Chapter 1430

In summer, I look at yixiaoyin with a strange look.

And yixiaoyin also looked directly at summer, without any retreat. After saying that, she found herself more calm. Even in the face of summer, she can really calm down. It seems that just at that moment, her mood has changed dramatically.

"Wife Yi, is that all you have to say?" Summer has finally begun.

"That"s right. That"s all I have to say. I don"t want to continue pretending to you." "I can even tell you that my hatred for you has never been reduced. If I have that ability, I will kill you at any time," said yixiaoyin

After a pause, he added: "you don"t have to waste your time here. No matter what you do, it"s useless. You"d better leave my house or you can repeat that night."

"Wife Yi, I have to protect you. How can I leave?" Summer said lazily.

"Then you choose another way?" There is a certain irony in his tone.

"Of course not." Summer solemnly said: "Yi wife, how can you do such a thing only once? You are my wife. We will do it many times in the future. "

If in the past, yixiaoyin would be angry if she heard summer"s words. But this time, she was surprisingly not angry. Instead, she looked at summer calmly: "in this case, I"m waiting for you tonight."

Finish saying this words, Yi Xiaoyin then stands up, walked into her room leisurely.

Watching yixiaoyin disappear in sight, summer can not help muttering: "tonight, do you really go in?"


the next day.

On a mountain in the outskirts of Beijing, Nangong Yan is still sitting on the ground with her knees crossed. It"s not a simple thing to devour Yuanying. All night, she still failed to fully refine Yuanying.

Nangong Yan ".

Unconsciously, another quarter of an hour pa.s.sed.

Guan Jianxiong"s last point of Yuanying finally turned into a powerful aura, and quickly ran in the meridians, but at this time, the sudden change came out!

Nangong Yan suddenly heard a slight explosion, which came from her deep body. To be exact, it seemed that the explosion happened at the same time when Yuanying was completely refined. With this explosion, Nangong Yan suddenly felt that there was a real breath in her body.

This genuine Qi is extremely small, but extremely pure, just like a common genuine Qi after a thorough training!

At the beginning of this Qi, Nangong Yan was still happy, but the next second she found that this Qi was a nightmare for her, because it was not only out of her control, but also in her meridians. It was destroyed!

"Guan Jianxiong, you"re really killing me!" Nangong Yan is very angry. She didn"t expect that Guan Jianxiong died, and she even did something in Yuanying!

But no matter how angry she is, it"s useless. Guan Jianxiong is not only dead, but also Yuan Ying has been refined. Naturally, she can"t get revenge. Now, the only thing she can do is to quickly use her skills to eliminate this strange Qi!

However, although this Qi seems small, its power is quite strong. Nangong Yan is not easy to get rid of it immediately. What"s more, it seems that this Qi is not only destroying her meridians, but also devouring her Qi!

The Qi just obtained by refining Yuanying is being consumed by this strange Qi. Nangong Yan is shocked and loses color. She tries her best to resist this strange Qi and force it out!

It took another quarter of an hour for Nangong Yan to feel a little relieved. Although the Qi was strange, it was small, but it was finally completely dispelled by her. However, her loss was not small. The skill gained by refining Yuanying was half consumed!

But the next second, Nangong Yan found that she was a little too early to relax, because at this time, she suddenly felt that there was another powerful force in her body, which was rapidly destroying her body function!

"This is Poison? " Nangong Yan hurriedly checked his kung fu and suddenly became furious. "In summer, I must make you have a cramp!"

This time, Nangong Yan finally understood that it wasn"t Guan Jianxiong"s fight against the enemy, but that he did it in summer. Guan Jianxiong didn"t use poison at all. He would only use poison in summer!

Nangong Yan finally understood why she didn"t stop her from leaving in summer, because he had long known that she would devour Guan Jianxiong"s yuan baby, and he had already done something in Guan Jianxiong"s yuan baby!

In fact, it"s no wonder Nangong Yan didn"t think that even in Xianyun land, few people could have expected that someone would be able to do such strange things in Yuanying!


Iraqi Pavilion.

Yixiaoyin sleeps until nine o"clock, just lazily gets up from the bed, in her memory, she has not slept so steadily for many years.

"Are you all right, miss?" Quite uneasy voice came from the side of the body, a Jiu looked anxiously at yixiaoyin.

There is a reason for ah Jiu"s worry, because in her opinion, from last night to now, the young lady has behaved quite abnormally. In the past, the young lady always slept late at night, got up early in the morning, and was often awakened by nightmares in the middle of the night. Since that nightmarish night, the young lady seems to have never slept a safe sleep. No, even from a long time ago, from When the young lady began to fight for the position of the head of the Yin medicine sect, she hardly slept well.

But last night, the young lady actually went to bed early, and slept very well. She didn"t get up until now, which was really abnormal.

What worries ah Jiu even more is that she knows the abnormal performance of the young lady, because she said something to that b.a.s.t.a.r.d last night and summer. Unfortunately, she doesn"t know the content of the conversation. She just worries that the young lady won"t break the boat and give in to that b.a.s.t.a.r.d completely, right?

"Ah Jiu, I"m ok." He shook his head and walked out of the room.

When she came to the yard, yixiaoyin let out a mouthful of dullness, and then quickly swept the yard. At last, her eyes fell on the pavilion, the figure that she hated but was already familiar to her. She was sitting in the center of the pavilion, as if in a daze.

But now looking at him, he found that he didn"t seem to hate him so much. It"s not that she forgot what he had done to her, but that she has been able to face all this calmly now. When her mood is completely calm down, the hatred will naturally become a lot more insipid.

After a moment"s hesitation, he went to the pavilion.

"Wife Yi, good morning!" Just in the daze of summer, I immediately felt someone approaching, then I raised my head and greeted him with a smile.

"It"s time you left here." I Xiaoyin looked at the summer and said lightly.

"Wife Yi, why should I leave?" In summer, I was a little puzzled and looked at yixiaoyin.

"I gave you a choice last night." "If you don"t go in, it means you choose another result, which is to leave," he said quietly

"Oh, you said that." Summer giggle a smile, "Yi wife, don"t you know, for me, there are many options?"

"I"ll give you only two options." Yixiaoyin is still calm.

"Well, wife Yi, it seems you still don"t understand one thing." Summer is finally serious.

"What is it?" Yixiaoyin frowns slightly.

"Wife Yi, I decide how many options are not given by you or others. I think I can choose as many options as I want. Well, I can change my choice at any time. For example, I didn"t go in last night, but that doesn"t mean I won"t go in tonight. For example, you only give me two choices Item, but I don"t choose one because I have other options. " In the summer, she was very patient in educating her, "wife Yi, at the end of the day, you should understand that your decision, in fact, is of no use to me, unless your decision is the same as mine."

"Your decision is useless to me." Yixiaoyin is still calm, but she understands one thing, that is, what she said last night is white to summer, but not white to her, because after saying those words, her mood has been completely changed, so now, she hears summer"s answer, and she is not angry, if before, she will be angry enough Choke.

After saying this, yixiaoyin turns around and leaves, but summer hasn"t stopped him. The disobedient wife really needs more education, but he"s not in a hurry. The most important thing for him now is not to educate his wife, but to protect her.

In summer, I don"t worry about the escape of izxiaoyin. She already belongs to him and will always belong to him. The only thing he worries about now is those people in the ethereal immortal sect. So for him, it is the most important thing to kill all enemies in the ethereal immortal sect first.

"It"s almost over, but I don"t know where the last group is." In summer, I murmured to myself that the disciples of the ethereal immortal sect here in the capital were almost dead.

At this time, summer suddenly in the heart of a move, turned to look at the void not far away, "Meier wife, that idiot solved it?"

In the void, a slender and s.e.xy figure appears, which is Meier.

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