Chapter 1350

"Do you really think I don"t know about your seduction to bed?" Xie Aiguo looks at Cheng Ling, who is gradually speechless. "Finally, I will tell you that playthings are playthings after all. Never turn over to be masters!"

Cheng Ling"s beautiful eyes gradually lost color. A few minutes later, she finally became a beautiful body. But her revenge, without success, was over.

The man in black finally released Cheng Ling and let her body fall to the ground. Then he turned to see Xie Aiguo. His face suddenly changed because he saw a black hole in the muzzle.

"Bang!" Gun sound, a blood hole appeared on the forehead of the man in black, and he fell on his back. His eyes were wide open, and he would die in peace!

Xie Aiguo put down his pistol, picked up the plane and dialed three numbers: "police station? This is the patriotic building. I"m Xie Aiguo. I killed people... "

When Xie Aiguo called the police, the police also received a call from Zhang Zhengyi outside. When he saw Cheng Ling go in, within ten minutes, he heard the gunshot, which shocked him.

Fifteen minutes later, when Zhang Zhengyi saw two corpses being carried out, and one of them was Cheng Ling, he felt a chill in his heart. When he saw Xie Aiguo being taken to the police car, his heart was full of anger. He didn"t know what happened inside, but he knew that the death of Cheng Ling must have something to do with Xie Aiguo!

At the moment, Zhang Zhengyi regrets that he found Cheng Ling and killed her. He also hates Xie Aiguo"s ruthless means. Perhaps, for him, the only consolation is that Xie Aiguo has finally been arrested. Maybe, this is Cheng Ling"s death and the greatest value it brings.


this night, Yuenan Shoushan was arrested in the police station, and Yuenan"s richest man"s family was not peaceful.

"Younger martial sister Huang, younger martial brother Bai, how is your injury now?" On the roof of the villa, Han Mingfei looked at Huang Jingyi and Baiyun Mountain and asked gently.

"Not quite yet." Baiyunshan shook his head. "This place is short of spirit, and it"s very difficult to use Kung Fu to cure injuries. Besides, that kid named summer doesn"t know what poison has been put on my body, but it hasn"t been cleaned up yet."

"Elder martial brother Han, I was hurt by that boy in summer before, and then by yeyumei. Although elder martial brother Han helped me heal, I"m only 70% better now." Said Huang in a low voice.

"In this world, Reiki has almost dried up. Unless we have excellent talent, it"s hard to cultivate here, which also limits our strength, invisibly." Han minfei nodded, "of course, this is a good thing. At least the strength of the night fairy is no different from that of twenty years ago. Otherwise, with her talent, she will be much better than me now. Even if we three join hands, we will certainly not be her rivals."

"I haven"t seen summer, but you both suffered from him. It seems that this man can"t be underestimated." Han Mingfei frowned slightly. "It"s just strange. If he came from Xianyun land with the night fairy, how could I have never heard his name before? But if he originally belonged to the world, and with the state of the world"s aura, how could someone practice his present accomplishments? "

"Senior brother Han, I don"t think I need to guess so much. Just kill them." Huang Jingyi seems a little angry.

"I think it"s not too late to catch them, ask the whereabouts of elder martial sister Yueyue, and then kill them." Baiyunshan did not fully agree with Huang Jingyi.

"Younger martial sister Huang, younger martial brother Bai, these days, your practice is a little too much." Han Mingfei"s voice was a little low. "You killed too many innocent people, and it"s unnecessary."

"Elder martial brother Han, they are the ones who want to kill themselves. Some ordinary people want to tease me, and some cheat me to a remote place. They say they know the whereabouts of elder martial sister Yue, but they want to offend me..." Huang Jingyi explained angrily.

Han Mingfei waved his hand: "things have happened, and there is no need to explain. I don"t want to pursue anything. I just hope that in the future, you should be more cautious in your work. This world, although it"s a mortal world, is quite different from the mortal world we know. These days, I"ve been trying to understand this world, and I also hope that You can learn more about the world. It"s not just killing people casually. Don"t forget that we"re here to find younger martial sister Qingya, not to kill people here. "

After a short pause, Han Mingfei said: "although we did things separately before, we"d better stay together. You are not the rivals of the night fairy. Besides, you are still injured, and that summer, if you do things alone, it may be dangerous. In addition, we need to find ways to contact other people, since the night Fairy Here, younger martial sister Qingya should not be far from here. "

"Elder martial brother Han, but we don"t know where other people are. How can we contact them?" Baiyunshan obviously agreed with Han Mingfei"s idea, but he didn"t know what to do next.

"The place that younger martial sister Huang found is very good. The mortal named lilac respects us very much and is willing to do everything for us. I think it"s time for us to use the power of these mortals." Han Mingfei pondered a little: "younger martial sister Huang, go to talk to lilac and see if he can find our other martial brothers."

"I see. Elder martial brother Han, I"ll go now." Although Huang Jingyi is not very willing, she still agrees.

"In addition, let him help to check summer to see if he knows about this man." Han added.

Huang Jingyi nodded and turned away.


this evening, the summer is not quiet. The stingy Ning Jie shows her the most generous in front of him. The golden dandacheng is more skilled in some aspects, and some more difficult movements can also be perfectly displayed, making the summer sleepless all night.

Early morning.

The ecstatic murmur almost threw Ningjie under him in summer, but he soon found that the murmur did not come from Ningjie, but from Muhan, who called.

"Husband, the person you asked me to check is probably clear." On the phone, Mu Han"s charming voice came from there. "Caroline is really Spanish, she is of Portuguese and French origin, and she is 17 years old..."

"Ah? She"s only seventeen? " Summer can not help but ask.

"Well, it will be two months before she turns seventeen. She has been a supermodel since she was fourteen. In more than two years, she has become one of the most valuable supermodels. She mainly lives in two places, Britain and the United States. Her family background is very common. She comes from a middle-cla.s.s family. Her parents are nothing special. Her acquaintance with Ning Jie looks normal. Ning Jie is very famous now It"s a very famous designer, especially in Hong Kong, so it"s reasonable for Caroline to look for her to design clothes. " Mu Han quickly introduces Caroline"s situation, "I haven"t found anything abnormal about her for the moment, but I will continue to check. If there is any new news, I will tell you."

"I see, my wife. I"ll go to bed first." Summer yawned, next to Ning Jie has fallen asleep, and he is also a little sleepy, as for Caroline, he is too lazy to manage.

************Zhang Zhengyi didn"t sleep all night. Last night, he drove his car, followed the police car to the outside of the police station, and then stopped outside the police station. At the same time, he contacted a friend in the police station by phone. Although he saw Xie Aiguo was arrested in the police station, he still wanted to know what crime Xie Aiguo would be convicted of.

Lighting a cigarette, Zhang Zhengyi took two hard breaths and tried to make his spirit better. Just then, he saw a middle-aged policeman coming out of the police station.

Soon, the middle-aged policeman came to Zhang Zhengyi"s car, opened the door and sat up.

"What"s up, Gao?" Zhang Zhengyi handed the middle-aged policeman a cigarette, lit it for him and asked at the same time.

Lao Gao took two cigarettes, shook his head and sighed: "Lao Zhang, you may be disappointed this time."

"What"s the matter? Does Xie Aiguo not admit to killing? " Zhang Zhengyi was a little nervous at once.

Lao Gao shook his head. "No, he admitted it. He admitted everything."

"What"s the problem?" Zhang Zhengyi doesn"t understand.

"The problem is, he"s self-defense." Lao Gao sighed, "according to what he said, the gangster, nicknamed Lao Si, tried to rob and kill his member, engineering Ling, and then he shot and killed the gangster. According to the field survey, what he said is basically OK. The only problem is that he shouldn"t have a gun. It"s illegal to hold a gun."

"Illegal possession of guns, at most for a few years?" Zhang Zhengyi was a little annoyed.

"How many years?" Lao Gao shook his head. "His gun also has problems. It"s said that it was given to him as a gift by a foreign friend. It"s a very old gun. It"s a handicraft. Of course, there"s no handicraft problem here, but it can lighten his plot a lot. In general, according to the Bureau, he doesn"t need to go to jail at all. At most, he will be fined a little money, No It"s money that has been given thanks and loves the country. Naturally, it doesn"t matter. "

"So he killed people, but nothing happened?" Zhang Zhengyi was furious.

"That"s right. Xie Aiguo is very clever. He will call the police when he kills people. Everything has an advantage. However, there is something strange." Lao Gao took another hard smoke. "Originally, the Bureau wanted to let him go, but he had to go to jail. He asked the bureau to arrest him for illegally holding guns."

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