Chapter 1384

"Yes, director Hu, it"s the famous doctor summer..." Zou Cheng nodded.

"I know him. I saw him a while ago." Hu Hongguang interrupted Zou Cheng again, and asked anxiously, "which train did you take? Do you know where to get off in summer? "

"Director Hu, he should be in our star city now." Zou Chenglue pondered, "before I saw him in the railway station, I wanted to drive them, but they had a bit of conflict with two policemen in the railway station. As a result, Miss Meng was a little angry and refused to take my car."

"Miss dream?" Hu Hongguang frowned slightly. "So, Zou Cheng, tell me the details of your meeting in summer."

Zou Cheng nodded his head, and then he said what happened on the train and what happened outside the railway station this morning.

"I see. So summer and LIUMENG are in Xingcheng now. But are they pa.s.sing by or what"s the matter with them?" Hu Hongguang said to himself, thinking to himself that this summer is really busy. He was still in Yuenan city a few days ago. Not long after that, he went to Shudu and then to Xingcheng. It"s really frequent to change places.

Hu Hongguang can"t help but think of Xie Aiguo"s case. After he was taken to the provincial hall, Xie Aiguo didn"t get again, and Xie Aiguo also cooperated very much. At one time, he handed over dozens of people, all of whom were important figures with money and power in Yuenan city. This case also became the biggest corruption case in Jiangnan province. It can be predicted that soon after, There will be a reshuffle in Yuenan city.

The reason for Xie"s cooperation is very simple. In fact, the people Xie described are basically those who want him to die. Xie is very clear that only when those people are arrested can he be safe.

However, although Xie Aiguo has recruited many people, Hu Hongguang has a feeling that Xie Aiguo may have concealed more things, even the most critical things, and Xie Aiguo has been hiding them.

In the eyes of many other people in the provincial department and even the provincial government, Xie Aiguo was able to recruit so many people. The case has been quite successful, but Hu Hongguang knows that, in fact, the case has not entered the main topic at all.

You should know that Xie Aiguo was arrested in the final a.n.a.lysis because of the interference in summer, and the interference in summer is because of the girl named Shen Yun, and Shen Yun"s accident was done by the mysterious organization called baihualou, but up to now, Xie Aiguo still doesn"t admit that it has anything to do with baihualou, which is still in the dark The officials who were offered by Xie Aiguo did not know about the baihualou, nor could they prove that the baihualou had something to do with Xie Aiguo.

Although it has always been Guoan"s people who are tracking down baihualou, Hu Hongguang knows that if the baihualou is not completely destroyed, not only may he be angry in summer, but Xie Aiguo may also be saved. He believes that the reason why Xie Aiguo doesn"t recruit baihualou is that Xie Aiguo can still control baihualou even if he is arrested In other words, Xie Aiguo will definitely let the people of baihualou find a chance to rescue him again.

"Director Hu, do you need my help to contact summer?" Seeing Hu Hongguang"s expression a little strange, Zou Cheng couldn"t help asking.

Hu Hongguang returned to his mind, pondered a little, and then shook his head: "Zou Cheng, this man is not very good at talking in summer. It"s better not to disturb him casually. You are not familiar with him. I really want to find his words. It"s better to let Fifi contact him. A few days ago, Fifi and summer lived together for a few days. They are also familiar, somehow."

"Fifi?" Zou Cheng is surprised. "She"s with summer?"

"No." Hu Hongguang then realized that his words were ambiguous and immediately shook his head to deny, "not together, so to speak, Feifei was a nanny for several days in summer. As for other relations, they didn"t have one. Zou Cheng, I didn"t treat you as an outsider, so I told you directly. Although Feifei is beautiful, she can"t be seen in summer."

Zou Cheng nodded. He believed this. He naturally knew Hu Feifei. In fact, he had a little meaning to Hu Feifei. Although he thought Hu Feifei was beautiful, he knew better. Compared with Liu Meng he saw today, Hu Feifei was nothing.

Hu Hongguang pondered for a while, and then said: "Zou Cheng, since you are in pursuit this time, summer has helped you. When you write a report, remember to write it in. In this way, the Bureau and the provincial department will think that you have something to do with summer. They will be more polite to you in the future. Well, you continue to make a report and say you To set up a pursuit team, I believe that no one will object this time. "

Zou Cheng is slightly shocked: "director Hu, how influential is summer?"

"Believe me, as long as he says a word, anyone in Jiangnan province can step down." Hu Hongguang slowly said that the more he knows about summer, the more he understands one thing. The power of summer is beyond words.

After a short pause, Hu Hongguang said, "Zou Cheng, go back first. Don"t think about contacting with summer, just do what I just said. In addition, about the things at the railway station, you also tell the bureau to let them go and rectify."

"OK, director Hu, I"ll go first." Zou Cheng responded and quickly got up and left.

After Zou Cheng left, Hu Hongguang took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.


Xinghai community.

Block D, 18th floor, building 10.

On the big bed of the bedroom, Liu Meng"s white and attractive body lies on the body in summer, motionless. Obviously, he has been sleeping, but in summer, his eyes are open, and he is still not sleepy. However, he is in a bad mood.

The night before yesterday, after the first double cultivation with Liu Meng, he felt very excited. In one night, he recovered 20% of his kung fu. This morning, he was still in a good mood, because the second night"s double cultivation still recovered 10% of his kung fu. But after the double cultivation this afternoon, he began to feel bad, because of the recovered Kung Fu, Actually less than half.

This made him realize that if he continued to practice with Liu Meng, he would probably recover fewer and fewer skills. This means that if he wanted to recover his skills only by double cultivation, he would not be able to do what he wanted, or recover in a short time. In this way, it would take at least half a year.

"Ji Qingying, you are a dead fairy. It"s very harmful!" In the summer, I scolded Ji Qingying in my heart.

But it"s useless to scold her. Summer has begun to realize that if you want to fully recover your skill in a short time, you need to think of other ways, but what are you going to do?

In summer, I can"t think of any other way at all. With his current skill and ordinary medicine to increase his skill, the effect is quite limited for him. Maybe he can only use eight needles against the sky.

Although his current skill is only 30% of that of the peak period, there is no problem in applying the fourth needle against the sky. However, the ability to wash the marrow with the fourth needle against the sky is still limited. If he wants to recover completely, he must continue to use the fifth needle against the sky. The problem is that his skill is not enough to use the fifth needle against the sky. Maybe he must go again Old road, first use wash marrow to grow some power for oneself, then use the fifth needle against the sky again.

But it must be a long process. He really didn"t know that those people in the ethereal immortal sect would give him so much time to recover his kung fu slowly.

"Ding Dong..." Suddenly the doorbell rang, waking the summer from its thoughts.

Summer some dissatisfaction, how in this place, but also someone to disturb him?

Although I was not happy, I still dressed and got up in summer, went through the living room, opened the door, and then shouted to the man at the door, "h.e.l.lo, who are you? Press what? Don"t you know you"re annoying? "

Standing at the door was a young man in his twenties. He was tall and handsome. Seeing the summer, he was stunned, and then he was very angry: "who am I? I want to know who you are! Where"s Tang Huijun? Let her out! "

"You idiot?" Summer is not good gas of say: "you look for Tang Huijun, go to her home to look for, come here to look for what?"? Get out of here. If you bother me again, I"ll beat you! "

"Gra.s.s, I saw her enter here last night, I didn"t see her go out, she must be in it!" The tall and handsome man looked at summer angrily, "are you the man she is now? I told you to stay away from her, or I would Er! "

In summer, a fist hit the handsome man"s nose, and the poor guy immediately fell on his back, with a b.l.o.o.d.y nose.

"Sick!" Summer mood is not good, this idiot unexpectedly said he is Tang Huijun"s man, does he taste so bad? So he was in a worse mood. He immediately beat this guy down. He kicked the guy who just turned from a handsome guy to a decadent guy. He kicked this guy up the stairs. "If you idiot bothers me again, I"ll throw you down from the 18th floor!"

After scolding the idiot, he turned back and closed the door in summer, and the outside was finally quiet.

In summer, he went to the kitchen to find two bread in the refrigerator, drank a box of milk, and then went back to the bedroom. He lay down with Liu Meng in his arms. Although he was not sleepy, he forced himself to go to sleep.

When she woke up, it was almost seven o"clock in the evening, and Liu Meng also woke up. She cried that she was hungry and wanted to cook for her in summer. Unfortunately, she could not cook in summer, so he took Liu Meng downstairs.

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