Chapter 1367

Among all the wives in summer, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Princess SAMA are undoubtedly the two with the lowest skill. The reason why Qiao Xiaoqiao has very low skill is that she has no cultivation at all. Except for the spirit acc.u.mulated in her body when she washed her marrow in summer, she has no skill gained through cultivation. As for Princess SAMA, she is not a non cultivator, but a cultivator The effect is very poor. Maybe because she is a foreigner, her understanding of cultivation is always a little bit wrong. When she practices, she always gets half the result with half the effort. So now, her skill is a little better than Qiao Xiaoqiao.

According to summer"s estimation, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Princess SAMA can"t use only one pill to increase their power. I"m afraid they can"t use the fifth needle against the sky. However, the pill he"s making now has some limitations. One pill can increase a lot of power, but if he takes the second pill immediately, it"s basically invalid. So he wants to give Qiao Xiaoqi first Joe and Princess SAMA increase their power. After a while, they can use other drugs to increase their power. After that, they should be able to use the fifth needle against the sky.

It"s not a problem to give three people injections at the same time, so he gave three pills to three wives at the same time, and asked them to take medicine and exercise their skills together, while he gave them injections nearby.

************In sun Xinxin"s villa, Gu Hanshuang is still standing in the living room, waiting for sun Xinxin to accept his contribution.

"Once in a thousand years Wait a minute... " When she heard the song, Gu Hanshan immediately responded. This is her cell phone ring. A few days ago, after hearing the song, she fell in love with it. She thought the song was very suitable for her. Although she didn"t wait for a thousand years, she practiced for a hundred years and finally waited for a man to make a real change for her.

Take out the mobile phone, Gu Hanshan looks at the phone number shown on it. Liu Mei frowns slightly. It"s a strange number. She has never seen it before, but it"s reasonable to say that few people know her phone number. Now what she really knows is that, besides the people here in summer, that is, the people in Beijing who care about their families, how can strangers call her?

Although confused, Gu Hanshan answered the phone: "who is it?"

"Sister Hanshuang, it"s me!" There came a rather sweet voice, "can you tell who I am?"

"Sister mu?" Gu Hanshuang said with a little surprise, "how do you know about my phone?"

Gu Hanshuang doesn"t know many people in the world, and this sister Mu is one of them. In fact, this sister Mu was one of the immortals who was cultivating with her at that time, and one of the other two immortals who were among the only remaining immortals.

Mu"s name is mu Hongdan. She is several years older than Gu Hanshan. When there were more than ten people among the group of immortals cultivators decades ago, Mu Hongdan and Gu Hanshan were the only two remaining female immortals cultivators. Maybe because of this, their relationship is closer.

"Sister Hanshuang, I"ve been to the capital to find you. Your younger generation told me your phone number." Mu Hongdan smiled softly. "But, sister Hanshuang, I heard that you have gone to Jianghai now. Is that true?"

"Yes, I"m in Jianghai City, but, sister mu, didn"t I hear that you went to Suzhou and Hangzhou?" Asked Gu Hanshan.

"Yes, but I"m going to look around recently. You know, I don"t have many days. I haven"t been to many places." Mu Hongdan sighed a little, with a sad tone, and then he said, "by the way, sister Hanshan, I want to see you. Are you free? I"m going to visit you in Jianghai these two days. Can you spare time to accompany me? "

"I should have time. Sister mu, come here and contact me again." Gu Hanshan thought and said.

"That"s a deal. I"ll be there as early as tomorrow. I"ll call you when I get there." Mu Hongdan"s tone seems to be quite happy. "Sister Hanshan, I won"t tell you first. When we meet, let"s talk slowly. I"ll hang up first!"

"OK, sister mu. I"ll see you then." Gu Hanshuang answered, and then hung up first.

Looking up, Gu Hanshan looks to the second floor and sees sun Xinxin coming out of it.

"Madam, I have to go first. The young master needs me to protect his Dharma." Gu Hanshuang said to sun Xinxin.

"Well, OK, you can go." Sun Xinxin stayed, then nodded, but she was helpless. The wolf was busy. It was all night, and he left.

************When Gu Hanshan came back to Qiao Xiaoqiao"s villa, she was beginning to give the fifth needle against the sky to the goblin in summer. Her arrival was just at the right time, and then she began to work in the boring Dharma protection. Of course, for her, it was not boring, because she was guarding her young master, her man.

When feeling the strong aura surging from all directions, Gu Hanshuang knows that another golden elixir is about to be born. This magical young master is making golden elixir in batches.

In the early morning, when the strong aura gradually disappeared, Gu Hanshan knew that the golden elixir had been born.

Sure enough, summer soon came out of it. However, looking at it, he was a little tired. He continued to apply needles. In fact, he didn"t lose his skill. On the contrary, his skill has been improved. Now, he has officially entered the later stage of the golden elixir, but he doesn"t lose his power. That doesn"t mean he won"t lose his mind and spirit. He must be highly concentrated when he applies eight needles against the sky, Therefore, the needle application day and night in a row still makes summer feel a little tired.

"Young master, have a rest." Gu hanfrost said softly.

Summer nodded, didn"t say anything, directly into his bedroom, and then fell into bed to sleep, less than a minute, he will enter a deep sleep.

When I woke up at noon, I found that the whole villa was deserted. Apart from him, there was only one person left. This person was not his beautiful servant girl.

Summer walk downstairs, will see sitting on the sofa to play mobile phone games Qiao Fenger, can"t help but ask: "crazy girl, how are you alone?"

"Stupid, they"re all gone. Of course, I"m the only one." Qiaofenger said angrily.

"You are stupid. I asked them where they had gone!" Summer unhappy looking at Qiao Fenger, "I see you are not only crazy girl, or stupid girl!"

"Dead rascal, who is stupid?" Qiaofenger looks up and stares at summer angrily. "I just don"t want to tell you. If you want to know where they are, you can find them by yourself!"

"It"s really not dedicated for a servant girl to be like you." Summer a little dissatisfied, "you do not tell me, I will fire you, do not want you to be a servant girl."

"You!" Qiaofenger looks at summer angrily, "dead rascal, you threaten me again!"

"Crazy girl, if you don"t say it again, I really want to beat you first and then throw you out." Summer discontented said.

Qiaofenger stared at summer angrily. Her magnificent chest was rising and falling. It was obvious that she was not light in summer, but she seemed to be really afraid of firing her in summer. So after a while, she said: "Miss Qiao has something to do with Yuer. Princess SAMA went to the Dubai to say that there is a luncheon. Yaoyao said that she can finally fly. She wants to fly enough, As for your servant girl, she went to see an old friend. She said that you also know that man, what is mu Hongdan! "

Mu Hongdan?

Summer slightly frown, this is not one of the other two immortals? It is said that she should be in Suzhou and Hangzhou. How could she come to Jianghai?

"Crazy girl, I"m hungry. Help me cook." Summer did not think too much, that Mu Hongdan is not frost girl"s opponent, even if there is a problem, it should be nothing.

"I want to do it myself." Qiaofenger said angrily.

"Crazy girl, I"ll eat something else if you don"t cook." Looking at a part of Qiao Fenger in summer, he thought of what happened in this place. He seemed to miss that feeling and wanted to try again.

"Whatever you want." Qiao Fenger said casually that she didn"t realize that what she wanted in summer had something to do with her.

"Crazy girl, you agree." Summer is very serious.

"What happened to what I agreed? I... Uh... You... " Qiao feng"er didn"t finish saying, she felt her waist tightened, and then her body rushed to summer uncontrollably. Then, she felt that some part had been gnawed by summer. The feeling that made her familiar was surging again.

"Dead rascal, what do you do Um... Don"t... " Qiao Fenger"s body is soft again. She has no strength at all, but in her mouth, she is still symbolically resisting. She didn"t expect that what the hooligan said about eating something else was eating her place. So she couldn"t help saying, "don"t do this I, I"ll cook for you... "

As soon as she finished speaking, she found that once her waist was loose, she was instantly free, and her mouth in summer also left her majestic part.

"Crazy girl, go and help me cook." Nothing happened in summer.

"You!" Qiao feng"er glares at summer fiercely, and her pretty face is a little shy and angry. "You are a dead rascal

Scolded this sentence, Qiao Fenger then indignantly walked toward the kitchen, in the heart actually cursed the summer innumerable times, this dead rascal, is her chest really inferior to a lunch?

Summer but feel very innocent, clearly is crazy girl said to cook for him, he is really hungry now want to eat ah, then he let her to cook, what"s wrong?

"Crazy girl is crazy girl. It"s different from normal people. Don"t care about her." In summer, I told myself so, and then I lay on the sofa, waiting for the crazy girl to deliver the real lunch.

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