Chapter 1471

Time will never stop moving forward. In December, Christmas is coming, and the temperature in Jianghai city is close to zero.

On a certain section of the road in Jianghai City, a temporary checkpoint was set up. There were several police cars parked next to the checkpoint, and several armed police stood on both sides, carefully checking each vehicle pa.s.sing through here.

A lot of similar checkpoints have been set up on all roads in Jianghai City, because a big event just happened in Jianghai city. Someone robbed a customer who had just withdrawn money at the bank gate, and then robbed a car and ran away.

Jianghai city has not had such a big robbery for three years in a row. Almost immediately, the police blocked the whole city and searched for the robbers.

At present, the police haven"t got a clear picture of the robber, so they interrogate everyone carefully, so as not to miss anything. Now, the two policemen in charge of checking the certificates at this checkpoint are all from the East District branch, one old, one young, just named Gao. Although they are not father and son, and they have no relatives, they are called Lao Gao and Xiao High.

In fact, there are not many cars in this section of the road. Only a few minutes later, there is a car pa.s.sing by. The tasks of senior and Junior Senior are also easy, and the road is not blocked by the appearance of this checkpoint. The traffic is still very smooth.

"How many hours now?" Lao Gao asked.

"It"s been two hours since the robbery happened." Xiaogao replied.

"Two hours, good. Ten more." Lao Gao was relieved.

"Must the case be solved within twelve hours?" Xiaogao was a little confused. "No one can guarantee that such a big case can be solved so quickly?"

"Little Gao, you don"t understand. If we can"t solve the case within 12 hours, we may not need to solve it." Lao Gao shook his head and said.

"Why is that?" Little Gao is very puzzled.

Lao Gao didn"t speak, because at this time, another car came, a relatively ordinary new Volvo.

Seeing the sign of the police asking for a stop, Volvo stopped, the window rolled down half, a white hand stretched out from the inside, that hand, with an ID card.

Lao Gao took a look at the certificate, and his face suddenly changed. He immediately bent over and handed it back: "I"m sorry to disturb you, please walk slowly."

The hand took the certificate, took it back, rolled up the window again, started the car, and drove forward slowly.

"Uncle Gao, just let the car go?" Xiao Gao was stunned. You know, every car in front of him was carefully checked. I wish I could find out the three generations of the owner"s ancestors. But this is just an ID card. Lao Gao let the people go. That"s unreasonable.

Before Lao Gao answers, Xiao Gao asks again, "am I wrong? That wasn"t an ID card? "

"That"s ID card." Looking at Volvo, Lao Gao had a strange look. "But it"s not an ordinary ID card. It"s an ID card that represents ident.i.ty. Secondly, it"s a real ID card. Having an ID card is like having an extremely n.o.ble ident.i.ty."

"Real ID card?" Small high Leng Leng Leng, suddenly face slightly changed, lowered the voice, "high uncle, you, you don"t mean, the kind of ID card of the immortal island?"

"That"s right." Lao Gao nodded, "so I just let the car go."

When little Gordon was relieved, he asked curiously, "Uncle Gao, what"s the number?"

"Number two." Lao Gao replied.

"Uncle Gao, have you seen the number one ID card?" Xiaogao asked curiously.

"No, No. 1 are all big people. We little people are hard to see." Lao Gao shook his head, and then sighed, "if only I could have such an ID card, how nice!"

Xiaogao"s face also shows a yearning expression. Almost everyone in Jianghai knows that people who have an ID card with the address of Shenxian island are people who have a close relationship with summer and can"t be offended.

There is a Fairy Island in Jianghai. The people who have the ID card of Shenxian Island No.1 live in summer on Shenxian Island, that is, summer and his wife, while Shenxian Island No.2 is the servant girl of Shenxian island. It is said that these servant girls are actually women of summer. As for Shenxian Island No.3, they are servants of the island, such as chefs and cleaners, etc., which Lao Gao and Xiao Gao can do I"m looking forward to it. I only have ID cards like Shenxian Island 3.

"Uncle Gao, by the way, why do we have to solve the case within 12 hours?" Xiaogao returns to the previous topic.

"Truman informed the police that if the case is not solved within 12 hours, Truman will take over." Lao Gao said helplessly.

Xiao Gao stops talking. He knows what Truman is. He knows better. Chu Yao, the head of Truman, is one of the people with the ID card of Shenxian Island No.1.


in a high-end hotel in Jianghai City, the banquet hall on the second floor is now full of guests. Most of the celebrities in Jianghai city have arrived. Only because there is a wedding banquet to be held here today. The main role of the wedding banquet is the son of a senior official of Pinghai province.

Fang, a senior official of Pinghai Province, arrived a few months ago. This is the son of the highest head of Pinghai province. He is 30 years old this year. Today is his wedding banquet. The bride heard that it is not small. Although she is not a high-level son, her father is also a business tyc.o.o.n.

The wedding was supposed to start at 7:00, but now it"s nearly 7:30, but the wedding hasn"t started yet, which also attracted some guests to talk about it.

"Why hasn"t it started? What"s going on? "

"Who knows? I suspect there"s something wrong. It"s been more than half an hour. I think the emcee is waiting for the start. I don"t know why he still hasn"t started."

"Did the bride run away?"

"Don"t talk nonsense. The bride is there. Besides, this is the son married to a senior provincial official. Who would run away so foolishly?"

"I don"t know. I think it"s probably the bride"s remorse, or the groom"s remorse. In a word, there"s a person"s remorse."

"Not at all? Look, isn"t that the bride and groom? They look great. "

"Come on, you guys. I"ve got the exact information. Secretary Fang is still waiting for an important guest."

"Important guests? What guest can make Secretary Fang wait so long? "

"Is it hard to be successful?"

"How is that possible? No matter how much face Secretary Fang has, it is impossible for him to let the chairman come. "


They were talking in private, and suddenly found that Secretary Fang rushed to the door with a surprised face, and the new couple also hurried to catch up. Once again, a woman appeared at the door.

It seems that a very young woman is less than 20 years old in appearance, but her calm temperament and elegant demeanor make people think that she may be in her thirties. This woman is very beautiful. As soon as she appears, no matter the bride or the guests who come to the wedding party, she suddenly looks pale.

This woman is wearing a coat. Although she is loose, she still can"t cover up her moving curve and proud figure. Her clothes have a rough texture, but the real people who are good at goods will find that it is quite valuable.

"Miss Qiao, how can I trouble you to come in person?" Secretary Fang ran to the woman and looked respectful and flattered.

"When Secretary Fang"s son got married, I should give him a present." Miss Naqiao smiled faintly, then handed Secretary Fang a box, "this is a gift, please accept it."

"Well, how can that mean? Miss Qiao, I think it"s too much trouble for you to come here by yourself. How can I accept your things? " Secretary Fang does not look like a secretary at this moment.

"Take it. I have something else to do, so I won"t stay any more." Said Miss najo faintly, and then turned away.

"Miss Qiao, please walk slowly." Secretary Fang still received the gift, and then respectfully watched Miss Qiao leave.

This scene, but see many people gape, this miss Qiao, in the end where is sacred?

As soon as Miss Qiao left, the wedding began, and finally someone asked a friend in private.

"Who is Miss Joe?"

"There are only a few Miss Qiao in Jianghai."

"Is she Qiao Xiaoqiao? No, I"ve met Joe. "

"Are you kidding? Qiao Xiaoqiao can"t come by himself. Secretary Fang doesn"t have such a big face. Now miss Qiao is very proud of secretary Fang. "

"And who is this?"

"Her name is Qiao huang"er. She used to be one of Qiao"s two bodyguards. Now she is the steward of Shenxian island."

"Ah? Fairy Island housekeeper? No wonder! "

"Yes, it"s better to be a fairy servant than a secular official. An ordinary servant in Shenxian island has more status than a senior official. Besides, it"s said that Qiao huang"er is not just a steward. Her ID card address is Shenxian Island No.2. She may be a woman in summer."

"Well, I haven"t seen him in summer."

"I haven"t seen it either. Summer doesn"t seem to happen very often these years. I heard that he spent most of his time on the island."

"If only he could take a fancy to it."

"Save it. Are you comparable to the Qiao huang"er just now? Every woman in summer is more beautiful than that Qiao huang"er. "

"I didn"t say I wanted to be his woman. I just wanted to get an ID card for Shenxian island. No. 3 is OK."

"You think it"s just you?"

Who doesn"t want such an ID card? Once someone made a fake card and sold it at a high price. Unfortunately, the guy who sold the fake card didn"t have the life to spend money. The guy who bought the fake card also didn"t have the chance to spend his money. After that, no one dared to make the fake card, and no one wanted to buy the fake card.

In fact, this kind of ID card has gradually become a legend.

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