Chapter 1427

"Something happened. An idiot wanted to rob my wife." Summer nodded his head, simply said the things just now, finally, he turned his eyes to debena, "wife Yi, do you have any hatred with this woman?"

"I don"t know her." This time, he answered the question of summer.

"Wait a moment, you just said, the man in Nangong Yan"s hand is also a cultivator of immortals, and it"s still the first baby period?" Meier looked at summer anxiously at this time. "Don"t you say Nangong Yan will devour other people"s yuan babies? Now that the immortal cultivator in the first baby period falls into Nangong Yan"s hands, doesn"t it make Nangong Yan more powerful? Why didn"t you say that earlier? If we had known this, how could we have stopped her? At least we should have killed the immortal cultivator in the yuaninfantile period! "

"Don"t worry, Meier wife. I asked the stinky woman to take people away on purpose." Summer comforted Meier, "it"s ok if she doesn"t swallow yuan baby. If she does, she will suffer."

"You did something about that man?" Meier suddenly understood.

Summer giggle, but did not directly answer Meier"s question, but turned to look at yixiaoyin, and at the same time pointed to debena: "yiwife, you really don"t know that woman?"

"Is it good that I lied to you?" I Xiaoyin didn"t say.

"Xia, doctor Xia, my name is debena..." The voice of trembling began. Debena, who had never dared to speak before, finally spoke.

"I"m not interested in your name. I just want to know whether you want to hurt my wife yourself or others want you to hurt my wife?" Summer interrupted debena"s words, but her eyes were cold.

Summer is a little irritated now. There are so many people in the capital who don"t know how to live or die? There was Lu Xiaoying before, but now there is Dai Beina. Isn"t there enough people he killed in the capital?

"Doctor Xia, you misunderstood me. I didn "t mean to harm Miss Yi..." Debena now has no regrets. The development of the matter is completely out of her previous plan.

Under the pressure of song Weimin, Dai Beina had to promise to help song Weimin, but at that time, she thought that there should be no big risk in this matter. At most, she was insulted by Guan Jianxiong once more.

According to her previous plan, she would not appear in the Iraqi Pavilion at all, just drive Guan Jianxiong here, and then it"s Guan Jianxiong"s business, and song Weimin"s request for her is the same, as long as she does this step, her task is even completed.

But debena didn"t expect that things didn"t develop as she planned. Guan Jianxiong brought her here directly and didn"t let her leave at all, so she was inevitably exposed in the summer.

At the beginning, debena didn"t recognize Xia. She knew yixiaoyin, but she didn"t know Xia. She just heard some stories about Xia in the capital city. So when she heard Xia give her name, she began to feel that things were in trouble.

From then on, she began to place her hope on Guan Jianxiong, because she felt that if Guan Jianxiong could kill summer, she would be safe, because Guan Jianxiong would not kill her, but in summer, it is absolutely possible to kill her.

Debena is indeed a smart woman, and her judgment is right. Unfortunately, her hope lies in the wrong people. She thought Guan Jianxiong was an invincible immortal. However, in front of summer, Guan Jianxiong was also defeated and fled in a hurry. Summer once again became the final winner.

At this time, debena can only find a way to get rid of the relationship between herself and this matter, so she continued to explain despite her panic: "doctor Xia, I, I just want to bring Guan Jianxiong, the animal here, and let you kill him, because the animal not only killed my husband, but also raped me..."

Speaking of this, she also cried. She felt that if she pretended to be a little bit pitiful, she would make summer feel soft. Even if summer was not soft, the presence of yixiaoyin might also feel soft.

"Debena, who are you lying to?" At this time, he said coldly, "how can you know that summer is here? Besides, if you really want summer to avenge you, you should find him directly, not someone to hurt me! "

Yixiaoyin doesn"t sympathize with debena. Although she doesn"t know the whole story, she has realized that it"s this woman named debena who brings the powerful tall and thin man here. If she wasn"t here in summer, she would experience a bad dream again. Therefore, she not only has different feelings for debena, but also hates debena!

"Wife Yi, you really deserve to be my wife. You can see at a glance that she is lying." Summer praised yixiaoyin, and then looked at debena. "Actually, I want to tell you that even if what you just said is true, I will not let you go. I never care about the reason, just the result. If you bring that idiot to rob my wife, I will kill you!"

Speaking of this, summer turned to look at yixiaoyin: "Yiyi wife, you say, how do you want her to die? Throw her in the air and die, or throw her in the pond and drown? Otherwise, it"s OK to slap her to death directly. In fact, I prefer to die simply. "

Yixiaoyin hasn"t answered the question of summer, but Dai Beina over there has turned pale with fright, and her body can"t help shivering.

"Xia, Xia Shenyi, you, you let me go. It"s really none of my business. I, I was forced. Yes, it was young master song who forced me!" Dai Beina finally plans to sell song Weimin, because she doesn"t want to die in such a wrong way. She feels that she is really innocent. She and Xia yixiaoyin have no injustice or hatred. If song Weimin didn"t ask her to do this, she would not want to offend them even if she was mad.

"Which young master song?" He immediately asked.

"The second young master of the Song family, song Weimin." Debena answered quickly this time without hesitation.

"What?" Meier then said, surprised, "how could it be him?"

"Why did song Weimin harm me?" Yixiaoyin is also a little confused.

"I don"t know. I really don"t know. I didn"t know him at all before. I was caught by him in the police station." Said debena hastily.

"If you don"t want to die, tell us all the details!" Meier ordered coldly.

"OK, OK, I said!" Debena did not dare to hide anything. She told everything at once.

But after listening, Meier and yixiaoyin are more confused, because they still can"t understand why song Weimin wants to start with yixiaoyin.

"Meier"s wife, Yi"s wife, don"t think about it. Song Weimin, that idiot, should be coming for me." Summer has probably understood, "last time I met him before I left the capital, I felt that he seemed to want to trouble me. This time, he probably wanted to kill me with a knife and let Guan Jianxiong"s idiot kill me. Well, he should know I"m here."

"Then what are you going to do?" Meier couldn"t help asking.

"Of course he did." There is no hesitation in summer.

"But he is song Yumei"s brother." Meier can"t help but remind summer.

"Whoever wants to harm my wife will end up dead." Summer light said.

"Then how can you explain to song Yumei?" Meier could not help frowning. "If song Yumei knew you killed her brother, I"m afraid there would be something wrong with your relationship."

"Well, I have my own way." In summer, I had my own plan, and then I turned to look at debena. "You just said that Guan Jianxiong had a younger martial brother, didn"t you?"

"Yes, his younger martial brother"s surname seems to be Ge, but I didn"t see him when I just went to Guan Jianxiong. I don"t know if he was also there." Replied debena hastily.

"Do you remember the address of that place?" Summer and light said: "tell me the address."

Debena nodded and immediately gave the address of the villa.

"Meier"s wife, go and have a look. Just remember to have a look. Don"t do it when you see people." Summer thought and said to Meier, with Meier"s current ability, just to check the situation, there will be no danger.

"I see." Meier answered and then disappeared.

"Doctor Xia, can I go now?" Debena asked cautiously.

Summer"s answer to her was a wind, and then debena fell silent to the ground.

"Did you kill her?" he said

"No matter whether she volunteers or not, it"s d.a.m.ned to harm my wife." Summer light said.

Yixiaoyin is silent. Naturally, she won"t sympathize with Dai Beina, but, I don"t know if it"s her illusion. She finds that the b.a.s.t.a.r.d is killing people without blinking an eye. He has only come to the capital for a few days, and he has killed several people lightly.

"What about her body?" After a long time, he asked again.

Summer did not speak, directly answered her with action, he poured a little body powder on debena"s body, soon, this pretty body, then disappeared cleanly.

And this scene, and let yixiaoyin slightly cold, I do not know when to start, she found that she had a little more fear of this b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

"Wife Yi, don"t be afraid. I won"t do this to you." In summer, she suddenly smiled at yixiaoyin, as if seeing through her mind.

Yixiaoyin takes a deep breath, then slowly spits it out to calm herself down. Then, she asks, "what are you going to do with song Weimin? Kill him directly? "

"Well, wife Yi, don"t ask." Summer is a smile, "not long, you may understand."

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