in baihualou, who is called junshao"s idiot, heard that he escaped, or I must kill him."

Zhang Zhengyi hesitated a little and looked around: "doctor Xia, is that what the police told you?"

"Almost." I didn"t care much about it in summer, anyway, it was mainly those people in Guoan who were investigating.

"Doctor Xia, according to the news I got, in fact, that junshao is not escaping, but being killed." Zhang Zhengyi whispered.

"Dead?" Summer is a little surprising.

"Yes, he is dead, and in fact, the real of baihualou is not that junshao. There are many people behind him. He is just a person in charge on the table." Zhang Zhengyi continued.

"You seem to know a lot of things." Summer a little strange looking at Zhang Zhengyi, "those police are not as much as you know."

"Doctor Xia, I dare to say that even the members of baihualou do not necessarily know this organization." Zhang Zhengyi bit his teeth. "Eight years ago, I began to investigate this hundred flower building. Moreover, I dare to say that in terms of investigation ability, I am better than most police officers!"

"Ah?" Liu Yunying could not help exclaiming, "can"t you? You knew that organization eight years ago? "

"Eight years ago, baihualou just appeared in Yuenan city. At that time, a young girl was humiliated. When I was investigating, I found this organization for the first time. At that time, I found that this organization was quite evil, but its internal management was quite perfect. At that time, I mentioned it to the police here, but no one cared, because I didn"t have enough evidence, so I couldn"t help it That"s it. " Zhang Zhengyi"s voice was deep. "But for eight years, I have been secretly investigating. I find this organization is also growing. These years, the bad things that I did are even harder to count. I find that local police and government departments have partic.i.p.ated in it. I have reported many times anonymously, but they are no echo. , collect evidence. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Zhengyi pauses for a moment: "doctor Xia, to tell you the truth, I came here today, in fact, not to find Shen Feng, but to meet you."

"No?" Liu Yunying was very surprised. "Reporter Zhang, aren"t you here to interview brother Feng? Why do you want to see my brother-in-law? "

"A few days ago, I wrote a report about the miracle doctor group, so I have a lot of knowledge about Xia. I learned that Xia is here and has something to do with Shen Yun"s case. I hope Xia can solve this hundred flower building, but I"m not familiar with Xia. I don"t know how to open my mouth. Shen Feng posted a micro blog on the Internet yesterday, so I want to start with Shen Feng knows him, and then takes a chance to meet doctor Xia. " Zhang Zhengyi also did not hide, truthfully said the cause and effect, "but I did not expect that it was so easy to see doctor Xia."

Speaking of this, Zhang Zhengyi suddenly stood up and bowed deeply to summer: "doctor Xia, you have been in Jianghai city to get rid of the tyranny and the good. I beg you to help Yuenan city get rid of this evil hundred flower tower!"

Summer is a little bit dazed, he turns to look at Liu Yunying: "I get rid of the tyranny and settle down?"

"That, brother-in-law, you"ve eliminated a lot of bad people." Liu Yunying said solemnly, but she was also a little strange in her heart. How can she get rid of the tyranny? This brother-in-law is obviously the biggest violent element in Jianghai city!

"So, am I not a good man? No, I should be the biggest rascal. " Summer a little depressed said.

"Liu Yunying carefully received a sentence:" in fact, brother-in-law you are the biggest rogue

"That"s about it." Summer is not depressed at last. He is not a good man.

Seeing that Zhang Zhengyi was still bowing there, he said in the summer, "well, although I don"t like to get rid of the tyranny, but that baihualou makes me very shameless, and I will definitely kill them. Since you know a lot about baihualou, go tell the people of the National Security Bureau, they are helping me to investigate."

"Doctor Xia, don"t you take care of it yourself?" Zhang Zhengyi asked with a little hesitation.

"I have more important things to do. I don"t have time to deal with them." Summer lazily said: "Oh, by the way, if you know who the real steward of the baihualou is, you can also tell me that I can take time to kill him."

"Doctor Xia, I haven"t found out the real behind the scenes manager yet, but I"ll find out soon." Zhang Zhengyi"s eyes flashed a trace of excitement. "If I find out, I will tell you the name!"

"All right, no problem." Summer readily agreed to come down, and then told his phone number to Zhang Zhengyi, "then you call me!"

"Thank you, doctor Xia. I"m going to investigate now!" Zhang Zhengyi wrote down the phone number and then left. As for the interview with Shen Feng, he obviously gave up. After all, that was not his real purpose.

Fortunately, Shen Feng doesn"t mind. He just wants to find justice for his sister. If Zhang Zhengyi can find out the real killer behind the scenes and let summer solve it, it"s the biggest comfort for her sister.

Zhang Zhengyi went out of the villa, got on a car, and then dialed a phone: "Miss Cheng, can I meet you at noon?"


in the summer in the villa, I also got a call, but it was Ning Jie who called.

"Honey, I got off the plane. Where are you? I"m going to take a taxi. " Ning Jie apparently took the first flight today.

In summer, I wanted to meet Ning Jie, but I thought he didn"t know where the airport was, so I decided to wait for her at home. After he told Ning Jie the address of the villa, he began to wait for her at home.

"Brother in law, which wife of yours is coming?" Waiting for the summer to hang up, Liu Yunying couldn"t help asking.

Hu Feifei and Shen Feng beside think it"s really weird to hear this. Liu Yunying calls her brother-in-law and asks her who her wife is. According to common sense, isn"t she Liu Yunying"s sister?

"You"ll know later." Summer just casually said a sentence.

In half an hour.

Ning Jie, who was carrying a small suitcase, appeared in front of the summer and disappeared for several months. Ning Jie has obviously become more mature. Her long legs are still straight, the curves are more attractive, n.o.ble and elegant, which is enough to make Liu Yunying and Hu Feifei feel ashamed.

Summer some stupefied, but not because Ning Jie seems to become more beautiful, but because, Ning Jie actually is not a person, with her, there is also a person, a compared with her not inferior beauty!

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